Research Profile
The research focus Economathematics (Wirtschaftsmathematik) is distinguished by fundamental research in the areas Mathematical Optimization, Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Control, and Statistics as well as by interdisciplinary research projects.
The interdisciplinary research comprises cooperations with other research focuses of the department of Mathematics, with various divisions of the Fraunhofer ITWM, with research groups of other departments of the university, as well as with industrial customers. The focus on interdisciplinary research has been emphasized by the participation of all groups of the research focus Economathematics in the interdisciplinary potential area MathApp - Mathematics applied to real-world problems of the university.
In the medium term, it is planned that the fields of research where the Kaiserslautern groups are leading (Location Planning, Multicriteria Optimization, Online Optimization, Nonparametric Time Series Analysis, Statistics of Spatial Structures, Portfolio Optimization, Numerical Methods in Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Control) are complemented by further areas (Robust Approaches to Optimization and Financial Mathematics, Continuous Optimization, Insurance Mathematics).