Gruppenarbeit im Mathematikstudium

Study Abroad Periods

Here you will find various information about studying abroad during your maths degree programme

The last year of the Bachelor's programme or the first year of the Master's programme are particularly suitable for a semester or year abroad. The department has many suitable partner universities and has been recognised by the DAAD for its practice of recognising academic achievements abroad.

Students receive financial support for semesters abroad in Europe through the ERASMUS programme and through the DAAD's PROMOS programme for stays outside Europe.

Organisational matters

Preparations should begin at least one year before the planned stay abroad.

At the beginning of each winter semester, a comprehensive information event is held at the Department of Mathematics. This provides an initial rough orientation. Afterwards, interested students should seek detailed advice from the office of the Graduate School ‘Mathematics as a Key Technology’ (Building 48, Room 552) in order to find the best time and the most suitable partner university. The reports from maths students about their semesters abroad are certainly helpful.

Semesters abroad are possible in all study programmes; in the Bachelor's programmes, however, only after completing the module ‘Fundamentals of Mathematics’.

Reports from semesters abroad

You can find current experience reports on completed study visits abroad at our numerous partner universities in the RPTU's Mobility-Online Portal.