University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)

Department of Mathematics


About us

Our department

The Department of Mathematics is one of the founding departments of the University in Kaiserslautern and plays a central role in the in 2023 newly founded RPTU. We offer a solid, technology-oriented and modern mathematics education - in mathematics, science, engineering and teacher training programmes. Short ways and many interdisciplinary cooperations are the basis for innovative approaches in research and teaching.

Divisions / Research groups
Register of persons
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Study with us

Studying mathematics at RPTU in Kaiserslautern means: many options, excellent teaching and supervision. The chance of experiencing mathematics in all its facets - from abstract, purely theoretical concepts to concrete industrial applications - and in an internationally oriented environment makes the RPTU attractive for talents from Germany and abroad.

Study programmes
Exchange students
Course catalogue (KIS)
Semester schedule

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Our research

With our attractive research focusses and the close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), we offer an excellent environment for scientists.

Divisions / Research groups
Young academics

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Our partners


Mathematics at RPTU (Youtube)