Competence Center for Mathematical Modeling in MINT Projects in School (KOMMS)

What is KOMMS?

KOMMS stands for "Competence Center for Mathematical Modeling in MINT Projects in School". It has been set up as a scientific institution of the Department of Mathematics at TUK to link school projects, further education of teachers, teacher training and research and to address this offer to schools and universities in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Mathematical modeling skills are specifically promoted through short projects such as modeling days and weeks at schools. Education programmes for gifted youth are offered in the framework of the MINT-eC-Math-Talents programme as well as the Junior Ingenieur Akademie (JIA).

The sustainability of modeling in the classroom is ensured by a practice-oriented teacher training. For age-appropriate implementation of mathematical modeling appropriate didactic concepts are developed, implemented and disseminated in training events. Here, KOMMS sees itself as a supporter of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the strongly future-relevant issue of MINT training.

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