Motivbild wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs: Doktorhut mit Sekt und Schnuller; Foto: SOK

PhD programme in Mathematics

At A Glance

Degrees:Dr. rer. nat., Dr. phil. nat., Dr.-Ing. (PhD in Mathematics)
Duration:6 semesters
Admission semester:anytime; preferably summer or winter semester
Admission requirements:
Master's degree in mathematics or comparable university degree; confirmation of supervision
Language requirements:
English or German
Research topic:
possible from any of the offered research fields
at the Graduate School of the department (see further information)

Further Information

During the three year PhD study the doctorate candidate carries out independent research under the supervision of a professor and writes a dissertation. The final dissertation must contain relevant new scientific results, which demonstrate the PhD candidates capacity to solve profound mathematical problems.

The Department Council appoints two referees for the assessment of the dissertation.

The doctorate candidate has to present the research results to the members of the university at the dissertation defense and the ensuing scientific discussion.

The PhD admission is issued by the dean of the department. Beforehand the Graduate School Office checks the candidates eligibility for a PhD and assists the applicant to find a suitable supervisor. 

As soon as the confirmation of supervision has been signed, the PhD applicant must be registered.

Applicants without supervisor contact either directly suitable supervisors or ask the Graduate School Office for assistance.

Along with the confirmation of supervision the following application documents have to be submitted to the Graduate School Office at the Department of Mathematics (48-551):

  • Informal application to be admitted as PhD student with

    • the name of the supervisor
    • title of the research topic
    • a declaration regarding whether the candidate has already been admitted to any other PhD programme and whether he / she has irrevocably failed a previous doctoral examination at any other university
    • declaration that the applicant received a copy of the PhD rules and regulations at the Department of Mathematics
  • CV in German or English, preferably with a photo

  • Copy of Master or equivalent university degree

  • Instruction about Good Scientific Practice