Group photo of the AG Statistics

Statistics Group

Statistics group

Welcome to the website of the statistics group in the mathematics department at RPTU in Kaiserslautern.

Our research topics combine the domains Image Processing, Statistical Image Analysis, Spatial Statistics, and Stochastic Geometry. In several research projects, methods for image based analysis and modelling of the microstructure of foams, fibre reinforced materials and particle systems are developed.

Stochastic geometry models are used to investigate the relations between mircrostructure characteristics and macroscopic material properties (elasticity, permeability, heat conductivity). Moreover, model assumptions also support the image analytical determination of microstructure characteristics which cannot directly be deduced from the image. Recently, we have succesfully used stochastic geometry models to generate synthetic traning data for machine learning applications.

An overview of current research projects can be found here: Research.



AG Statistik


Building: 48
67663 Kaiserslautern


9:00 - 12:00 O `clock

+49 631 205 2748