Promotionen in Mathematik

Nr.NameJahrBetreuer*inThema der Dissertation
664Ramadani, Laurena2024KornGenerative Adversarial Networks for Time Series Simulation
663Schubert, Mara2024KüferReoptimization of Multi-Criteria Proton Therapy Plans Including Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness
662Stinzendörfer, Moritz2024SchöbelOptimization for cross-sectoral urban transportation: Combined two-echelon vehicle routing and robust flow decompositions
661Halser, Elisabeth2024KüferMulticriteria Adjustable Regret Robust Optimization of Building Energy Supply Design - Applied to a New Office Building
660Ruhwedel, Tobias2024SimeonStructure-preserving frequency analysis and linearization of spatially discrete rotating systems
659Chlumsky-Harttmann, Fabian2024SchöbelRobust Multi-Objective Optimization: Analysis and Algorithmic Approaches
658Jung, Christian2024RedenbachStochastic microstructure modelling and image processing based on random tessellations
657Mayer, Max2024HornAdvanced Algorithms For Induced Sequences And Residual Nilpotence In Polycyclic Groups
656Poursanidis, Miltiadis2024KüferSemi-Infinite Optimization for Shape-Constrained Regression
655Arachchige, Suresh Nisansala Kodippuli2024BorscheHigher Order Active Flux Methods with ADER-DG Technique for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
654Schneider, Kerstin Carmen2024KüferRobust Adjustable Optimization with an Affine Linear Decision Rule - with Applications in Public Water Supply
653Eisenhuth, Benedikt2024GrothausHypocoercivity for infinite dimensional non-linear degenerate stochastic differential equations with multiplicative noise
652Grafe, Vera2024SchöbelRecoverable robust periodic timetabling in public transport
651Zurloh, Corinna2024PinnauAdjoint-Based Optimization of a Free Boundary Problem - Relaxation, Asymptotics and Numerics
650Oheim, Marek2024SaßEquilibrium Premiums and Risk Class Management in Insurance Markets
649Arf, Jeremias Nathanael2024SimeonMixed Isogeometric Methods for Hodge–Laplace Problems induced by Second-Order Hilbert Complexes
648Geng, Alexander2024RedenbachApplication of hybrid quantum machine learning for image processing in the NISQ era
647Krier, Maxime2024PinnauAsymptotically based modeling and optimization of fluid-structure interaction with periodic yarn structures
646Fokina, Daria2023IlievMachine Learning Algorithms for Solution of Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation at Pore-Scale
645Jafar, Ramzi Tarek2023KüferAccelerating Global Optimization Methods: Exploring Local Convexity, Monotonicity and Uniqueness
644Seufert, Philipp2023KüferConstrained Optimal Experimental Design: Theory, Algorithm and Applications
643Pimanov, Vladislav2023IlievDevelopment and numerical study of efficient solvers for single-phase steady flows in tight porous media
642Burghardt, Ole2023GaugerA Discrete Adjoint Methodology  for Generic Multiphysics Problems
641Shaqiri, Fatlinda2023KornApplications of Time Series Forecasting Models, Decomposition Methods, Non-parametric Regression Methods, and Artificial Neural Networks
640Gunarso, Boby2023BorscheWell-Posedness of Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws of Temple Type on Networks
639Lammel, Ina2023KüferApproximation of Pareto surfaces in multicriteria optimization
638Grindel, Ria2023KornElectricity markets under the influence of renewables: Modelling, prediction, and stochastic optimization
637Baumgart, Urs2023SimeonSynthesis of Model-Based and Data-Driven Approaches for Optimal Traffic Control
636Schmitt, Johannes2023ThielOn Q-factorial terminalizations of symplectic linear quotient singularities
635Turarov, Zhomart2023Pinnau, TotzeckSimulation and optimization of interacting particle systems with application in pedestrian dynamics
634Helfrich, Stephan2023RuzikaApproximation and Scalarization in Multiobjective Optimization
633Falconi, Riccardo2023GrothausHomogenization and dimension reduction for periodic textiles made of linear elastic yarns with sliding contact
632Barisin, Tin2023RedenbachMethods for scale and orientation invariant analysis of lower dimensional structures in 3d images
631Toktaliev, Pavel2023IlievAlgorithms and software for simulation of reactive flows in presence of complex reactions
630Manvelyan, Diana2023SimeonStructure-Preserving Physics-Based Model Order Reduction Schemes for Dynamic Contact
629Bachtler, Oliver2023KrumkeOn Algorithmic Certification of Graph Structures
628Sherly, Arsha2023KlarMathematical modelling of vector-borne disease with an additional host-to-host transmission
627Orge, Karlo2023GrothausStochastic Analysis for Vector-Valued Generalized Grey Brownian Motion
626Diehl, Maximilian2023SaßLarge Insurance Portfolios - Simulation, Strategy Decisions, Asset-Liability Management
625Mathiä, Dario2022ThielWreath combinatorics in the context of restricted rational Cherednik algebras
624Bauer, Benjamin2022SimeonModelling, Analysis and Computational Methods for a One-Dimensional Formulation of Developable Elastic Ribbons
623Joosten Tobias2022KüferHidden Symmetries in Markov Decision Processes - Theory and Application
622Dietrich, Anne2022SurulescuMultiscale Modeling of Glioma Invasion
621Schneider, Lisa2022RuzikaDas MAI-Tool als Untersuchungsinstrument von Lösungsprozessen beim mathematischen Modellieren
620Nogatz, Tessa2022RedenbachEstimation of Motion Vector Fields of Complex Microstructures by Time Series of Volume Images
619Voggesberger, Laura2022MalleNilpotent Pieces in Lie Algebras of Exceptional Type in Bad Characteristic
618Rosemann, Ricarda2022SaßImpact of Regulatory Requirements for Emission Trading Systems: An Analysis in a Stochastic Control Model
617Schneider, Falco2022KlarDevelopment and Analysis of Numerical Simulation Methods for Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation
616Linn, Dominik2022PinnauModeling and Analysis of District Heating Networks with Applications in Optimal Control
615Johansson, Birte2022MalleThe inductive McKay-Navarro condition for finite groups of Lie type
614Wittmann, Simon2022GrothausLarge scale asymptotics for Markov processes in the analytic framework of Mosco-Kuwae-Shioya
613Bergner, Tim2022KrumkeFastest Paths, Almost Disjoint Paths, and Beyond
612Hauch, Konstantin2022RedenbachMathematical morphology and statistical methods for the analysis of directional data with applications in civil engineering
611Dietrich, Nicolas2022PinnauAsymptotic Analysis and Optimization Problems in Approximate Radiative Heat Transfer
610Mertin, Maximilian2022GrothausLong-time behaviour of Langevin-type dynamics on Riemannian manifolds and scaling limits - On hypocoercivity of fibre lay-down models on smooth spaces
609Berthold, Holger2022KüferSolving probabilistic-robust optimization problems using methods from semi-infinite optimization
608Müller, Lukas2022KornWorst-Case Portfolio Optimization: Stress Scenarios, Crash-/Default-Risk and Ambiguity
607Schnürch, Simon2022KornMortality Modeling: Machine Learning and Mortality Shocks
606Bertram, Alexander2022GrothausConvergence Rate Estimates for Degenerate Diffusions with Multiplicative Noise via (weak) Hypocoercivity Methods
605Buch, Robert2022KornAnalytical Description of Variational Autoencoders and Application of Temporal Variational Autoencoders to Financial Risk Management
604Sanon, Sogo Pierre2022FiekerEndomorphism Rings of Ordinary Abelian Varieties
603Laudagé, Christian2022SaßGood Deal Bounds for Option Pricesunder VaR and ES Constraints, MAI and SUBMA Risk Measures
602Jahnke, Jonathan2022SimeonEfficient Numerical Simulation of Soil-Tool Interaction
601Marx, Thomas2022KlarShape Optimization for Radiative Models - with Applications in High-Temperature Processes
600Dietz, Tobias2022RuzikaCombinatorial Optimization in Digital Communications
599Oktoviany, Prilly2021KornPrice modeling and portfolio optimization in commodity markets
598Diessel, Erik2021KüferEffectively approximating Pareto frontiers by patch representations - with applications to supply chain optimization
597Höcker, Stephan2021IlievA Height Function Method for the Simulation of Capillary Driven Multiphase Flows in Complex Domains
596Gamage, Nilusha Karunathunge2021SaßIndex Insurance for Farmers: Modeling, Demand and Combination with Further Products
595Róldan Jimenez, Diego Gerardo2021RedenbachReconstruction of porous structures from FIB-SEM data
594Eimer, Matthias2021BorscheModeling and Efficient Simulation of District Heating Networks
593Fröhlich, Nicolas2021RuzikaFacility Location Planning and Network Interdiction
592Schmidt, Eva2021KrumkeRobust Multicovers: Algorithms and Complexity
591Kumar, Pawan2021SurulescuMathematical Modeling of Glioma Patterns as a Consequence of Acidosis and Hypoxia
590Herzel, Arne2021ThielenApproximation Methods for Multiobjective and Parametric Optimization Problems
589Dietrich, Felix2021SimeonPeriodic homogenization and FFT-based methods for resolving microstructures of linear magneto-elastic problems
588Aslam, Ali2021FiekerComputations in Galois Cohomology
587Le, Huy Minh2021KrumkeRobust Single Machine Scheduling-Location Problems
586Xu, Yihua2021SaßEstimation and Portfolio Optimization with Expert Opinions in Discrete-time Financial Markets
585Mannaperuma Herath, Mudiyanselage Jayantha Suranimalee2021FiekerLinear Algebra over Finitely Generated Fields and Rings
584Schäfer, Luca2021RuzikaOn Universal and Multiobjective Model Extensions for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
583Rotilio, Emil2021MalleThe generic character table of Spin8+ (q)
582Krah, Anne-Sophie2021KornLeast-Squares Monte Carlo Methods in the Life Insurance Sector
581Johann, Sebastian2021KrumkeOn Simultaneous Domination and Mixed Connectivity in Graphs
580Blauth, Sebastian2021PinnauAdjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control with Applications to Microchannel Systems
579Halffmann, Pascal2021RuzikaAdvances in Multiobjective Optimization Scalarisation, Approximation, and Complexity
578Andres, Matthias2021PinnauImproving thermal ablation of liver tumors
577Ullmert, Thomas2021RuzikaHUB LOCATION: Finite Dominating Sets and Interdiction Problems
576Schlachter, Louisa2021KlarStochastic Galerkin Methods in Hyperbolic Equations
575Heller, Till2020KüferVirtual Prosumer Consortia - A Game Theoretical Optimization Approach
574Sircana, Carlo2020FiekerOn the construction of number fields with solvable Galois group
573Diez, Franziska2020KornYield Curves and Chance-Risk Classification: Modeling, Forecasting, and Pension Product Portfolios
572Kocoglu, Damla2020TrennAnalysis of Systems of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations Coupled to Switched Differential Algebraic Equations
571Streicher, Manuel2020KrumkeUncertainty in Discrete Optimization: Connectivity and Covering
570Wang, Jingnan2020KornReflected Anticipated Backward Stochastic Differential Equitations with Default risk, Numerical Algorithms and Applications
569Epure, Raul-Paul2020SchulzeExplicit and effective Mather-Yau correspondence in view of analytic gradings
568Nonnenmacher, Andreas2020GrothausOperator Semigroups and Infinite Dimensional Analysis Applied to Problems from Mathematical Physics
567Corbin, Gregor2020KlarNumerical methods for multi-scale cell migration models - Applied to glioma invasion
566Shamanskiy, Alexander2020SimeonMesh Deformation in the Context of Isogeometric Analysis
565Kusch, Lisa2020GaugerRobustness Measures and Optimization Strategies for Multi-Objective Robust Design
564Gottschalk, Simon2020SimeonDifferential Equation Based Framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning
563Arioli, Clarissa2020SimeonIsogeometric Analysis for Scaled Boundary Parametrizations
562Sieber, Alexander2020KrumkeOn the Complexity and Approximability of Optimization Problems with Minimum Quantity Constraints
561Hambardzumyan, Hayk2020KornDynamic Hybrid Pension Products with Innovative Embedded Guarantee Structures and Optimal Portfolio Strategies
560Wackerle, Stephan2020PinnauHomogenization and Dimension Reduction of a Textile Shell and Minimization of Buckling with Microstructure-Optimization
559Bender, Jens2020KlarLagrangian-Lagrangian fluid-solid coupling in a generalized finite difference framework
558Koch, Lisa2020DammRational Interpolation in the Loewner Framework, Optimal PMOR and Aspects of IRKA
557Laus, Friederike2020SteidlStatistical Analysis and Optimal Transport for Euclidean and Manifold-Valued Data
556Thös, Anna-Katharina2020SaẞNaive Diversification with Fewer Assets - A Risk Reduction Approach Using Clustering Methods
555Lantau, Jean-Marie2020DammDie Regelung eines Segways - Ein MINT-Modellierungsprojekt an Schulen
554Wortel, Pascal2019KrumkeEfficient algortihms for production scheduling
553Seidel, Tobias2019KüferSolving semi-infinite optimization problems with quadratic rate of convergence
552Rein, Markus2019KlarOrder reduction for nonlinear dynamic models of district heating networks
551Hauck, Michael2019KlarAsymptotic Analysis and Design Optimization for Periodic Perforated Shells
550Heinrich, Irene2019KrumkeOn Graph Decomposition: Hajós' Conjecture, The Clustering Coefficient and Dominating Sets
549Westphal, Dorothee2019SaẞModel Uncertainty and Expert Opinions in Continuous-Time Financial Markets
548Hinderks, Wieger Johan2019KornMathematical modelling of German electricity prices
547Jayathunga, Hemamali Chathurangani Yashika2019KlarMulti-patch Dengue Models
546Niedermeyer, Jan2019RedenbachEstimating the fibre length distribution in fibre reinforced polymers
545Natale, Marco2019KrumkeOn packing and partitioning problems with applications to dram allocation
544Bonacker, Esther Aline2019KüferPerturbed projection methods in convex optimization - applied to radiotherapy planning
543Krieg, Helene2019KüferModeling and solution of continuous set covering problems by means of semi-infinite optimization: With an application in product portfolio optimization
542Sormani, Martina2019RedenbachDirectional Analysis of Stationary Point Processes
541Uatay, Aydar2019SurulescuMultiscale Mathematical Modeling of Cell Migration: From Single Cells to Populations
540Leichner, Alexander2019SimeonComputational Contact Mechanics based on Implicit Boundary Representations for Voxel-based Meshes
539Ristau, Lukas2019DeckerUsing Petri nets to parallelize algebraic algorithms
538Hollenbach, Ruwen2019MalleQuasi-isolated blocks and the Malle-Robinson conjecture
537Mahato, Naveen Kumar2019KlarNumerical Methods for Macroscopic Pedestrian Flow Models
536Mayer, Lukas2019RitterRandom Bits for Quadrature of SDEs
535Stroot, Holger2018LindnerStrong Approximation of Stochastic Mechanical Systems with Holonomic Constraints
534Föhst, Sonja2018Redenbach3D Image Analysis of Capillary Vessels in Mouse Organs
533Rodiah, Isti2018PinnauAn Agent Based Modeling Disease Transmission in The Framework Configuration Spaces
532Müller, Laura2018KlarInvestigation of moment models for population balance equations and radiative transfer equations
531Stenger, Isabel2018DeckerA Homological Approach to Numerical Godeaux Surfaces
530Blöthner, Florian2018RitterNon-Uniform Semi-Discretization of Linear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in ℝ
529Kinscherff, Anika2018HamacherRobust Optimization and Evacuation Planning with Bridges
528Maier, Andrea2018HamacherPlanar Multi-Facility Location Problems With Polyhedral Gauges
527Chen, Li Hua2018KornThe Worst-Case Portfolio Optimization Problem in Discrete-Time
526Kausar, Rukhsana2018TrennAnalysis and modeling of water distribution network in the framework of switched DAEs
525Gilberg, Dominik2018KlarContinuum models for bi-disperse granular material flows capturing the process of size segregation
524Rottner, Cornelia2018SchulzeAlgorithmic Methods for Mixed Hodge Modules
523Merkert, Dennis2018SimeonNumerical Homogenization for Linear Elasticity in Translation Invariant Spaces
522Fernando, Chathuri2018PinnauOptimal Control of Free boundary Value Problems in Thermoelasticity
521Harutyunyan, Mané2018SimeonMathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Magnetoelastic Coupling
520Persch, Johannes2018SteidlOptimization Methods in Manifold-Valued Image Processing
519Rodriguez Cruz, Yolanda Rocío2018DammModel Order Reduction for Stochastic Systems
518Faltings, Ulrike2018MalleOn the Characters of the Sylow 2-Subgroup of F4(2n) and Decomposition Numbers
517Küsters, Ferdinand2018TrennSwitch observability for differential-algebraic systems: Analysis, observer design and application to power networks
516Korell, Philipp2018SchulzeCombinatorics of Valuations on Curve Singularities
515Lo, Pak Hang2018FrankeAn Iterative Plug-in Algorithm for Optimal Bandwidth Selection in Kernel Intensity Estimation for Spatial Data
514Suchde, Pratik2018KlarConservation and Accuracy in Meshfree Generalized Finite Difference Methods
513Pezo Villar, Danilo Alberto2017FrankeLocal stationarity for spatial data
512Grün, Sarah2017KornDiscrete Dividends: Modeling, Estimation and Portfolio Optimization
511Wlazlo, Jaroslaw2017PinnauElastic Image Registration with Strong Mass Preserving Constraints
510Hunt, Alexander2017SurulescuDTI-Based Multiscale Models for Glioma Invasion
509Hopf, Michael Toni2017ThielenAlgorithms and Complexity for Scheduling and Packing Problems
508Coskun, Sema2017KornApplication of the Heath-Platen Estimator in Pricing Barrier and Bond Options
507Easwaran, Prakash2017RedenbachStochastic geometry models for interacting fibers
506Tiwari, Sharwan Kumar2017DeckerAlgorithms in Noncommutative Algebras: Gröbner Bases and Hilbert Series
505Osterroth, Sebastian2017PinnauMathematical models for the simulation of combined depth and cake filtration processes
504Rois, Rumana2017FrankeNonparametric Tests for Change Points in Hazard Functions under Random Censorship in Survival Analysis
503Athni Hiremath, Sandesh2017SurulescuMultiscale modeling of acid mediated cancer invasion with random dynamics and beyond
502Losch, Katharina2017RedenbachStochastic Modeling of Multiphase Materials Based on Digital Image Data
501Fitschen, Jan Henrik2017SteidlVariational Models in Image Processing with Applications in the Materials Sciences
500Vonwirth, Christian Alexander2017SaßContinuous-Time Portfolio Optimization under Partial Information and Convex Constraints: Deriving Explicit Results
499Nurkanovic, Merima2017KornThe Split tree for option pricing
498Capraro, Patrick Leonardo2017GrothausFeynman Path Integrals in configuration space, momentum space and phase space for perturbative and polynomial potentials
497Pham, Thi Ngoc Ha2017KlarKinetic and Related Macroscopic Models for Chemotaxis on Networks
496Neßler, Christian2017KlarMathematical modelling of interacting fibre structures and non-woven materials
495Chassein, André Bruno2017HamacherRobust Optimization: Complexity and Solution Methods
494Herzwurm, André2017RitterStrong Approximation of a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Process via Approximation of the Minimum of Brownian Motion
493Luka, Pablo2017DanzSmall self-centralizing subgroups in defect groups of finite classical groups
492Krebs, Johannes Theodor Nikolaus2017FrankeSieve Estimators for Spatial Data - Nonparametric Regression and Density Models with Wavelets
491Jami, Neil Mehdi Alain2017KüferContainer Fleet Management in Closed-Loop Supply Chains
490Montag, Martin2017SteidlConvex Analysis for Processing Hyperspectral Images and Data from Hadamard Spaces
489Grimm, Stefanie2016KornAn Interest-Rate Model with Regime-Switching Mean-Reversion Level
488Hoffmann, Anna Katharina2016KüferIntegrated simulation and optimization of distillation-based flowsheets
487Schwaar, Stefanie2016FrankeAsymptotics for change-point tests and change-point estimators
486Schwahn, Florian2016KrumkeProduct Pricing with Additive Influences - Algorithms and Complexity Results for Pricing in Social Networks
485Migunova, Anastasia2016KlarOuter-plane properties of thin heterogeneous periodic layers
484Gross, Andreas2016GathmannAn Intersection-Theoretic Approach to Correspondence Problems in Tropical Geometry
483Totzeck, Claudia2016PinnauAsymptotic Analysis of Optimal Control Problems and Global Optimization
482Grün, Bob2016HamacherNetwork Aggregation and Flows with Applications to Evacuation Planning
481Meurer, Anne Elisabeth2016KlarInteracting Particle Models with their Limit Equations
480Heßler, Corinna2016HamacherScheduling-Location Algorithms with Applications in Evacuation Planning
479Holzhauser, Michael2016KrumkeOn Generalized Network Improvement and Packing Problems
478Boku, Dereje Kifle2016DeckerGröbner Bases over Extension Fields of Q
477Nguyen, The Anh2016SeifriedInterest Rate Modeling: The Potential Approach and Post-Crisis Multi-Curve Potential Models
476Leoff, Jens2016KüferHierarchical scheduling and cutting stock with bounded open orders
475Schneider, Fabio Julian2016SimeonA differential-algebraic coupling approach for force-displacement co-simulation of flexible multibody systems
474Barthlen, Andreas Michael2016TrennStability Preservation for Parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix Interpolation
473Iliev, Dimitar2016IlievNumerical Algorithms for Fluid Interaction with a Thin Porous Structure
472Nyarige, Euna Gesare2016FrankeThe Bootstrap for the Functional Autoregressive Model FAR (1)
471Pham, Thuy Huong2016GreuelOn Finite Determinacy of Hypersurface Singularities and Matrices in Arbitrary Characteristic
470Kall, Jochen2016KlarADER Schemes for Systems of Conservation Laws on Networks
469Hofmann, Tommy2016FiekerIntegrality of representations of finite groups
468Omland, Steffen2016RitterMixed Precision Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Reconfigurable Computing Systems
467Neusius, David2016KlarAdvanced interpolation cut-cell method for numerically solving contiuum granular flow equations
466Schmider, Simon2016DanzHecke algebras of type A: Auslander-Reiten quivers and branching rules
465Birkmeyer, Anna Lena Cäcilia2016GathmannThe Realizability of Tropical Hypersurfaces in Matroid Fans
464Sindamubara, Francois2016KornNew Aspects of Inflation Modeling
463Seiferling, Thomas2016SeifriedRecursive Utility and Stochastic Differential Utility: From Discrete to Continuous Time
462Leoff, Elisabeth2016KornStochastic Filtering in Regime-Switching Models: Econometric Properties, Discretization and Convergence
461Geissel, Sebastian2016SaßUtility-Based Risk Measures and Time Consistency of Dynamic Risk Measures
460Ntambara, William2016SaßPortfolio Optimization with Risk Constraints in the View of Stochastic Interest Rates
459Voßhall, Robert2016GrothausSticky reflected diffusion processes in view of stochastic interface models and on general domains
458Anders, Martin2016v. WeizsäckerLinear diffusions conditioned on long-term survival
457Oberfranz, Stephan Anton Paul2016PfisterA Randomized Variant of the Gröbner Walk
456Schneider, Florian2015KlarMoment models in radiation transport equations
455Raschendorfer, Ines Maria2015HamacherKantenfärbungen mit Gleichmäßigkeitsbedingungen - Polynomiell lösbare Spezialfälle
454Ruderer, Leonie Maria2015SaßAdvantage of Filtering for Portfolio Optimization in Financial Markets with Partial Information
453Döhring, Nicolas2015RitterRegularity of Random Fields in Scales of Besov Spaces and Generalized Sobolev Spaces
452Blick , Christian2015FreedenMultiscale Potential Methods in Geothermal Research: Decorrelation Reflected Post-Processing and Locally Based Inversion
451Fußeder, Daniela Kornelia2015SimeonIsogeometric finite element methods for shape optimization
450Kuhn, Tobias2015RuzikaRepresentative Systems and Decision Support for Multicriteria Optimization Problems
449Lemken, Alexander2015FrankeModeling Road Roughness with Conditional Random Fields
448Schulte, Elisabeth Christiane2015MalleThe Inductive Blockwise Alperin Weight Condition for the Finite Groups SL3(q) (3 teilt nicht (q-1)), G2(q) and 3D4(q)
447Groß, Tjorben Benjamin2015TrennDAE-Modellierung und mathematische Stabilitätsanalyse von Energieversorgungsnetzen
446Tang, Songyin2015KornAmerican-style Option Pricing and Improvement of Regression-based Monte Carlo Methods by Machine Learning Techniques
445Riemann, Felix Malik Eberhard2015GrothausThe Pointwise Product in Infinite-dimensional Distribution Spaces and Applications
444Ishak, Norizarina2015KornAspects and Applications of the Wilkie Investment Model
443Kleinert, Jan Lars2015SimeonSimulating Granular Material using Nonsmooth Time-Stepping and a Matrix-Free Interior Point Method
442Jahnert, Florian2015GrothausConstruction of a Mittag-Leffler Analysis and its Applications
441Kobert, Maria2015KlarApplication of the Finite Pointset Method to moving boundary problems for the BGK model of rarefied gas dynamics
440Ren, Yue2015MarkwigTropical Geometry in Singular
439Taralova, Vasilena2015IlievUpscaling Approaches for Nonlinear Processes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
438Melnyk, Yaroslav2015KornPortfolio Optimization and Stochastic Control under Transaction Costs
437Taralov, Maxim2015IlievSimulation of Degradation Processes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
436Goyal, Anmol2015SimeonIsogeometric Shell Discretizations for Flexible Multibody Dynamics
435Weeger, Oliver Manuel2015SimeonIsogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Vibrations
434Belak, Christoph2015SaßWorst-Case Portfolio Optimization: Transaction Costs and Bubbles
433Pupashenko, Daria2015RuckdeschelRobustness for regression models with asymmetric error distribution
432Shrestha, Samir2015KlarModeling and Simulation of a Moving Rigid Body in a Rarefied Gas
431Shiryaev, Vladimiri2015KlarModeling and Design Optimization of Textile-like Materials via Homogenization and One-Dimensional Models of Elasticity
430Kreckler, Jana2014HamacherStandortplanung und Geometrie: Mathematische Modellierung im Regelunterricht
429Belyaev, Alexander2014KüferTest Rig Optimization
428Nguyen, Thanh Hung2014PfisterCombinations of Boolean Gröbner Bases and SAT Solvers
427Roth, Andreas2014KlarNumerical Schemes for Kinetic Equations with Applications to Fibre Lay-Down and Interacting Particles
425Nzouankeu Nana, Giles-Arnaud2014KornNews-Optimized Risk Management
424Nguyen, Kien Trung2014HamacherInverse Location Theory with Ordered Median Function and Other Extensions
423Klug, Matthias2014FreedenIntegral Formulas and Discrepancy Estimates Using the Fundamental Solution to the Beltrami Operator on Regular Surfaces
422Eberle, Sarah Maria2014FreedenForest Fire Determination: Theory and Numerical Aspects
421Kühn, Sebastian2014GöttlichContinuous traffic flow models and their applications
420Hefter, Mario Alexander2014RitterEmbeddings and Algorithms for Infinite-dimensional Integration
419Hübsch, Florian2014RitterStochastic Modeling and Approximation of Turbulent Spinning Processes
418Peters, Christoph2014KornZinsoptimiertes Schuldenmanagement
417Kostiuk, Anton2014KornMultilevel Constructions
416Ciak, René Angelo2014SteidlCoercive functions from a topological viewpoint and properties of minimizing sets of convex functions appearing in image restoration
415Pupashenko, Mykhailo2014KornVariance Reduction Procedures for Market Risk Estimation
414Tran, Nhat Thu2014KornNew aspects of optimal investment in continuous time
413Augustin, Matthias Albert2014FreedenA Method of Fundamental Solutions in Poroelasticity to Model the Stress Field in Geothermal Reservoirs
412Häuser, Sören2014SteidlShearlet Coorbit Spaces, Shearlet Transforms and Applications in Imaging
411Bock, Alona2014KornEdgeworth Expansions for Binomial Trees
410Steenpaß, Andreas2014DeckerAlgorithms in SINGULAR: Parallelization, Syzygies, and Singularities
409Krenciszek, Joachim2014PinnauProper Orthogonal Decomposition for Contact and Free Boundary Problems
408Vecchio, Irene2014RedenbachImage based characterization and geometric modeling of 3d materials microstructures
407Kröner, Henriette2014KornPortfoliooptimierung im Binomialmodell
406Hampe, Simon2014GathmannAlgorithmic aspects of tropical intersection theory
405Liebscher, André2014RedenbachStochastic Modelling of Foams
404Torchiani, Carolin2014GathmannEnumerative geometry of rational and elliptic tropical curves in ?m
403Baré Contreras, Daniel Zoufiné2014KlarAsymptotic analysis for linearized contact problems in thin beams
402Pleger, Michael2014MalleZerlegungszahlen von Hecke-Algebren komplexer Spiegelungsgruppen exzeptionellen Typs
401Thiel, Ulrich2014MalleOn restricted rational Cherednik algebras
400Buchasia, Chhititz2014KüferTestrig optimization by block loads: Remodelling of damage as Gaussian functions and their clustering method
399Etikyala, Raghavender2014KlarPedestrian Flow Models
398Werth, Thomas2014KrumkeRouting Games
397Vuong, Julia2014SimeonPositivity Preserving Methods for Advection-Dominated Problems in the Framework of Partial Differential-Algebraic Equations
396Möhringer, Sandra2014FreedenDecorrelation of Gravimetric Data
395Stilgenbauer, Patrik2014GrothausThe Stochastic Analysis of Fiber Lay-Down Models
394Adam, Michael2014MalleOn the distribution of eigenspaces in classical groups over finite rings and the Cohen-Lenstra heuristic
393Nagapetyan, Tigran2014IlievEfficient Algorithms for asymmetric flow field flow fractionation
392Wächtler, Timo Frederik2014KlarNumerical Simulation of Turbulent Dispersions in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns
391Dang, Hiep Tuan2014DeckerIntersection Theory with Applications to the Computation of Gromov-Witten Invariants
390Lemke, Tatjana2014KornPoisson series approaches to Bayesian Monte Carlo inference for skewed ?-stable distributions and stochastic processes
389Pham, Ngoc Anh2013DeckerImplementing Intersection Theory
388Büttner, Sabine2013KrumkeOnline Disruption and Delay Management
387Nowak, Dimitri2013KüferApproximation Methods for the Uniform Coverage Problem in the Spunbond Process
386Gornak, Tatiana2013IlievEfficient Algorithms for Flow Simulation related to Nuclear Reactor Safety
385Shafei, Behrang2013SteidlMulti-Class Image Segmentation via Convex and Biconvex Optimization
384Teichert, Katrin2013KüferA hyperboxing Pareto approximation method applied to radiofrequency ablation treatment planning
383Heinrich, Benedikt2013v. WeizsäckerCurve interaction in R²: An analytical and stochastical approach
382Suryawan, Herry Pribawanto2013GrothausA White Noise Approach to Self-intersection Local Times and Feynman Integrals for Quantum Particles in Random Media
381Wagner, Andreas2013KornStructural Electricity Price Models and Volatile Renewable Infeed
380Seifen, Sebastian2013FrankeA mathematical model for grouped extreme values with an application in automotive engineering
379Baur, Benedict2013GrothausElliptic Boundary Value Problems and Construction of ??P-Strong Feller Processes with Singular Drift and Reflection
378Pandey, Anamika2013KlarMeshfree Method for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics
377Leiner, Kathrin2013RuzikaEarliest Departure and Cluster Flows: Enhancements of the Dynamic Network Flow Model
376Imkeller, Nora2013KornTrading to stops / The investigation of state-based stopping rules
375Rau, Sebastian2013PinnauOptimal Control of interacting Quantum Particle Systems
374Klimm, Bernd2013KlarTime Domain Full Waveform Inversion Using ADI Modeling
373Seipp, Florian2013RuzikaOn Adjacency, Cardinality and Partial Dominance in Discrete Multiple Objective Optimization
372Buck, Marco2013IlievOverlapping Domain Decompostition Preconditioners for Multi-Phase Elastic Composites
371Lee, Martin2013PfisterFactorization of multivariate polynomials
370Zhang, Na2013FrankeFibre Processes and their Applications
369Ochse, Dennis2013GathmannModuli spaces of rational tropical stable maps into smooth tropical varieties
368Nguyen, Hong Duc2013GreuelClassification of Singularities in Positive Characteristic
367Stahl, Dominik2013DammMultivariate polynomial interpolation and the lifting scheme with an application to scattered data approximation
366Leithäuser, Christian2013PinnauControllability of Shape-Dependent Operators and Constrained Shape Optimization for Polymer Distributors
365Maringer, Johannes Matthias Christian2013KlarStochastic and Deterministic Models for Fiber Lay-down
364Lorenz, Maike2013MarheinekeOn a viscoelastic fibre model
363Schwientek, Jan2013KüferModellierung und Lösung parametrischer Packungsprobleme mittels semi-infiniter Optimierung - Angewandt auf die Verwertung von Edelsteinen
362Bock, Wolfgang2013GrothausHamiltonian Path Integrals in White Noise Analysis
361Welke, Richard2012KüferMulticriteria Optimization in Chemical Engineering
360Krengel, Annette Isabel2012DammA Modified Particle Filter with Adaptive Stepsize for Continuous-Time Models with Measurement Time Uncertainties
359Kronsbein, Cornelia2012IlievOn selected efficient numerical methods for multiscale problems with stochastic coefficients
358Merz, Alexandra2012DammComputation of Generalized Gramians for Model Reduction of Bilinear Control Systems and Time-Delay Systems
357Becker, Urs2012SimeonEfficient time integration and nonlinear model reduction for incompressible hyperelastic materials
356François, Georges2012GathmannTropical Intersection Products and Families of Tropical Curves
355Heller, Stephanie2012HamacherMatroid Flows: Interdiction and Location Problems
354Mai , Thanh Tan2012GrothausStochastic partial differential equations corresponding to time-inhomogenous evolution equations
353Leithäuser, Neele Josefine2012KrumkeAlgorithms and Complexity of Timetable Synchronization and Vehicle Scheduling Problems in an Integrated Approach
352Heidenreich, Felix2012RitterQuadrature for Path-dependent Functionals of Lévy-driven Stochastic Differential Equations
351Thiemann, Markus2012RuzikaCross-linking of Robustness, Parameter Computation, and Optimization in Evacuation Modeling
350Turner, Lara Ruth2012HamacherUniversal Combinatorial Optimization: Matroid Bases and Shortest Paths
349Altenhöfer, Matthias2012KrumkeCombinatorial Structures In Steel Production Optimization and Social Network Modeling
348Putyatina, Oleksandra2012SaßFiltering, Approximation and Portfolio Optimization for Shot-Noise Models and the Heston Model
347Kochendörfer, Alexandra2012SaßMaximizing the Asymptotic Growth Rate under Fixed and Proportional Transaction Costs in a Financial Market with Jumps
346Smaga, Martin2012SaßUtility-based proof for the existence of strictly consistent price processes under proportional transaction costs
345Teuber, Tanja2012SteidlAnisotropic Smoothing and Image Restoration Facing Non-Gaussian Noise
344Horsky, Roman2012KornBarrier Option Pricing and CPPI-Optimization
343Liang, Qian2012KornInnovative Techniken und Algorithmen im Bereich Computational-Finance und Risikomanagement
342Martin, Stephan2012KlarApplied Kinetic PDEs: Collective behavior models and Hamiltonian energy dynamics
341Steidel, Stefan2012PfisterParallel modular computation in commutative algebra
340Marxen, Henning2012KornAspects of the Application of Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods and in a Lévy Process Framework
339Printsypar, Galina2012IlievMathematical Modeling and Simulation of two-phase flow in porous media with application to the pressing section of a paper machine
338Zharovsky, Evgeniy2012SimeonFast Numerical Algorithms for Advection-Diffusion Equations and Applications in Particle Dynamics
337Röhrig, Elisa2012PinnauQuantum Energy-Transport Models for Semiconductors
336Liyanage, Uditha Prabhath2012GötzParameter Identification Based on Occupation Times with Application to Fleece Production
335Eder, Christian2012PfisterSignature-based algorithms to compute standard bases
334Heinrich, Christoph2012SimeonA Finite Volume Method on NURBS Geometries and its Application in Fluid Flow and Isogeometric Fluid-Structure Interaction
333Stephani, Henrike2012SteidlAutomatic Segmentation and Clustering of Spectral Terahertz Data
332Zeck, Christiane2012KrumkeEfficient Algorithms for Online Delay Management and Railway Optimization
331Sayer, Tilman2012KornValuation of American-style derivatives within the stochastic volatility model of Heston
330Homeyer, Jan Martin2012DammOn Gyroscopic Stabilization
329Kimathi, Mark Eric2012KlarMathematical Models for 3-Phase Traffic Flow Theory
328End, Thomas2012PinnauOptimal Control of Nonlocal Radiative Heat Transfer
327Serna, Jorge Iván2011KüferMulti-objective optimization in Mixed Integer Problems with application to the Beam Selection Optimization Problem in IMRT
326Ewe, Hendrik2011KüferCombinatorial Exchanges in Freight Logistics
325Al-Rashed, Shawki2011PfisterNumerical Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry with Implementation in Computer Algebra System
324Borsche, Raul2011KlarModeling and Simulation of Sewer Networks and coupled Surface Flow
323Horbenko, Nataliya2011RuckdeschelRobuste Ansätze für Operationelle Risiken von Banken
322Resendiz Fores, Edgar Omar2011PinnauOptimal Control of Particles in Fluids
321Tschauder, Nicole2011KornStochastische Modelle und Aspekte im System-on-Chip-Design
320Altendorf, Hellen2011Korn / Jeulin3D Morphological Analysis and Modeling of Random Fiber Networks
319Nowak, Uwe2011KüferFrom Circle Placements to Rectangle Placements - Nonlinear Optimization in Electronic Design Automation
318Burger, Michael2011KüferOptimal Control of Dynamical Systems: Calculating Input Data for Multibody System Simulation
317Kotevska, Elena2011FreedenReal Earth Oriented Gravitational Potential Determination
316Beygang, Katharina2011KrumkeOn the Solution of Some Railway Freight Car Optimization Problems
315Kourabi, Mohammad Fawaz2011FrankeLocal Smoothing Methods with Regularization in Nonparametric Regression Models
314Ilyasov, Maxim2011FreedenA Tree Algorithm for Helmholtz Potential Wavelets on Non-smooth Surfaces: Theoretical Background and Application to Seismic Data Processing
313Tse, Oliver Tinn Cheong2011PinnauSPn - systems in Radiative Heat Transfer and Natural Convection-Radiation Models
312Avuglah, Richard Kodzo2011FrankeSome Steps towards Experimental Design for Neural Network Regression
311Wienand, Oliver2011GreuelAlgorithms for Symbolic Computation and their Applications - Standard Bases over Rings and Rank Tests in Statistics
310Marburger, Jan2011PinnauOptimal Control Based on Meshfree Approximations
309Meyer, Henning2011GathmannIntersection Theory on Tropical Toric Varieties and Compactifications of Tropical Parameter Spaces
308Ostermann, Isabel2011FreedenModeling Heat Transport in Deep Geothermal Systems by Radial Basis Functions
307Gerhards, Christian2011FreedenSpherical Multiscale Methods in Terms of Locally Supported Wavelets: Theory and Application to Geomagnetic Modeling
306Repke, Sabine2011PinnauAdjoint-Based Optimization Approaches for Stationary Free Surface Flows
305Elvikis, Donatas2011HamacherTwo-Agent Scheduling: Efficient Algorithms for the Multiple Machine Problems
304Stotska, Svitlana2011KraftValuation of Credit Derivatives
303Shumilina, Anna2011DammModeling and Simulation of Protein Folding
302Sharma, Vikash Kumar2011KlarA Multi-Phase Flow Model Incorporated with Population Balance Equation in a Meshfree Framework
301Busch, Michael2011KornOptimal Investment for a Large Investor in a Regime-Switching Model
300Herold, Matthias2011Gathmann / ItenbergTropical orbit spaces and moduli spaces of tropical curves
299Tanatmis, Akin2011RuzikaMathematical Programming Approaches for Decoding of Binary Linear Codes
298Salzig, Christian2011Prätzel-WoltersModeling of Gene Expression Time Courses and Identification of Gene Interaction Networks
297Dingler, Christian2010PfisterEin symbolischer Ansatz für finite Differenzenverfahren partieller Differentialgleichungen
296Desmettre, Sascha2010KornOptimal Portfolios for Executive Stockholders
295Hollstein, Melanie2010KornOption Valuation, Optimization and Excursions of Commodity Indices
294Zou, Yang2010v. WeizsäckerTransformations of Chaos Decomposition under Change of Measure
293Conrad, Florian2010GrothausConstruction and analysis of Langevin dynamics in continuous particle systems
292Artamonov, Oleg2010PfisterTopological Methods for the Representation and Analysis of Exploration Data in Oil Industry
291Maslowski, Johannes2010MalleEquivariant bijections in goups of Lie type
290Schmidt, Oliver2010GreuelStructure-Exploiting Coupled Symbolic-Numerical Model Reduction For Electrical Networks
289Motsak, Oleksandr2010GreuelGraded commutative algebra and related structures in SINGULAR with applications
288Kabajah, Hani2010FrankeLocal Smoothers With Regularization
287Vogel, Anna2010GrothausA new Wick formula for products of White Noise distributions and application to Feynman path integrands
286Schwahn, Anne2010HamacherCut Trees: Bases And Games
285Thielen, Clemens2010KrumkeApproximation and Complexity in Algorithmic Mechanism Design
284Berger, Martin2010KüferBicriteria Optimization in Electronic Design Automation
283Lakdawala, Zahra2010IlievOn Efficient Algorithms For Filtration Related Multiscale Problems
282Brickenstein, Michael2010GreuelBoolean Gröbner bases - Theory, Algorithms and Applications
281Kohlhaas, Annika2010FreedenMultiscale Methods on Regular Surfaces and Their Application to Physical Geodesy
280Allermann, Lars2010GathmannTropical intersection theory
279Schleper, Veronika2009HertyModeling, Analysis and Optimal Control of Gas Pipeline Networks
278Feth, Sascha2009FrankePartially Passed Component Counting for Evaluating Reliability
277Sperber, Heike2009KrumkeComplexity of Equilibria in Games on Networks
276Müller, Stefanie2009KornThe Binomial Approach to Option Valuation - Getting Binomial Trees into Shape
275Lê, Công Trình2009GreuelOn Deformation and Normalization of Families of Singularities
274Kolb, Martin2009v. WeizsäckerOn the Large Time Behavior of Diffusions - Results Between Analysis and Probability
273Wolf, Kerstin2009FreedenMultiscale Modeling of Classical Boundary Value Problems in Physical Geodesy by Locally Supported Wavelets
272Seifried, Frank Thomas2009KornOptimal Investment in the Face of Adversity: Taxes, Crashes, and Illiquidity
271Butt, Azhar Iqbal Kashif2009PinnauOptimal Control of Tube Drawing Processes
270Dumbach, Evelin2009FrankeNonparametric Estimation of Probabilities of Default under Monotonicity Constraints
269Raskop, Thomas2009GrothausThe analysis of oblique boundary problems and limit formulae motivated by problems from geomathematics
268Gerhardt, Katharina2009KrumkeFacets of Routing and Distributed Network Design
267Fehlinger, Thomas2009FreedenMultiscale Formulations for the Disturbing Potential and the Deflections of the Vertical in Locally Reflected Physical Geodesy
266Berkel, Paula2009MichelMultiscale Methods for the Combined Inversion of Normal Mode and Gravity Variations
265Kalsch, Marcel2009HamacherScheduling-Location (ScheLoc) Models, Theory and Algorithms
264Rau, Johannes2009GathmannTropical intersection theory and gravitational descendants
263Schulte, Oliver2009FreedenEuler Summation Oriented Spline Interpolation
262Boubakri, Yousra2009GreuelHypersurface singularities in positive characteristic
261Willems, Jörg2009IlievNumerical Upscaling for Multiscale Flow Problems
260Maag, Volker2009KüferMulticriteria global optimization for the cooling system design of casting tools
259Schmidt, Sesbastian2009IlievOn numerical simulation of granular flow
258Güler, Cigdem2009HamacherOn The Inverse Network Problems and Their Generalizations
257Bulygin, Stanislav2009GreuelPolynomial system solving for decoding linear codes and algebraic cryptoanalysis
256Diesinger, Peter Maria2009KornStochastic Impulse Control and Asset Allocation with Liquidity Breakdowns
255Iena, Oleksandr2009TrautmannModification of Simpson moduli spaces of 1-dimensional sheaves by vector bundles, an experimental example
254Kiefer, Richard2009v. WeizsäckerMultiple Points on the Brownian Frontier
253Lorenz, Stefan2009KornNeue Methoden zur Lösung von Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Stochastischen-Differentialgleichungen
252de Kock, Johan2009KornVolatilitätsarbitrage und ein Markoff-Modell für CDOs
251Akram, Muhammad2008MichelConstructive Approximation on the 3-Dimensional Ball With Focus on Locally Supported Kernels and the Helmholtz Decomposition
250Herkt, Sabrina2008PinnauModel Reduction of Nonlinear Problems in Structural Mechanics: Towards a Finite Element Tyre Model for Multibody Simulation
249Steeg, Jörg Michael2008NickelMathematical Models and Algorithms for Home Health Care Services
248Kerber, Michael2008GathmannThe enumerative geometry of rational and elliptic tropical curves and a Riemann-Roch theorem in tropical geometry
247Muntz, Sabine2008IlievFluid structure interaction for fluid flow normal to deformable porous media
246Triebsch, Lea Kartika2008FrankeNew Integer-valued Autoregressive and Regression Models with State-dependent Parameters
245Süss, Philipp2008KüferA primal-dual barrier algorithm for the IMRT planning problem - An application of optimization-driven adaptive discretization
244Teichmann, Emanuel2008IlievEfficient Structural Update for Three-Dimensional Topology Optimization Problems Using Level Set Functions
243Gluchshenko, Olga2008HamacherAnnulus and Center Location Problems
242Saliba, Sleman2008KrumkeOnline Optimization of Large-Scale Vehicle Dispatching Problems
241Gichuhi, Anthony Waititu2008FrankeNonparametric Changepoint Analysis for Bernoulli Random Variables Based on Neural Networks
240Baydar, Evren2008KornPortfolio Optimisation and Calibration with Credit Risk
239Velásquez Flores, Jorge Rafael2008KüferHierarchical multi-criteria operating theatre scheduling: solving the tactical, operational and online planning problems with mathematical programming
238Ruf, Nikolaus2008FrankeA time series model for precipitation based on disaggregation and lognormal point processes
237Flores Cantu, Hector Raymundo2008KüferModelling and Multicriteria Optimization of the Web Formation in a Spunbond Process
236Hauth, Jan2008Prätzel-WoltersGrey-Box Modelling for Nonlinear Systems
235Strautins, Uldis2008IlievFlow-driven orientation dynamics in two classes of fibre suspensions
234Zhang, Aihua2008KornStochastic Optimization in Finance and Life Insurance: Applications of the Martingale Method
233Gelareh, Shahin2008NickelHub Location Models in Public Transport Planning
232Poetranto Groß, Dwi Retnani2008HamacherNetwork Flow and Location (FlowLoc): The Source Location Problem
231Schäfer, Matthias2008KlarMoment Methods for Radiative Transfer
230Fattler, Torben2008GrothausConstruction and Analysis of Elliptic Diffusions and Applications to Continuous Particle Systems with Singular Interactions
229Vaikuntam, Ashok2008KlarNumerical Estimation of Surface Parameters by Level Set Methods
228Ivanov, Evgeny2008KlarParallel Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Based on A-priori Domain Decomposition
227Bodnarchuk, Lesya2007GreuelVector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves of types II, III and IV
226Moghiseh, Ali Asghar2007FreedenFast Wavelet Transform by Biorthogonal Locally Supported Radial Basis Functions on Fixed Spherical Grids
225Gutting, Martin2007FreedenFast Multipole Methods for Oblique Derivative Problems
224Westphal, Stephan2007KrumkeAspects of Online Routing and Scheduling
223Manzyuk, Oleksandr2007GreuelA?-bimodules and Serre A?-functors
222Lang, Holger2007PinnauThe difference of the solutions of the elastic and elastoplastic boundary value problem and an approach to multiaxial stress-strain correction
221Göttlich, Simone2007KlarContinuous Models for Production Networks including Optimization Issues
220Muszkieta, Monika2007NeunzertNonlinear diffusion filtering of images using the topological gradient approach to edges detection
219Barrena Algara, Eva2007Prätzel-WoltersSoft Operators Decision Trees - Uncertainty and stability related issues
218Kirchner, Claus2007KlarOptimization of Traffic Flow Networks
217Winterfeld, Anton2007KüferLarge-scale semi-infinite optimization applied to industrial gemstone cutting
216Man, Tin-Kwai2007KornNeue Aspekte der Portfolio-Optimierung und der Modellierung von Bondindizes
215Luther, Anna2007FreedenVector Field Approximation On Regular Surfaces In Terms Of Outer Harmonic Representations
214Ruzika, Stefan2007HamacherOn Multiple Objective Combinatorial Optimization
213Grm, Aleksander2007KlarMathematical Analysis of Microscopic Models for Slow Dense Granular Flow
212Jegorovs, Jevgenijs2007KlarThe optimal shape of the reflex tube of a bass loudspeaker
211Mindnich, Andrea2007DempwolffOvoide 8-dimensionaler quadratischer Räume
210Amirbekyan, Abel2007MichelThe Application of Reproducing Kernel Based Spline Approximation to Seismic Surface and Body Wave Tomography: Theoretical Aspects and Numerical Results
209Späth, Britta2007MalleDie Mc-Kay-Vermutung Für Quasi-Einfache Gruppen Vom Lie-Typ
208Streit, Anja2006KlarCoupling of different length scales in molecular dynamics simulations
207Schulze, Christopher Alexander Tobias2006PinnauMinimizing Thermal Stress in Glass Production Processes
206Gramsch, Simone2006FreedenIntegral Formulae and Wavelets on Regular Regions of the Sphere
205Kneip, Frank Harry2006Prätzel-WoltersIterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems - An Operating Regime Based Approach
204Michel, Dominik2006MichelFramelet Based Multiscale Operator Decomposition
203Gavriliouk, Olena2006HamacherUnequal Sphere Packing Problem in the Context of Stereotactic Radiosurgery
202Beletski, Taras2006KornInflation-Linked Products and Optimal Investment With Macro Derivatives
201Natcheva-Acar, Kalina2006KornOn Numerical Pricing Methods of Innovative Financial Products
200Röder, Marc2006DempwolffQuasiregular projective planes of order 16
199Monz, Michael2006KüferPareto Navigation – interactive multiobjective optimisation
198Azizi Sultan, Ahmad Saher2006KüferOptimization of Beam Orientations in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning
197Pereverzyev, Sergiy2006PinnauMethod of Regularized Fixed-Point and its Application
196Seibold, Benjamin2006KlarM-Matrices in Meshless Finite Difference Methods
195Clavero Rasero, Beatriz2006KornStatistical aspects of setting up a credit rating system
194Singh, Anita Kumari2006KlarOptimization and Control of Traffic Flow Networks
193Acar, Sarp2006KornAspects of Optimal Capital Structure and Default Risk
192Markwig, Hannah2006GathmannThe Enumeration Of Plane Tropical Curves
191Niedziela, Dariusz2006IlievOn numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluids
190Reis, Timo2006ZerzSystems Theoretic Aspects of PDAEs and Applications to Electrical Circuits
189Ilsen, David2006GreuelAlgebraic and Combinational Algorithms for Translinear Network Synthesis
188Bunke, Florentine2006HamacherCircuit Bases Problems in Binary Matroids
187Panda, Satyananda2006KlarThe Dynamics of Viscous Fibers
186Scherrer, Alexander2006KüferAdaptive approximation of nonlinear minimization problems
185von Nida, Markus2005NeunzertMeshfree Methods for the Dynamics of Solids
184Dreyer, Alexander2005PfisterInterval Analysis of Analog Circuits with Component Tolerances
183Koether, Paul2005FrankeGARCH-like Models with Dynamic Crash-Probabilities
182Halim, Siana2005FrankeSpatially adaptive detection of local disturbances in time series and stochastic processes on the integer lattice Z2
181Rief, Stefan2005NeunzertNonlinear Flow in Porous Media - Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes System with Two Pressures and Application to Paper Making
180Fengler, Martin2005FreedenVector Spherical Harmonic and Vector Wavelet Based Non-Linaer Galerkin Schemes fo Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation on the Sphere
179Baatar, Davaatseren2005HamacherMatrix Decomposition with Time and Cardinality Objectives: Theory, Algorithms and Application to Multileaf Collimator Sequencing
178Baciu, Corina Ionela2005PfisterMaximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules over Two Cubic Hpyersurfaces Singularities
177Büchler, Bernd2005SchockIntegralgleichungen dritter Art, differential-algebraische Gleichungen und implizite lineare Differentialgleichungen: Ansatz zur Grundlegung einer Theorie irregulärer linearer Gleichungen und Entwicklung geeigneter Regularisierungsmethoden
176Scholl, Susanne2005SchöbelCustomer-Oriented Line Planning
175Hennes, Holger2005HamacherIntegration of Scheduling and Location Models
174Marheineke, Nicole2005NeunzertTurbulent Fibers – On the Motion of Long, Flexible Fibers in Turbulent Flows
173Levandovskyy, Viktor2005GreuelNon-commutative Computer Algebra for polynomial algebras: Gröbner bases, applications and implementation
172Frank, Martin2005KlarPartial Moment Models for Radiative Transfer
171Pop, Serban Rares2005NeunzertModeling and Simulation of the Float Glass Process
170Dhadwal, Renu2005NeunzertFibre Spinning: Model Analysis
169Andoh, Charles2005FrankeRisk analysis of finanical time series using neural networks
168Kovilyanskaya, Helen2005KornOn Some Aspects of Investment into High-Yield Bonds
167Rutka, Vita2005NeunzertImmersed Interface Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
166Tadjuidje Kamgaing, Joseph2005FrankeCompeting Neural Networks as Models for Non Stationary Financial Time Series-Changepoint Analysis
165Mangalika Jayasundara, Dedigama Dewaga2005HamacherSpherical Location Problems with Restricted Regions and Polygonal Barriers
164Menkens, Olaf Arnd2004KornCrash Hedging Strategies and Optimal Portfolios
163Schick, Christian2004NeunzertA Mathematical Analysis of Foam Films“
162Bauer, Frank2004FreedenAn alternate approach to the oblique derivative problem in potential theory
161Voss, Jochen2004v. WeizsäckerSome Large Deviation Results for Diffusion Processes
160Wichmann, Tim2004GreuelSymbolische Reduktionsverfahren für nichtlineare DAE-Systeme
159Westenberger, Eric2004GreuelFamilies of hypersurfaces with many prescribed singularities
158Ong, Mei Fang2004v. WeizsäckerDie Feynman-Kac-Formel für unbeschränkte Potentiale und allgemeine Anfangsbedingungen
157Kallrath, Julia2004NickelOnline Storage System and Transportation Problems with Applications -Optimization Models and Mathematical Solutions-
156Kux, Georg2004GuthmannConstruction of algebraic correspondences between hyperelliptic function fields using Deuring’s theory
155Göb, Norbert2004GuthmannAutomorphism Groups of Hyperelliptic Function Fields
154Junker, Markus2003FrankeModelling, Estimatung and Validating Multidimensional Distribution Functions - Wirth Applications to Risk Management -
153Laptev, Vsevolod2003IlievNumerical solution of coupled flow in plain and porous media
152Markus, Perlin2003TrautmannResolutions and Moduli for Equivariant Sheaves over Toric Varies
151Guta Berhanu Wordofa, Guta Berhanu Wordofa2003HamacherSubgradient Optimization Methods in Integer Programming with an Application to a Radiation Therapy Problem
150Reiß, Oliver2003FrankeMathematical Methods for the efficient Assessment of Market and Credit Risk
149Mayer, Carsten2003FreedenWavelet Modelling of Ionospheric Currents and Induced Magnetic Fields from Satellite Data
148Abeyratne, M.K.2003FreedenCauchy-Navier Wavelet Solvers and Their Application in Deformation Analysis
147Sidorova, Nadezda2003v. WeizsäckerSurface Measures of Paths in an Embedded Riemannian Manifold
146Krekel, Martin Kurt2003KornSome new aspects of Optimal Portfolios and Option Pricing
145Hilden, Michael2003NeunzertExtensions of Shallow Water Equations
144Tjandra, Stevanus Adrianto2003HamacherDynamic Network Optimization with Application to the Evacuation Problem
143Burban, Igor2003GreuelAbgeleitete Kategorien und Matrixprobleme
142Dominguez-Marin, Patricia2003NickelThe Discrete Ordered Median Problem: Models and Solution Methods
141Mwita, Peter Nyamuhanga2003FrankeSemiparametric estimation of conditional quantiles for time series, with application in finance
140Schlosser, Peter2003NeunzertMatrix Compression Methods for the Numerical Solution of Radiative Transfer in Scattering Media
139Maier, Thorsten2003FreedenMultiscale Geomagnetic Field Modelling from Satellite Data: Theoretical Aspects and Numerical Applications
138Venkiteswaran, Gopalakrishnan2003JunkA particle method for Fokker-Planck equations in high dimensions
137Kraft, Holger2002KornOptimal Portfolios with Stochastic Interest Rates and Defaultable Assets
136Laue, Silke2002KornPortfolio Optimization with Discrete Trading Strategies in a Continuous-time Setting
135Blath, Jochen2002v. WeizsäckerRefined Multifractal Analysis of Super-Brownian Motion: The Dimension Spectrum of Thick Points
134Sonneborn, Tim2002HamacherThe Uncapacitated Hub Locaction Problem: Polyhedral Analysis Applications
133Kehrwald, Dirk2002JunkNumerical Analysis of Immiscible Lattice in BGK
132Tenfelde-Podehl, Dagmar2002HamacherFacilities Layout Problems: Polyhedral Structure, Multiple Objectives and Robustness
131Wirsen, Andreas2002Prätzel-WoltersSensitivitätsanalyse und modaldatenbasierte Modelladaption bei elastomechanischen Systemen
130Keck, Rainer Ludwig Otto2002NeunzertThe Finite Volume Particle Method - A Meshless Projection Method for Incompressible Flow
129Diagne, Mabouba2002FrankeFinancial Risk Management and Portfolio Optimization Using Artificial Neural Networks and Extreme Value Theory
128Schulze, Mathias2002GreuelAlgorithmic Gauss-Manin Connection. Algorithms to Compute Hodge-theoretic Invariants of Isolated Hypersurface Singularities
127Hesse, Kerstin2002FreedenDomain Decomposition Methods in Multiscale Geopotential Determination from SST and SGG
126Lenz, Rainer2002SchweigertAlgebraisch abgeschlossene Klassen graphentreuer Funktionen
125Nutz, Helga2002FreedenA Unified Setup of Gravitational Field Observables“
124Ahadi Moghaddam, Masoumeh2002SchweigertGraph Coloring Applications and Defining Sets in Graph Theory
123Sarishvili, Alex2002FrankeNeural Network Based Lag Selection, for Multivariate Time Series
122Glockner, Oliver2002FreedenOn Numerical Aspects of Gravitational Field Modelling from SST and SGG by Harmonic Splines and Wavelets (With Application to CHAMP Data)
121Litzenberger, Rolf2001FreedenPyramid Schemes for Harmonic Wavelets in Boundary-value Problems
120Keilen, Thomas2001GreuelFamilies of Curves with Prescribed Singularities
119Holzberger, Harriet2001FrankeNonparametric Estimation of Nonlinear ARMA and GARCH Processes
118Andersson, Christina2001FrankeAsymptotic Investigations of Support Vector Regression with Noiseless and Noisy Data
117Götz, Thomas2000NeunzertInteractions of Fibers and Flow: Asymptotics, Theory and Numerics
116Bracke, Martin2000Prätzel-WoltersOn Stability Radii of Parametrized, Linear Differential-Algebraic Systems. With Applications to Electrical Networks
115Frühbis-Krüger, Anne2000PfisterModuli Spaces for Space Curve Singularities
114Orlik, Julia2000NeunzertTransmission and homogenization in hereditary viscoelasticity with aging and shrinkage
113Müller, Claus-Michael2000SchockLocal Cauchy Problems and the Finite Laqplace Transform
112Moog, Mathias2000NeunzertLevel Set Methods for Hele-Shaw Flow
111Beth, Stefan2000FreedenMultiscale Approximation by Vector Radial Basis functions on the Spere
110Bayer, Michael2000FreedenGeomagnetic Field Modelling From Satellite Data by First and Second Generation Vector Wavelets
109Weigand, Holger1999TrautmannFaserbündel-Techniken in der Schnitttheorie geometrischer Quotienten
108Günther, Marco1999NeunzertAsymptotic Analysis as a Basis of Numerical Methods for the
107Weißler, Ansgar1999HamacherGeneral Bisectors aqnd their Application in Planar Location Theory
106Sadeghi, Ali Asghar1999Prätzel-WoltersA methematical study of self-organizing neural networks
105Weiß, Martin-Georg1999Prätzel-WoltersLearning Periodic Signals with Recurrent Neural Networks
104Zingsheim, Frank1999NeunzertNumcerial Solution Methods for Radiative Transfer in Semitransparent Media
103Friederichs, Vera1999FrankeLocal Smoothing Methods in Image Processing
102Kuhnert, Jörg1999NeunzertGeneral Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
101Michel, Volker1999FreedenA Multiscale Method for the Gravimetry Problem: Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Harmonic and Anharmonic Modelling
100Rech, Joachim1999TrautmannÜber den Modulraum der stabilen Rang 2 Vektorbündel auf der Graßmannschen G(2,4) vom Horrocks-Mumford Typ
99Pinnau, René1999UnterreiterThe Quantum Drift Diffusion Model for Semiconductor Devices
98Popken, Lars1998NeunzertNumerical Methods for a Kinetic Equation in Granular Flow
97Frankenberger, Harald1998SchockBeiträge zur Behandlung linearer inkorrekt gestellter Probleme in Banach- und Hilberträumen
96Kroisandt, Gerald1998FrankeChange-point Analysis with Wavelets for Time Series with Struktural Jumps
95Veith, Wolfgang1998TrautmannCohen-Macaulay-Moduln auf Kurven und Flächen
94Schmelzer, Manfred1998SchweigertSind Körper monoiduniversell? Eine Antwort aus der Lösung der diophantischen Gleichung f(t)p + tag(t)p - (t-1)ah(t)p = 0
93Lossen, Christoph1998GreuelThe Geometry of Equisingular and Equianalytic Families of Curves on a Surface
92Scholl, Holger1998v. WeizsäckerOptimal Prior Distributions for Statistical Experiments
91Schöbel, Anita1998HamacherLocating Lines And Hyperplanes: Theory and Algorithms
90Lang, Patrick1998Prätzel-WoltersModel Reduction, Sensor Placement and Robust H-Filter Design for Elastomechanical Systems
89Hack, Michael1998Prätzel-WoltersSchädigungsbasierte Hysteresefilter
88Tiwari, Sudarshan1998NeunzertDomain Decomposition in Particle Methods for the Boltzmann-Equations
87Scheffel, Peter1997v. WeizsäckerExponential Risk Rates in Discrete Markov Models
86Yao, Luyu1997NeunzertNumerical Analysis of the Wigner-Poisson System with Wavelets
85Junk, Michael1997NeunzertKinet Schemes- A new Approach and Applications
84Ehrgott, Matthias1997HamacherMultiple Criteria Optimization: Classification and Methodology
83Schneider, Frank1997FreedenInverse Problems in Satellite Geodesy and Their Approximate Solution by Splines and Wavelets
82Mohring, Jan1996NeunzertThe Spherical Harmonics Expansion Method
81Kilgus, Bernhard1996SchweigertSchwache Äquivalenzen von Strukturen in unterschiedlichen Sprachen
80Meyer, Petra1996LüneburgEine Charakterisierung vollständig regulärer, abelscher Erweiterungen
79Tücks, Markus1996FreedenNavier-Splines und ihre Anwendung in der Deformationsanalyse
78Nüßler, Thomas1996TrautmannStructure and Construction of Instanton Bundles on IP3
77Weickert, Joachim1996NeunzertAnisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
76Sack, Werner1995NeunzertModellierung und numerische Berechnung von reaktiven Strömungen in verdünnten Gasen
75Giering, Ulrich1995NeunzertMatching of Kinetic and Aerodynamic Equations
74Valenzuela, Eduardo Leonardo1995FrankeAsymptotic properties of Non-parametric Estimators for Nonlinear Functions of Random Fields
73Steiner, Konrad1995NeunzertKinetische Gleichungen zur Beschreibung verdünnter ionisierter Gase und ihre numerische Behandlung mittels gewichteter Partikelmethoden
72Vieten, Peter1995SchockHolomorphe und Laplace Transformation banachraumwertiger Funktionen
71Windheuser, Ulrich1995FreedenSphärische Wavelets: Theorie und Anwendung in der Physikalischen Geodäsie
70Tölle, Bernd1995BrakhageIterative Regularisierungen für eine Klasse singulärer Störungsprobleme
69Nickel, Stefan1995HamacherDiscretization of Planar Location Problems
68Cui, Jianjun1995FreedenFinite Pointset Methods on the Sphere and Their Application in Physical Geodesy
67Doster, Werner1995v. WeizsäckerZur Berechnung des Hausdorffmaßes von Familien von Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaßen
66Reinke, Ralf Dirk1994Prätzel-WoltersAdaptive Regeln zum Lernen und Reproduzieren periodischer Signale mit dynamischen Netzwerken
65Hoffmann, Jörg Werner1994Prätzel-WoltersBalancing and Factorization Theory for Classes of Linear Systems in Discrete- and Continuous-Time
64Schreiner, Michael1994FreedenTensor Spherical Harmonics and Their Application in Satellite Gradiometry
63Schreiner, Wieland1994NeunzertPartikelverfahren für kinetische Schemata zu den Eulergleichungen
62Pfau, Jürgen1994NeunzertTheoretische und numerische Untersuchungen zur instationären Boltzmann-Vlasov-Poisson-Gleichung für räumlich inhomogene Halbleitermodelle
61Klar, Axel1994NeunzertDomain Decomposition For Kinetic And Aerodynamic Equations
60Seligmann, Thomas1994FrankeParameterschätzer für Markowfelder mit Anwendungen auf räumliche Datenanalyse und Bildverarbeitung
59Struckmeier, Jens1994NeunzertDie Methode der finiten Punktmengen - Neue Ideen und Anregungen -
58Chen, Qi1994NeunzertNumerische Analyse der Vlasov-Gleichung mittels Wavelets
57Neumayer, Peter1994SchweigertTheorie und Algorithmen für das vektorgewichtete Zuordnungsproblem
56Ali, Majid1994LüneburgOn Multitplication Ideals
55Xi, Zhenhua1993SchockIterated Tikhonov Regularization for linear ill-posed problems
54Kreutzberger, Eva1993FrankeBootstrap für nichtlineare AR(1)-Prozesse
53Bäcker, Manfred1993NeunzertKinetische Verfahren für nichtlineare skalare Erhaltungsgleichungen
52Ferryanto, kein Vorname1993FrankeStatistical Walsh Fourier Spectral Analysis of Two Dimensional Random Fields in View of an Application of Detecting Structural Differences of Textural Models
51Hackh, Peter1993NeunzertEin Einflußzonen-Interaktionsmodell für Waldwachstum
50Gründer, Bernhard1993FrankeStochastische Modelle für die Luftschadstoffverteilung in Waldgebieten
49Krob, Jürgen1992v. WeizsäckerKapazität statistischer Experimente (Ein informationstheoretischer Ansatz zur Untersuchung der Orthogonalität von Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaßen)
48Küfer, Karlheinz1992BrakhageAsymptotische Varianzanalysen in der stochastischen Polyedertheorie
47Moock, Hardy1992WickEin deterministisches Teilchenverfahren zur Simulation der Boltzmann-Vlasov-Gleichung für Halbleiter
46Reißel, Martin1992NeunzertTheorie und Numerik eines Wirbelstromproblems
45Kahlbacher, Helmut1992HamacherTermin- und Ablaufplanung - ein analytischer Zugang
44Gropengießer, Frank1991NeunzertGebietszerlegugnen bei Strömungen im Übergangsbereich zwischen kinieetischer Theorie undAerodynamik
43Oertel, Frank1991SchockKonjugierte Operatorenideale und das A-lokale Reflexivitätsprinzip
42Wiesen, Bernd1991NeunzertZur Abhängigkeit der Lösungen verallgemeinerter Boltzmann-Gleichungen vom Streuquerschnitt
41Schmid, Stephan1991Prätzel-WoltersAdaptive Synchronization of Interconnected Systems
40Behrens, Johanna1991FrankeRobuste Ordnungswahl für autoregressive Prozesse
39Karst, Andreas1991LüneburgRechnen in K(x)
38Schappert, Albert1990GreuelKurvensingularitäten und Isomorphismen von Moduln
37Speckert, Michael1990BrakhageÜber Iterationsverfahrten und die Limitierung formaler Lösungen
36Zimmermann, Dieter1990v. WeizsäckerÜber die Integraldarstellung stochastischer Felder - Unter Verwendung von Methoden der Nonstandard-Analysis
35Guthmann, Andreas1989LüneburgTheorie und Praxis Dirichletscher Reihen mit Funktionalgleichung
34Brill, Manfred1989SchockIterative Verfahren zur Lösung inkorrekt gestellter Probleme
33Dressler, Klaus1988NeunzertInverse Probleme in der linearen Transporttheorie - ein neuer Zugang
32Völlinger, Hermann1988TrautmannModuli von Kernbündeln auf PN(C) und Kompaktifizierung eines Modulraumes für ein Beispiel
31Kallenborn, Reiner1987TrautmannKompaktifizierung des Modulraumes MI(0,2) reellere Instantonen auf S4
30Schneider, Günter1987GreuelMonodromie und Schnittform zu eienr Vermutung von E. Brieskorn
29Beucher, Ottmar1987SchockQualitative Störungstheorie von Fredholmoperatoren
28Pfreundt, Franz-Josef1986NeunzertZur Stabilität von stationären Lösungen der Vlasov-Poisson-Gleichung
27Gerlach, Horst1986LüneburgÜber die Elemente einer Menge verallgemeinerter ganzer Zahlen, die klein sind bezüglich einer auf dieser Menge definierten reellwertigen Abbildung
26Jansson, Christian1985BrakhageZur linearen Optimierung mit unscharfen Daten
25Wambsganss-Türk, Joachim1985LüneburgProendliche Gruppen und pseudokompakte Moduln
24Glanzmann, Hans-Josef1984TrautmannÜber die Deformationen von isolierten Singularitäten kohärenter analytischer Garben nach Methoden von A. Douady
23Janssen, Rainer1984BeckerElliptische Randwertprobleme auf unbeschränkten Gebieten
22Decker, Wolfram1984TrautmannWirkung der Automorphismengruppe auf Modulräumen von Vektorbündeln über Pn
21Scheutzow, Michael1983v. WeizsäckerQualitatives Verhalten der Lösungen von eindimensionalen nichtlinearen stochastischen Differentialgleichungen mit Gedächtnis
20Babovsky, Hans1983NeunzertRandbedingungen in der kinetischen Theorie und Lösungen der Boltzmann-Gleichung
19Krüger, Wilhelm1983v. WeizsäckerApproximation von Integraldarstellungen und verwandte Fragen
18Stehling, Wilfried1983SchockTensorprodukte und dProjektionskonstanten normierter Räume
17Böhmer, Wolfgang1982TrautmannMonaden und Matrizen für Vektorbündel über Pn
16Grundhöfer, Theobald1981LüneburgProjektivitätengruppen von endlichen und lokal endlichen ebenen Geometrien
15Scherer, Karl1980ThimmTeilergarben von kohärenten analytischen Modulgarben
14Schäfer, Klaus-Jürgen1980GramschKlassen von Pseudodifferentialoperatoren in Hilberträumen auf dem Rn mit invarianten und singulären Symbolen
13Petry, Karl-Heinz1980NeunzertZur Existenz von Maßlösungen eines Anfangs-Randwertproblems für die gemittelte Vlasov-Gleichung
12Schirra, Willi-Wolfgang1978TrautmannGlobale Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Randwerten von Schnitten in kohärenten analytischen Garben
11Borgwardt, Karl-Heinz1977BrakhageUntersuchungen zur Asymptotik der mittleren Schrittzahl von Simplexverfahren in der linearen Optimiereung
10Rink, Rosemarie1977LüneburgProjektive Inzidenzgruppen mit normaler Partition
9Eschmann, Winfried1976ThimmDie Stufenmengen der minimalen Erzeugendenzahl und ihre Beziehungen zu weiteren von Untergarben induzierten analytischen Mengen
8Kümmich, Frieder1976PlaumannQuasinormalität in topologischen Gruppen
7Riemer, Rolf-Ingraban1976ThimmÜber eine Klasse im Cn-{0} lokalfreien Garben mit einer nichtverschwindenden lokalen Cohomologiegruppe
6Hortmann, Michael1976TrautmannLösung des ?-Problems für Ringgebiete
5Schäfer, Günter1975ThimmÜber das Schwarzsche Lemma und die Sätze von Pick und Julia-Carathéodory in der Funktionentheorie mehrerer komplexer Veränderlicher
4Blickensdörfer, Arndt1974TrautmannHyperfunktionen und Dualität in der komplexen Analysis
3Kaballo, Winfried1974GramschHolomorphe Semifredholmfunktionen mit Anwendungen auf Differential- und Pseudodifferentialoperatoren
2Dugas, Manfred1974LüneburgCharakterisierungen endlicher desarguesscher uniformer Hjelmslev-Ebenen
1Brombeer, Rüdiger1974BrakhageZur Kopplung zwischen Verfahrensfehler und numerischer Instabilität bei Diskretisierungsformeln