Prüfungsamt Mathematik: Frau Sternike (Sekretariat)

Examination Administration Systems

Information for students of the Department of Mathematics

Examination administration system (PVS) Mathematics

In order to meet the requirements of arranging more than 1,000 oral examinations in mathematics per year, the Department of Mathematics has set-up its own exams administration system (PVS Mathematics).

This system is used for the following purposes in the examination procedures organised by the Mathematics' Examinations Office:

  • online registration for written exams in the subsidiary topics,
  • publication of the examination days (for oral examinations in Mathematics) by the examiners,
  • administration of the fixed appointments for oral examinations,
  • allocation and information of the observers ("Beisitzerinnen und Beisitzer"),
  • generation of the examination forms.

For students of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes of the Department of Mathematics additionally:

  • preregistration for oral examinations ("Meldung zu den mündlichen Prüfungen").

These students get their login for the PVS Mathematics right after admission to the Bachelor's respectively Master's examination ("Admission to Exams").

QIS self-service function

Students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes of the Department of Mathematics can have a view at their achievements and marks obtained online in the  QIS self-service function.

The QIS self-service function can also be used by all students to print confirmations of their student status (proof of immatriculation / Studienbescheinigung).

To access the QIS self-service function, you must have a student account at RHRZ (Regional University Computer Center) and internet access to the university (from home with VPN access). How to open your account is explained on RHRZ's website under "RPTU Account" as well as how to get internet access to the university. You will need the password that was given to you with the PIN notice for your student ID .