Felix Klein Colloquium: Funktionales Denken zielgerichtet fördern - Der Beitrag von Grundvorstellungen und digitalen Lernumgebungen

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Functional relationships between quantities play a decisive role in all areas of life and are the link between the subject strands of (school) algebra. In order to be able to work with them in a meaningful way, functional thinking must be trained and kept permanently awake. This involves the basic ideas of assignment, change behaviour or covariation and the view of the function as a whole. In the lecture it will be worked out on the basis of own research results how functional thinking can be promoted with the help of experimentation. Depending on whether experiments are carried out with real materials or with suitably designed simulations in digital learning environments, different skills of functional thinking can be (further) developed in a targeted manner. In particular, the more complex basic ideas of covariation and the view of the function as a whole can be promoted particularly well by working with suitably designed simulations. In any case, representations of functions and their interpretation play a decisive role in the development of understanding. This must be taken into account when designing (digital) learning opportunities.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth, RPTU in Landau

Time: 17:15 - 18:30 o'clock

Place: Building 48, room 210

The lectures of the Felix Klein Colloquium will be held at 17:15 in room 210 of the Mathematics Building 48. Beforehand - from 16:45 - there will be an opportunity to meet the speaker at the colloquium tea in room 580.

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