Mathematics in Kaiserslautern: Top international research - from theoretical foundations to concrete industrial applications. This overview page gives information on our research focusses, coordinated research programmes and the cooperation with the Fraunhofer ITWM.

The Algebra, Geometry and Computer Algebra Group (AGAG) focusses on fundamental research in classical key areas of pure mathematics and on modern applications thereof.

This research focus links two of the core areas of mathematics: analysis and stochastics. In research, we study analytic, stochastic and geometrical problems, combining theoretical and application-oriented, algorithmic aspects. Deterministic and stochastic models of continuous mathematics are developed and systematically analysed.

In its research profile, the research area Industrial Mathematics focuses on the modelling, analysis and numerical simulation of differential equations, and also on their optimization and control.

The research focus Economathematics (Wirtschaftsmathematik) is distinguished by fundamental research in the areas Mathematical Optimization, Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Control, and Statistics as well as by interdisciplinary research projects.
Young Academics made in Kaiserslautern: desired in universities, research institutes and industry. More than 50 state doctorates and more than 600 Ph.D. show that the Department of Mathematics pays particular attention to the promotion of young scientists.