Prüfungsamt Mathematik: Frau Sternike (Sekretariat)

Withdrawal from Examinations / Notification of Illness

Information for students of the B.Sc./M.Sc. study programmes of the Department of Mathematics

With regard to the withdrawal from examinations (in the Bachelor's programmes Mathematics and Business Mathematics or the Master's programmes Mathematics, Mathematics International, Business Mathematics, Technomathematics, resp. Actuarial and Financial Mathematics), three main cases have to be distinguished:

  1. Deregistration from a written exam (in the subsidiary topic),
  2. Withdrawal from an appointment for an oral examination,
  3. Withdrawal from the preregistration for an oral examination (by not fixing an appointment).

The examination regulations ("Prüfungsordnungen", PO) provide the following directives for these cases:

A deregistration/withdrawal from an examination without indicating good causes ("triftige Gründe") must be communicated by the student within a period of one week (deregistration deadline) before the date of the examination to the Mathematics’ Examinations Office in person or in writing. In the event of a written communication, the date of the postmark shall be decisive.

If the deregistration has taken place within this period, the preregistration ("Meldung") for this examination is deemed not to have taken place for the current examination period. In the case of an oral examination, the latter means, in particular, that no new appointment can be made in the current examination period.

With regard to No. 3 the following applies: If no appointment has been fixed in the current examination period, the preregistration ("Meldung") shall be cancelled at the end of the examination period.

Warning: First repetitions of non-passed examinations have to be taken within the two next examination periods following the period with the first failure. Second repetitions of non-passed examinations have to be taken within the four next examination periods following the period with the first failure (unless there are good causes ("triftige Gründe") for extending these deadlines according to § 19 or § 20 PO).

If there are good causes ("triftige Gründe") (e.g. illness) according to § 19 (2) PO, the withdrawal from an exam can be done later. In this case, the causes must be reported immediately and shown credibly.

If the absence or withdrawal from an examination takes place on account of illness, evidence must be provided of this in the form of a medical certificate (ärztliches Attest). You must present this medical certificate immediately, i.e. without a culpable hesitation, to the Mathematics’ Examinations Office. The medical certificate may also be scanned in and sent by e-mail or fax in order to observe the deadline. In these cases, the original must be submitted immediately afterwards. Please note that the medical certificate has to be issued not later than the day of the examination!

Your contact persons are the administrative assistants and the managing director of the Mathematics' Examinations Office. We are obliged to observe special secrecy, hence you should not hesitate to contact us if there are good causes for extending the deadlines (e.g. illness, a disability, or other reasons for which you are not responsible in the sense of the examination regulations).