Department of Mathematics

Event calendar for the Department of Mathematics

Felix Klein Colloquium: Boundary Value Problems with Rough Boundary Data

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A typical example of a boundary value problem is given by

(λ− ∆)in G,

          u   = g on ∂G,

where λ > 0 and G ⊂ Rn is a bounded and sufficiently smooth domain. For f L2(G), the natural solution space for u is the second-order Sobolev space H2(G). For the boundary data g, the canonical space is given by H3/2(∂G) – this is a Sobolev space of non-integer order, which indicates a connection to the theory of function spaces. If f Lp(G) for some p ∈ (1,∞), we get u Wp2(G), and the canonical boundary space is the Besov space of order 2 − 1/p.

In some applications, the boundary data are not smooth enough to apply the classical theory. This happens, for instance, if we have a stochastic force term on the boundary (boundary noise) and/or some dynamics on the boundary. For this, one has to generalize the trace map u 7→ u|∂G, including even Besov spaces of negative order for the boundary data. One can show unique solvability for a general class of boundary value problems and the generation of an analytic semigroup in the case of dynamic boundary conditions. Applications include the Bi-Laplacian with Wentzell boundary conditions, the linearized Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions, and coupled plate-membrane systems.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Robert Denk, Univ. Konstanz

Time: 17:15 - 18:30 o'clock

Place: Building 48, room 210

The lectures of the Felix Klein Colloquium will be held at 17:15 in room 210 of the Mathematics Building 48. Beforehand - from 16:45 - there will be an opportunity to meet the speaker at the colloquium tea in room 580.

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