Prof. Dr. Wolfram Decker
Gebäude 48, Raum 435
67663 Kaiserslautern
Postfach 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 631 205 2253
Fax: +49 631 205 4795
E-Mail: wolfram.decker(at)

Ich interessiere mich für alle Aspekte der COMPUTERALGEBRA,
den Entwurf, die Implementierung und die Anwendung algebraischer
Algorithmen, wobei die ALGEBRAISCHE GEOMETRIE bei den Anwendungen
im Vordergrund steht. Mein besonderes Augenmerk gilt der ENTWICKLUNG
Ich war von Februar 2014 bis März 2020 Dekan des Fachbereichs Mathematik.
Geförderte Forschungsprojekte
Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen

Zusammen mit Gerhard Pfister biete ich regelmässig In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit Kurse am African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Kapstadt an.
Curriculum Vitae
In Vorbereitung
- Modular Techniques for Gröbner Bases over Rational Function Fields
Dereje Kifle Boku, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Andreas Steenpass
- Module Intersection for the Integration-by-Parts Reduction of Multi-Loop Feynman Integrals
Dominik Bendle, Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Alessandro Georgoudis, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Mirko Rahn, Yang Zhang
To appear in the proceedings of the conference "MathemAmplitude 2019" in Padova, Italy (Proceedings of Science)
- Computing integral bases via localization and Hensel lifting
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister
To appear in JSC Special Issue for MEGA 2019 - Integration-by-parts reductions of Feynman integrals using Singular and GPI-Space
Dominik Bendle, Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Alessandro Georgoudis, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Mirko Rahn, Pascal Wasser, Yang Zhang
J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 79 (2020) - Towards Massively Parallel Computations in Algebraic Geometry
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Mirko Rahn, Lukas Ristau
Found. Comput. Math. (2020)
- Modular Techniques For Noncommutative Gröbner Bases
Wolfram Decker, Christian Eder, Viktor Levandovskyy, Sharwan Tiwar
Math.Comput.Sci. (2019) - Local to global algorithms for the Gorenstein adjoint ideal of a curve
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister
Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory, 51-96 (2017) - Bad primes in computational algebraic geometry
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister
International Congress on Mathematical Software, 93-101 (2016) - Current challenges in developing open source computer algebra systems
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Simon Keicher, Yue Ren
International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information, 3-24 (2015) - Gröbner bases over algebraic number fields
Dereje Kifle Boku, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Andreas Steenpass
Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation, 16-24 (2015) - The use of bad primes in rational reconstruction
Janko Bölhm, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Gerhard Pfister
Mathematics of Computation 84, 3013-3027 (2015) - Comparison of probabilistic algorithms for analyzing the components of an affine algebraic variety
Daniel J. Bates, Wolfram Decker, Jonathon D. Hauenstein, John C. Peterson, Gerhard Pfister, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Applied Mathematics and Computation 231, 619-633 (2014) - Local analysis of Grauert--Remmert-type normalization algorithms
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Mathias Schulze
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 24, 69-94 (2014) - Parallel algorithms for normalization
Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister, Andreas Steenpass, Stefan Steidel
Journal of Symbolic Computation 51, 99-114 (2013) - Sheaf algorithms using the exterior algebra
Wolfram Decker, David Eisenbud
Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2, 215-249 (2002) - Some introductory remarks on computer algebra
Wolfram Decker
European Congress of Mathematics, 121-142 (2001) - Computational algebraic geometry today
Wolfram Decker, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Applications of algebraic geometry to coding theory, physics and computation, 65-119 (2001) - Non-general type surfaces in P4: Some remarks on bounds and constructions
Wolfram Decker, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Journal of Symbolic Computation 29, 545-582 (2000) - The normalization: a new algorithm, implementation and comparisons
Wolfram Decker, Theo de Jong, Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister
Computational Methods for Representations of Groups and Algrebras, 177-185 (1999) - Primary decomposition: algorithms and comparisons
Wolfram Decker, Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister
Algorithmic algebra and number theory, 187-220 (1999) - An elliptic conic bundle in Ρ4 arising from a stable rank-3 vector bundle
Hitachi Abo, Wolfram Decker, Nobuo Sasakura
Mathematische Zeitschrift 229, 725-741 (1998) - Generating a noetherian normalization of the invariant ring of a finite group
Wolfram Decker, Agnes E. Heydtmann, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Journal of Symbolic Computation 25, 727-731 (1998) - Gröbner bases and invariant theory
Wolfram Decker, Theo de Jong
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 61-89 (1998) - Syzygies of Abelian and Bielliptic Surfaces in P4
Alf Aure, Wolfram Decker, Klaus Hulek, Sorin Popescu, Kristian Ranestad
International Journal of Mathematics 8, 849-919 (1997) - On surfaces in P4 and 3-folds in P5
Wolfram Decker, Sorin Popescu
Vector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry, 69-100 (1993) - The Geometry of Bielliptic Surfaces in P4
Alf Aure, Wolfram Decker, Klaus Hulek, Sorin Popescu, Kristian Ranestad
International Journal of Mathematics 4, 873-902 (1993) - Construction of surfaces in P4
Wolfram Decker, Lawrence Ein, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Journal of Algebraic Geometry 2, 185-237 (1993) - Geometry of the Horrocks bundles on P6
Wolfram Decker, Nicolae Manolache, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Complex Projective Geometra: Selected Papers 179, 128 (1992) - Rank 2 vector bundles on P4 with c1 odd and contact curves
Wolfram Decker, Mudumbai S. Narasimhan, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Mathematische Zeitschrift 205, 123-136 (1990) - Half-canonical surfaces in P4
Wolfram Decker, Thomas Peternell, Joseph le Potier, Michael Schneider
In: Sommese A.J., Biancofiore A., Livorni E.L. (eds) Algebraic Geometry, 91-110. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1417 (1990) - Monads and cohomology modules of rank 3 vector bundles
Wolfram Decker
Algebraic Geometry, 7-17 (1990) - Pullbacks of the Horrocks-Mumford bundles
Wolfram Decker, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Journal f. d. reine und angewandte Mathematik 382, 215-220 (1987) - On the uniqueness of the Horrocks-Mumford-bundle
Wolfram Decker, Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Mathematische Annalen 273, 415-443 (1986) - Stable rank 2 vector bundles with Chern-classes c1=-1, c2=4
Wolfram Decker
Mathematische Annalen 275, 481-500 (1984) - Das Horrocks-Mumford-Bündle und das Modul-Schema für stabile 2-Vektorbündel über P4 mit c1=-1, c2=4
Wolfram Decker
Mathematische Zeitschrift 188, 101-110 (1984) - Über den Modul-Raum für stabile 2-Vektor-Bündel über P3 mit c1=-1, c2=4
Wolfram Decker
manuscripta mathematica 42, 211-219 (1983) - Topologien auf Schnittmoduln kohärenter komplex-und-reell-analytischer Garben
Wolfram Decker
manuscripta mathematica 38, 59-76 (1982)
- A first course in computational algebraic geometry
Wolfram Decker, Gerhard Pfister
Cambridge University Press (2013) - Computing in Algebraic Geometry
Wolfram Decker, Christoph Lossen
Springer (2006)
- Singularities and Computer Algebra
Wolfram Decker, Gerhard Pfister, Mathias Schulze
Springer (2017) - Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory
Gebhard Böckle, Wolfram Decker, Gunter Malle
Springer (2017)