Scientific Program
Jump to: Monday, June 26 :: Tuesday, June 27 :: Thursday, June 29 :: Friday, June 30
General Information
For better clarity, breaks and meal times are not listed here. All days include a lunch and coffee breaks for participants of the scientific part. A complete overview of the conference schedule can be found here.
There will be a special issue of Computers & Operations Research devoted to ISOLDE XVI (Impact Factor 5.159). Details will follow.
Informations for Speakers
We ask the speakers to familiarize themselves with the technology already during the break before the session, to transfer the presentation to the locally provided computer, and to contact their session chair. Each talk may not exceed 20 minutes with an additional discussion of at most 5 minutes.
Scientific Program on Monday, June 26
Venue: Fraunhofer Institute
Venue: Fraunhofer ITWM, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern
Room: Hörsaal
We are looking forward to welcome you in Kaiserslautern and to give you some organizational information.

Room: Hörsaal
Horst Hamacher
Location Science: Old Love Never Dies (A Personal History of a Fascinating Area of Research and Applications)
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Hub Location Problems and Mobility | Competitive Location | |||
Chair: Elena Fernández | Chair: Armin Lüer-Villagra | |||
Data-driven Hub Network Design for Ridesharing | Sibel A. Alumur | Experimental Comparison of Random Utility Choice Rules for Competitive Facility Location | Vladimir Marianov | |
A Further Study of the Profit-oriented Hub Line Location Problem with Elastic Demand | Antonio Manuel Rodriguez-Chia | The Follower Competitive Facility Location Problem with Comparison Shopping under a Three-level Nested Logit Rule | Gonzalo Mendez-Vogel | |
Single-allocation Hub Network Design Decision with Upgrading | Juan Manuel Muñoz-Ocaña | Analyzing Different Approaches to Construct Bilevel-feasible Solutions of a Competitive Facility Location Problem | José-Fernando Camacho-Vallejo | |
Design of an Intermodal River/Route Physical Internet Network | Oscar Ariztegui-Beltran | Recent Refinements of the Gravity (Huff) Model for Competitive Facilities Location | Zvi Drezner |
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Discrete Location Problems I | Continuous Location Problems | |||
Chair: Horst Hamacher | Chair: Zvi Drezner | |||
Ordinal Location Problems on Graphs | Kathrin Klamroth | The Two-staged Production Problem of Weber | Richard Church | |
Ordered Median Problems and Fairness in Location Theory | Alberto Torrejón Valenzuela | Revisiting the Weighted Region Problem: Shortest Paths and Related Location Problems | Justo Puerto | |
Integer Programming Approaches for the Discrete Alpha-neighbor p-Center Problem | Markus Sinnl | Locating Multiple Obnoxious Facilities with Variable Capacities | Pawel Kalczynski | |
An Efficient Benders Decomposition for the p-Median Problem | Cristian Duran Mateluna | Planar Location Problems with Uncertain Demand Points: Robustness Concepts | Juan A. Mesa |
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Mitigating Disruptions | Novel Applications | |||
Chair: Giuseppe Bruno | Chair: Emilio Carrizosa | |||
Multistage Stochastic Facility Location under Facility Disruption Uncertainty | Bonn Kleiford Seranilla | Location Modeling to Mitigate Wildfire Risk | Alan Murray | |
Optimal Number of Hierarchical Facilities with Failures | Masashi Miyagawa | Optimal Placement of Log Pile Traps for Oak Wilt Disease | Shizu Itaka | |
Spatiotemporal Network Vulnerability Identification for the Material Routing Problem: a Bilevel Programming Approach | Carson Long | A QUBO Approach for the Facility Location Problem | Haitao Li | |
Allocating Additional Servers in an Existing Spatially Distributed Queuing System | Rajan Batta | Group Counterfactual Explanations: From Explainable Machine Learning to Locational Analysis (and Back) | Emilio Carrizosa |
Scientific Program on Tuesday, June 27
Venue: Fraunhofer ITWM, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Districting Problems | Green Logistics | |||
Chair: Jörg Kalcsics | Chair: Vladimir Marianov | |||
The Voting Precinct Design Problem | Michael Kuby | Multi-period Supply Network Design with Carbon Tariffs and Location-specific Carbon Policies | Jens Christian | |
The Optimal Consolidation of Polling Locations | Laura Albert | Hub Location Problem with a Mixed Green Fleet | Okan Dukkanci | |
Modular Capacitated Sales Force Deployment Problem | Sven Müller | New Optimal Location Model on In-motion Wireless Power Transfer System for Long-distance Trips by Electric Vehicles | Yudai Honma | |
A Sampling Procedure for Chance-constrained Districting Problems | Antonio Diglio | Incorporating Energy Consumption into Location Decisions in Container Yards | Cihan Butun |
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Distribution Network Design | Layout & Buildings | |||
Chair: Olivier Péton | Chair: Sven Müller | |||
Multi-period Distribution Network Design under Flexible Conditions for Short-term Location Planning | Teresa Melo | The Deconstruction Site Layout Planning - a New Concept to Efficiently Locate Workstation and Material Storages Indoors | Niklas Braun | |
A Matheuristic for a Multi-period Distribution Network Design Problem with Short-term Capacity Adjustments | Isabel Correia | Mathematical Model for Optimizing Conversion Strategies for Historic Buildings Based on Locational Characteristics | Kaori Isawa | |
Fulfill and Ship-From Store in Omnichannel Distribution Network Design | Imen Ben Mohamed | An Optimization Method for Evaluating Facilities with Inaccessible Locations through Inverse Shortest Paths Problem | Hiroyuki Hasada |
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Discrete Location Problems II | Continuous p-Median Problems | |||
Chair: Justo Puerto | Chair: Kathrin Klamroth | |||
Networks Partitioning Based on Edge Density Using the Minimum Normalized Cuts | Francisco Temprano Garcia | p-Median Location Problems in Timetabling | Anita Schöbel | |
Valid Inequalities and Preprocessing for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Preference Constraints | Sophia Wrede | A Trajectory Based Heuristic for the Planar p-Median Problem | Zvi Drezner | |
The Hierarchical Nested Cooperative Location Problem: Challenges from Modeling and Solution Perspectives | Silvia Baldassarre | The p-Median Problem in the Presence of a River with Bridges | Atsuo Suzuki | |
New Formulations of the Gray Pattern Problem | Pawel Kalczynski | Multi-facility Continuous Minisum Location Problems in which Potential Facility Sites and Demand Points are Restricted to Polygons | Ken-ichi Tanaka |
Room: Seminarraum | Room: Hertz | |||
Hub Location Problems under Uncertainty | Location-Routing Problems | |||
Chair: Sibel Alumur | Chair: Alan Murray | |||
Sustainable Hub Location under Uncertainty | Gita Taherkhani | A Multiple Asset-type, Collaborative Vehicle Routing Problem with Proximal Servicing of Demands | Stephen Donnel | |
Recourse Policies Assessment for a Multi-period Hub Location Problem under Stochastic Transshipment Capacity | Riccardo Giusti | A Hybrid ALNS-DRL Approach for Solving a Location and Routing Problem | Syu-Ning Johnn | |
Hub Location Problems with Explicit Redundancy Requirements | Armin Lüer-Villagra | Multi-period Single-Allocation Hub Location-Routing: Models and Heuristic Solutions | Afaf Aloullal |
Scientific Program on Thursday, June 29
Venue: Maison Messmer Baden-Baden, Werderstraße 1, 76530 Baden-Baden
Room: Malersaal | Room: Musikersaal | |||
Stochastic Facility Location | Location & Covering | |||
Chair: Teresa Melo | Chair: Richard Church | |||
Minimizing Maximum Regret in Two-stage Facility Location with Site Preparation Costs | Ronald McGarvey | Coverage Objective and its Generalizations in Location Analysis | Dmitry Krass | |
Facility Location Problem under Uncertainty with Service Level Constraints | Haoyue Zhang | Multi-product Maximal Covering Second-level Facility Location Problem | Marta Baldomero-Naranjo | |
Multi-period Facility Location Problem with Capacity Adjustments under Uncertain Demand | Šárka Štádlerová | Optimal Coverage-based Placement of Static Leak Detection Devices for Pipeline Water Supply Networks | Miguel Martínez-Antón | |
Stochastic Facility Location Problems in Reverse Logistics | Ruurd Buijs | Capturing Uncertainty in the Hybridized Maximal Covering Location Problem | Ricardo Gázquez |
Room: Malersaal | Room: Musikersaal | |||
Time and Uncertainty | Public Transportation | |||
Chair: Francisco Saldanha da Gama | Chair: Anita Schöbel | |||
The Value of the Multi-period Solution Revisited: How to Model Time in Capacitated Location Problems | Hannah Bakker | Location Planning in Intermodal Networks: the Accessibility of Local Supply | Nicolas Fröhlich | |
New Insights on Decision and Forecast Horizons for Multi-Period Facility Location under Uncertainty | Paulo Moreira | Determining the Stops and Ring Routes of the Suburban Train Line: An Alternative Transportation for Industrial Workers | Eren Özceylan | |
Optimization Models for Locating and Assigning Warehouses for Large Customers under Uncertain Demands | Harshit Yadav | The Optimal Location of a Rapid Transit Line in a Rectilinear City | Thomas Byrne |

Room: Malersaal
Elena Fernández
Location Science: New Love Will Never Die
Room: Malersaal | |
Public & Service Location Problems | |
Chair: Ioannis Giannikos | |
Network Design Recycling Waste Collection Bins by a Commune in Chile | Sebastián Dávila |
A Soft-Constrained Multi-Objective Facility Location Approach to Design Household Waste Recycling Centres Networks in South Yorkshire: Analyses and Managerial Insights | Serena Fugaro |
Strategies for Redesigning the Last-mile Logistic System of a Postal Company: an Application to the Italian Case | Eduardo Pipicelli |
Allocating Teaching Staff to Schools in Western Greece | Ioannis Giannikos |
Scientific Program on Friday, June 30
Venue: Maison Messmer Baden-Baden, Werderstraße 1, 76530 Baden-Baden
Room: Malersaal | |
Humanitarian Logistics | |
Chair: Bahar Yetis Kara | |
Relief Supply Chain Planning: The Effect of Location Decisions on Fair Allocations of Donations under Uncertainty | Zehranaz Donmez |
On the Quickest Evacuation Location Problem in Humanitarian Operations: Multi-Objective Modelling and Matheuristic Solution | Antonino Sgalambro |
A Location-Allocation Model for Meal Kit Distribution in Post-Disaster Environments | Diana Ramirez-Rios |
New Location Routing Problems Learned from Kahramanmaraş Earthquake | Bahar Yetis Kara |
Room: Malersaal | |
Health Care Applications | |
Chair: Stefan Nickel | |
Analyzing the Challenges of Planning the Emergency Medical Service Locations for the Metropolitan Region Ruhr | Isabel Wiemer |
Ambulance Location-allocation Optimization under Stochastic Travel Times | Imanol Gago |
Optimizing Multi-echelon Facility Location to Enhance Regional Blood Supply Chain | Andrea Mancuso |
A Multi-Period Location-Allocation Model for Healthcare Facility Planning under Accessibility Restriction | Sachin Bodke |
Room: Malersaal
Let's close the conference in Baden-Baden and take a look into the future of Location Science.
Room: Malersaal
A session for all members of the European Working Group on Locational Analysis (EWGLA).