Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel


Gebäude: 48
Raum: 529
67663 Kaiserslautern

Postfach: 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern


Tel.: +49 631 205 5048

Fax: +49 631 205 2748


Neben meiner Professur an der RPTU leite ich auch das Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern. Meine Webseite am ITWM finden Sie hier.

Mitgliedschaften und Funktionen (Auswahl)

Im Bereich Angewandte Mathematik:
Im Bereich Operations Research:
  • 2023/24: Präsidentin der EURO (European Association of Operational Research Societies) [ECMI-Artikel]
  • 2019/20: Präsidentin der GOR (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Operations Research)
Im Bereich Next Generation Computing:
Im Bereich Verkehrsplanung:
  • seit 2023: Sprecherin des BMBF Projektes SynphOnie zur Planung einer nachhaltigen Mobilität
  • seit 2021: PI im EU-Projekt EASIER
  • 2015-2023: Sprecherin der DFG-Forschungsgruppe FOR2083 zur Integrierten Verkehrsplanung
An der RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau: 
  • Mitglied im Hochschulrat der RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
  • Mitglied des Fachbereichsrats Mathematik der RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Curriculum Vitae

  • seit 2019: Professorin im Fachbereich Mathematik an der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) und Leiterin des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM)
  • 2008/09: Gastwissenschaftlerin an der University of Auckland, Neuseeland
  • 2004-2018: Professorin am Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik an der Georg-August Universität Göttingen
  • 2003: Habilitation     
    Thesis: Customer-oriented Optimization in Public Transportation, (erschienen bei Springer, 2006)
  • 1999-2004: Wissenschaftliche Hochschulassistentin (C1) am Fachbereich Mathematik der TU Kaiserslautern (wegen Kinderbetreuung halbtags)
  • 1998-1999: Schwerpunktleiterin des Bereichs Verkehr am Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (wegen Kinderbetreuung halbtags)
  • 1998: Promotion (Dr.rer.nat), TU Kaiserslautern     
    Thesis: Locating Lines and Hyperplanes - Theory and Algorithms (erschienen bei Kluwer, 1999)

Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen

Im Sommersemester 2023 habe ich ein Forschungssemester und biete daher keine Lehrveranstaltungen an.


Meine Forschungsinteressen beinhalten unter anderem

  • Ganzzahlige Optimierung
  • Robuste Optimierung
  • Optimierung des Öffentlichen Verkehrs
  • geometrische Optimierungsverfahren
  • Standortplanung



Effiziente Tarifsysteme für nachhaltige Mobilität


Integrierte Betrachtung des Planungsprozesses im öffentlichen Verkehr

GRK 2982: MIMO

Mathematics of Interdisciplinary Multiobjective Optimization


Softwarepaket zur Planung des öffentlichen Verkehrs


Konzeption eines berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengangs zu den Quantentechnologien

Robust & Multikriteriell

Multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme mit unsicheren Daten


Synergien aus physikalischen und verkehrsplanerischen Modellen zur Optimierung multimodaler Verkehre


  • M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Estimating the robustness of public transport schedules using machine learning
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 137, pp. 103566 (2022)

  • P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Integrated Optimization of Sequential Processes: General Analysis and Application to Public Transport
    EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 11, pp. 100073 (2022)

  • A. Schöbel, R. Urban
    The Cheapest Ticket Problem in Public Transport
    Transportation Science 56, pp. 1432-1451 (2022)

  • V. Priesemann, M. Meyer-Hermann, I. Pigeot, A. Schöbel
    Der Beitrag von epidemiologischen Modellen zur Beschreibung des Ausbruchsgeschehens der COVID-19-Pandemie
    Bundesgesundheitsblatt 64, pp. 1058-1066 (2021)

  • J. Fiedler, C.P. Moritz, S. Feth, M. Speckert, K. Dreßler, A. Schöbel
    Ein mathematisches Modell zur Schätzung der Dunkelziffer von SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen in der Frühphase der Pandemie am Beispiel Deutschland und Italien
    Bundesgesundheitsblatt 64, pp. 1067-1075 (2021)

  • A. Schöbel, Y. Zhou-Kangas
    The price of multiobjective robustness: Analyzing solution sets to uncertain multiobjective problems
    EJOR 291, pp. 782-793 (2021)

  • J. Brimberg, A. Maier, A. Schöbel
    When closest ist not always the best: The distributed p-median problem
    JORS 72, pp. 200-216 (2021)

  • P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Periodic Timetabling with Integrated Routing: Toward Applicable Approaches
    Transportation Science 54, pp. 1714-1731 (2020)

  • M. Linden, J. Dehning, S.B. Mohr, J. Mohring, M. Meyer-Hermann, I. Pigeot, A. Schöbel, V. Priesemann
    The foreshadow of a second wave: Surpassing the contact tracing capacity risks the mitigation of COVID-19
    Deutsches Ärzteblatt 117, pp. 790-791 (2020)

  • S. Behrends, A. Schöbel
    Generating Valid Inequalities for Nonlinear Programs via Sums of Squares
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 186, pp. 911-935 (2020)

  • T. Ullmert, S. Ruzika, A. Schöbel
    On the p-hub interdiction problem
    Computers & Operations Research 124, pp. 105056 (2020)

  • S. Jäger, A. Schöbel
    The blockwise coordinate descent method for integer programs
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 91, pp. 357-381 (2020)

  • J. Pätzold, A. Schöbel
    Approximate Cutting Plane Approaches for Exact Solutions to Robust Optimization Problems
    European Journal of Operational Research 284, pp. 20-30 (2020)

  • M. Botte, A. Schöbel
    Dominance for Multi-Objective Robust Optimization Concepts
    European Journal of Operational Research 273, pp. 430-440 (2019)

  • M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, L. Thom
    Min-ordering and max-ordering scalarization methods for multi-objective robust optimization
    European Journal of Operational Research 275, pp. 446-459 (2019)

  • T. Drezner, Z. Drezner, A. Schöbel
    The Weber obnoxious facility location model: A Big Arc Small Arc approach
    Computers and Operations Research 98, pp. 240-250 (2018)

  • C. Krüger, F. Castellani, J. Geldermann, A. Schöbel
    Peat and Pots: An application of robust multiobjective optimization to a mixing problem in agriculture
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 154, pp. 265-275 (2018)

  • S. Behrends, R. Hübner, A. Schöbel
    Norm Bounds and Underestimators for Unconstrained Polynomial Integer Minimization
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 87, pp. 73-107 (2018)

  • A. Raith, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, L. Thom
    Multi-objective minmax robust combinatorial optimization with cardinality-constrained uncertainty
    European Journal of Operational Research 267, pp. 628-642 (2018)

  • A. Raith, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, L. Thom
    Extensions of Labeling Algorithms for Multi-objective Uncertain Shortest Path Problems
    Networks 72, pp. 84-127 (2018)

  • M. Schmidt, L. Kroon, A. Schöbel, P. Bouman
    The Traveler's Route Choice Problem under Uncertainty: Dominance Relations between Strategies
    Operations Research 65, pp. 184-199 (2017)

  • J. Manitz, J. Harbering, M. Schmidt, T. Kneib, A. Schöbel
    Source Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks with an Application to Delays in Public Transportation Systems
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 66, pp. 521-536 (2017)

  • P. Gattermann, J. Harbering, A. Schöbel
    Line Pool Generation
    Public Transport 9, pp. 7-32 (2017)

  • G. Eichfelder, C. Krüger, A. Schöbel
    Decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization
    Journal of Global Optimization 69, pp. 485-510 (2017)

  • A. Schöbel
    An Eigenmodel for Iterative Line Planning, Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling in Public Transportation
    Transportation Research C 74, pp. 348-365 (2017)

  • K. Klamroth, E. Köbis, A. Schöbel, C. Tammer
    A unified approach to uncertain optimization
    European Journal of Operational Research 260, pp. 403-420 (2017)

  • M.C. López-de-los-Mozos, J. A. Mesa, A. Schöbel
    A general approach for the location of transfer points on a network with a trip covering criterion and mixed distances
    European Journal of Operational Research 260, pp. 108-121 (2017)

  • E. Carrizosa, M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    A biobjective approach to recovery robustness based on location planning
    European Journal of Operational Research 261, pp. 421-435 (2017)

  • J. Ide, A. Schöbel
    Robustness for uncertain multi-objective optimization: A survey and analysis of different concepts
    OR Spectrum 38, pp. 235-271 (2016)

  • E. Carrizosa, J. Harbering, A. Schöbel
    Minimizing the passengers' traveling time in the stop location problem
    Journal of the Operational Research Society 67, pp. 1325-1337 (2016)

  • K. Kuhn, A. Raith, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Bi-objective robust optimisation
    European Journal of Operational Research 252, pp. 418-431 (2016)

  • L. G. Kroon, A. Schöbel, D. Wagner
    Algorithmic Methods for Optimization in Public Transport (Dagstuhl Seminar 16171)
    Dagstuhl Reports 6, pp. 139-160 (2016)

  • M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Timetabling with Passenger Routing
    OR Spectrum 37, pp. 75-97 (2015)

  • M. Goerigk, M. Gupta, J. Ide, A. Schöbel, S. Sen
    The Robust Knapsack Problem with Queries
    Computers and Operations Research 55, pp. 12-22 (2015)

  • M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    The complexity of integrating routing decisions in public transportation models
    Networks 65, pp. 228-243 (2015)

  • H. Flier, M. Mihalak, P. Widmayer, A. Zych, Y. Kobayashi, A. Schöbel
    Selecting vertex disjoint paths in plane graphs
    Networks 66, pp. 136-144 (2015)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, M.-C. Körner, A. Schöbel
    On Models for Continuous Facility Location with Partial Coverage
    Journal of the Operational Research Society 66, pp. 33-43 (2015)

  • J. Brimberg, R. Schieweck, A. Schöbel
    Locating a median line with partial coverage distance
    Journal of Global Optimization 62, pp. 371-389 (2015)

  • C. Buchheim, R. Hübner, A. Schöbel
    Ellipsoid bounds for convex quadratic integer programming
    SIAM journal on optimization 25, pp. 741-769 (2015)

  • T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, L. Kroon, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Delay Management including capacities of stations
    Transportation Science 49, pp. 185-203 (2015)

  • R. Hübner, A. Schöbel
    When is rounding allowed in integer nonlinear optimization?
    European Journal of Operational Research 237, pp. 404-410 (2014)

  • J. Ide, E. Köbis, D. Kuroiwa, A. Schöbel, C. Tammer
    The relationship between multi-objective robustness concepts and set valued optimization
    Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2014 (2014)

  • M. Goerigk, M. Knoth, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    The Price of Strict and Light Robustness in Timetable Information
    Transportation Science 48, pp. 225-242 (2014)

  • R. Bauer, A. Schöbel
    Rules of Thumb --- Practical online strategies for delay management
    Public Transport 6, pp. 85-105 (2014)

  • M. Ehrgott, J. Ide, A. Schöbel
    Minmax Robustness for Multi-objective Optimization Problems
    European Journal of Operational Research 239, pp. 17-31 (2014)

  • M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Location of speed-up networks
    Annals of Operations Research 223, pp. 379-401 (2014)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, M.-C. Körner, A. Schöbel
    Locating an axis-parallel rectangle on a Manhattan plane
    TOP 22, pp. 185-207 (2014)

  • A. Schöbel
    Generalized light robustness and the trade-off between robustness and nominal quality
    MMOR 80, pp. 161-191 (2014)

  • A. Schöbel, D. Scholz
    A solution algorithm for non-convex mixed integer optimization problems with only few continuous variables
    European Journal of Operational Research 232, pp. 266-275 (2014)

  • M.-C. Körner, J.A. Mesa, F. Perea, A. Schöbel, D. Scholz
    A Maximum Trip Covering Location Problem with an Alternative Mode of Transportation on Tree Networks and Segments
    TOP 22, pp. 227-253 (2014)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    Recovery-to-optimality: A new two-stage approach to robustness with an application to aperiodic timetabling
    Computers and Operations Research 52, pp. 1-15 (2014)

  • F. Bruns, M. Goerigk, S. Knust, A. Schöbel
    Robust load planning of trains in intermodal transportation
    OR spectrum 36, pp. 631-668 (2014)

  • M. Goerigk, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, M. Knoth, M. Müller-Hannemann
    The price of strict and light robustness in timetable information
    Transportation Science 48, pp. 225-242 (2013)

  • V. Blomer, A. Schöbel
    Twins of powerful numbers
    Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici 49, pp. 349-356 (2013)

  • A. Schöbel, S. Schwarze
    Finding Delay-Resistant Line Concepts using a Game-Theoretic Approach
    Netnomics 14, pp. 95-117 (2013)

  • K. Klamroth, E. Köbis, A. Schöbel, C. Tammer
    A unified approach for different concepts of robustness and stochastic programming via nonlinear scalarizing functionals
    Optimization 62, pp. 649-671 (2013)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    Improving the modulo simplex algorithm for large-scale periodic timetabling
    Computers and Operations Research 40, pp. 1363-1370 (2013)

  • M. Goerigk, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel
    Evaluating line concepts using travel times and robustness
    Public Transport 5, pp. 267-284 (2013)

  • S. Cicerone, G. D. Stefano, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel
    Multi-Stage Recovery Robustness for Optimization Problems: A new Concept for Planning under Disturbances
    Information Sciences 190, pp. 107-126 (2012)

  • M.-C. Körner, H. Martini, A. Schöbel
    Minisum Hyperspheres in Normed Spaces
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 16, pp. 2221-2233 (2012)

  • A. Schöbel
    Line planning in public transportation: models and methods
    OR Spectrum 34, pp. 491-510 (2012)

  • T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Delay Management with Rerouting of Passengers
    Transportation Science 46, pp. 74-89 (2012)

  • J. Geldermann, A. Schöbel
    On the similarities of some Multi-Ciriteria Decision Analysis Methods
    Multi-criteria decision analysis 18, pp. 219-230 (2011)

  • R. Blanquero, E. Carrizosa, A. Schöbel, D. Scholz
    Location of a line in the three-dimensional space
    EJOR 215, pp. 14-20 (2011)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, M.-C. Körner, A. Schöbel
    Locating a general minisum circle on the plane
    4OR 9, pp. 351-370 (2011)

  • M.-C. Körner, J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    Geometric fit of a point set by generalized circles
    Journal of Global Optimization 51, pp. 115-132 (2011)

  • L. S. M. Ehrgott, A. Schöbel
    An Approximation Algorithm for Convex Multi-objective Programming Problems
    Journal of Global Optimization, pp. 397-516 (2011)

  • M.-C. Körner, A. Schöbel
    Weber problems with highway distances
    TOP 18, pp. 223-241 (2010)

  • M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel
    To wait or not to wait and who goes first? Delay Management with Priority Decisions
    Transportation Science 44, pp. 307-321 (2010)

  • D. Scholz, A. Schöbel
    The theoretical and empirical rate of convergence for geometric branch-and-bound methods
    Journal of Global Optimization 48, pp. 473-495 (2010)

  • A. Schöbel, D. Scholz
    The Big Cube Small Cube solution method for multidimensional facility location problems
    Computers and Operations Research 37, pp. 115-122 (2010)

  • C. Liebchen, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel, S. Stiller, A. Prigge
    Computing delay-resistant railway timetables
    Computers and Operations Research 37, pp. 857-868 (2010)

  • D. R. P. Groß, H. W. Hamacher, S. Horn, A. Schöbel
    Stop location design in public transportation networks: covering and accessibility objectives
    Top 17, pp. 335 (2009)

  • D. Poetranto, H.W. Hamacher, S. Horn, A. Schöbel
    Stop Location Design in Public Transportation Networks: Covering and Accessibility Objectives
    TOP 17, pp. 335-346 (2009)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    Locating a minisum circle in the plane
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 157, pp. 901-912 (2009)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    Locating a circle on the plane using the minimax criterion
    Studies in Locational Analysis 17, pp. 46-60 (2009)

  • M. Michaelis, A. Schöbel
    Integrating Line Planning, Timetabling, and Vehicle Scheduling: A customer-oriented approach
    Public Transport 1, pp. 211-232 (2009)

  • A. Schöbel
    Capacity constraints in delay management
    Public Transport 1, pp. 135-154 (2009)

  • A. Schöbel, H. W. Hamacher, A. Liebers, D. Wagner
    The continuous stop location problem in public transportation networks
    Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 26, pp. 13-30 (2009)

  • J. Puerto, A. Schöbel, S. Schwarze
    The path player game: A network game from the point of view of the network providers
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 68, pp. 1-20 (2008)

  • A. Ginkel, A. Schöbel
    To wait or not to wait? The bicriteria delay management problem in public transportation
    Transportation Science 41, pp. 527-538 (2007)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    Locating a circle on a sphere
    Operations Research 55, pp. 782-791 (2007)

  • A. Schöbel
    Locating stops along bus or railway lines --- a bicriteria problem
    Annals of Operations Research 136, pp. 211-227 (2005)

  • N. Bissantz, S. Güttler, J. Jacobs, S. Kuy, T. Schaer, A. Schöbel, S. Scholl
    DisKon - Laborversion eines flexiblen, modularen und automatischen Dispositionsassistenzsystems
    Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau (ETR) 45, pp. 809-821 (2005)

  • N. Ruf, A. Schöbel
    Set covering problems with almost consecutive ones property
    Discrete Optimization 1, pp. 215-228 (2004)

  • J. M. Díaz-Bánez, J.A. Mesa, A. Schöbel
    Continuous Location of Dimensional Structures
    European Journal of Operational Research 152, pp. 22-44 (2004)

  • H. W. Hamacher, A. Schöbel
    Design of zone tariff systems in public transportation
    Operations Research 52, pp. 897-908 (2004)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    Properties of 3-dimensional line location models
    Annals of Operations Research 122, pp. 71-85 (2003)

  • A. Schöbel
    Anchored hyperplane location problems
    Discrete & Computational Geometry 29, pp. 229-238 (2003)

  • L. R. Foulds, H. W. Hamacher, A. Schöbel, T. Yamaguchi
    On center cycles in grid graphs
    Annals of Operations Research 122, pp. 163-175 (2003)

  • J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    Linear Facility Location in Three Dimensions - Models and Solution Methods
    Operations Research 50, pp. 1050-1057 (2002)

  • H. Martini, A. Schöbel
    Median and Center hyperplanes in Minkowski spaces --- a unifying approach
    Discrete Mathematics 241, pp. 407-426 (2001)

  • H.W. Hamacher, A. Liebers, A. Schöbel, D. Wagner, F. Wagner
    Locating new stops in a railway network
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 50 (2001)

  • A. Schöbel
    A Model for the Delay Management Problem based on Mixed-Integer Programming
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 50 (2001)

  • A. Schöbel
    Solving restricted line location problems via a dual interpretation
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 93, pp. 109-125 (1999)

  • H. Martini, A. Schöbel
    Hyperplane transversals of homothetical, centrally symmetric polytopes
    Periodica Mathematica Hungaria 39, pp. 73-81 (1999)

  • S. Nickel, A. Schöbel
    A geometric approach to global optimization
    Journal of Global Optimization 15, pp. 109-126 (1999)

  • H. Martini, A. Schöbel
    A characterization of smooth norms
    Geometriae Dedicata 77, pp. 173-183 (1999)

  • H. Martini, A. Schöbel
    Median hyperplanes in normed spaces --- a survey
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 89, pp. 181-195 (1998)

  • A. Schöbel
    Locating least distant lines in the plane
    European Journal of Operational Research 106, pp. 152-159 (1998)

  • M. Ehrgott, H. Hamacher, K. Klamroth, S. Nickel, A. Schöbel, M. Wiecek
    Equivalence of balance points and Pareto solutions in multiple-objective programming
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 92, pp. 209-212 (1997)

  • A. Schöbel
    Locating line segments with vertical distances
    Studies in Locational Analysis 11, pp. 143-158 (1997)

  • M. Ehrgott, H.W. Hamacher, K. Klamroth, S. Nickel, A. Schöbel, M.M. Wiecek
    A Note on the Equivalence of Balance Points and Pareto Solutions in Multiple-Objective Programming
    JOTA 92, pp. 209-212 (1997)

  • H. W. Hamacher, A. Schöbel
    A note on center problems with forbidden polyhedra
    Operations research letters 20, pp. 165-169 (1997)

  • A. Schöbel
    Locating least-distant lines with block norms
    Studies in Locational Analysis 10, pp. 139-150 (1996)
  • A. Schöbel, H. Stephani, M. Burger
    Potenziale im Bereich der Mobilität durch mathematische Methoden der KI
    Arbeitswelt und KI 2030. Herausforderungen nd Strategien für die Arbeit von morgen, Springer Nature, pp. 253-262 (2022)

  • A. Schöbel
    Locating Dimensional Facilities in a Continuous Space
    Location Science, Springer, pp. 143-184 (2020)

  • A. Schöbel
    Integer Location problems
    Contributions to Location Analysis, pp. 125-145 (2019)

  • S. Albert, P. Kraus, J.P. Müller, A. Schöbel
    Passenger-induced delay propagation: Agent-based simulation of passengers in rail networks
    Simulation Science (889), Springer, pp. 3-23 (2018)

  • T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Delay propagation and delay management in transportation networks
    Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry, Springer (2018)

  • J. Geldermann, L. Kolbe, A. Schöbel, M. Schumann
    Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmensnetzwerken -- Methoden zur betrieblichen und überbetrieblichen Planung für die Nutzung erneuerbarer Rohstoffe
    Nachhaltiges Entscheiden, Springer (2016)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization
    Algorithm Engineering: Selected Results and Surveys (9220), pp. 245-279 (2016)

  • A. Schöbel
    Location of Dimensional Facilities in a Continuous Space
    Location Science, Springer, pp. 63-103 (2015)

  • M.-C. Körner, A. S. (Eds.)
    Gene, Graphen, Organismen - Modellierungs- und Analysemethoden in der Systembiologie
    Shaker (2010)

  • A. Schöbel, D. S. (Eds.)
    Evolution und Epidemie --- Spieltheorie in der Biophysik
    Shaker (2010)

  • M.-C. Körner, J. Geldermann, A. S. (Eds.)
    Erträge, Diagramme und Algorithmen - Operations Research in der Praxis
    Shaker (2010)

  • M. Krüsemann, M. Schachtebeck, A. S. (Eds.)
    Bahn, Bus, PKW --- Optimierung in der Verkehrsplanung
    Shaker (2010)

  • S. Cicerone, G. D'Angelo, G. D. Stefano, D. Frigioni, A. Navarra, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel
    Recoverable robustness in shunting and timetabling
    Robust and online large-scale optimization (5868), Springer, pp. 28-60 (2009)

  • A. Schöbel, A. Kratz
    A bicriteria approach for robust timetabling
    Robust and online large-scale optimization (5868), Springer, pp. 119-144 (2009)

  • A. Schöbel
    Integer Programming approaches for solving the delay management problem
    Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization 4359, Springer, pp. 145-170 (2007)

  • F. Geraets, L. Kroon, A. Schöbel, D. Wagner, C. Z. (Eds.)
    Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization
    Springer (4359) (2007)

  • A. Schöbel
    Optimization in public transportation. Stop location, delay management and tariff planning from a customer-oriented point of view
    Springer (2006)

  • Z. Drezner, K. Klamroth, A. Schöbel, G. Wesolowsky
    The Weber Problem
    Facility Location - Applications and Theory, Springer, pp. 1-36 (2002)

  • S. Nickel, A. Schöbel, T. Sonneborn
    Hub Location Problems in Urban Traffic Networks
    Mathematical Methods and Optimization in Transportation Systems, KLUWER academic publishers, pp. 95-107 (2000)

  • A. Schöbel
    Locating Lines and Hyperplanes --- Theory and Algorithms
    Kluwer 25 (1999)

  • H.W. Hamacher, A. S. (Eds.)
    Public Transportation and Waste Management in a municipial context (in German)
    Shaker Verlag, Aachen (1997)

  • A. Schöbel
    Zone Planning in Public Transportation
    Advanced Methods in Transportation Analysis, Springer Verlag, pp. 117-134 (1996)

  • H. W. Hamacher, A. Schöbel
    On fair zone designs in public transportation
    Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling, Springer, pp. 8-22 (1995)
  • V. Grafe, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Delay Management with Integrated Decisions on the Vehicle Circulations
    22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (106), pp. 7:1-7:18 (2022)

  • R. Hoogervorst, E. van der Hurk, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, R. Urban
    The Edge Investment Problem: Upgrading Transit Line Segments with Multiple Investing Parties
    22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (106), pp. 9:1-9:19 (2022)

  • V. Grafe, A. Schöbel
    Solving the Periodic Scheduling Problem: An Assignment Approach in Non-Periodic Networks
    21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 9:1-9:16 (2021)

  • M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Towards Improved Robustness of Public Transport by a Machine-Learned Oracle
    21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 3:1-3:20 (2021)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, F. Spühler
    A Phase I Simplex Method for Finding Feasible Periodic Timetables
    21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 6:1-6:13 (2021)

  • A. Schöbel, R. Urban
    Cheapest Paths in Public Transport: Properties and Algorithms
    20th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2020), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (85), pp. 13:1-13:16 (2020)

  • P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, S. Ruzika
    Kosten oder Reisezeit? Bikriterielle Optimierung der integrierten Fahr- und Umlaufplanung
    Preprint Heureka'21 (2020)

  • A. Schöbel, J. Pätzold, J. P. Müller
    The Trickle-In Effect: Modeling Passenger Behavior in Delay Management
    19th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2019), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (75), pp. 6:1-6:15 (2019)

  • M. Friedrich, M. Hartl, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    System Headways in Line Planning
    Proceedings of CASPT 2018 (2018)

  • M. Friedrich, M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Robustness as a Third Dimension for Evaluating Public Transport Plans
    18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2018), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (65), pp. 4:1-4:17 (2018)

  • M.E. Lübbecke, C. Puchert, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Integrating line planning, timetabling and vehicle scheduling - Integer programming formulation and analysis
    Proceedings of CASPT 2018 (2018)

  • J. Pätzold, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Cost-Minimal Public Transport Planning
    18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2018), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (65), pp. 8:1-8:22 (2018)

  • M. Friedrich, M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Robustness Tests for Public Transport Planning
    17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (59), pp. 1-16 (2017)

  • J. Pätzold, A. Schiewe, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Look-Ahead Approaches for Integrated Planning in Public Transportation
    17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (59), pp. 1-16 (2017)

  • M. Friedrich, M. Hartl, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Integrating Passengers' Assignment in Cost-Optimal Line Planning
    17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (59), pp. 1-16 (2017)

  • M. Friedrich, M. Hartl, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    Angebotsplanung im öffentlichen Verkehr - planerische und algorithmische Lösungen
    Heureka'17 (2017)

  • P. Gattermann, P. Großmann, K. Nachtigall, A. Schöbel
    Integrating Passengers' Routes in Periodic Timetabling: A SAT approach
    16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (54), pp. 1-15 (2016)

  • P. Gattermann, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    An Iterative Approach for Integrated Planning in Public Transportation
    9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (2016)

  • J. Pätzold, A. Schöbel
    A Matching Approach for Periodic Timetabling
    16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (54), pp. 1-15 (2016)

  • A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel
    A Matching Approach for Line Planning
    9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (2016)

  • A. Schöbel
    Integration of line planning and timetabling
    CASPT 2015 (2015)

  • M. Tiedemann, J. Ide, A. Schöbel
    Competitive Analysis for Multi-Objective Online Algorithms
    Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation WALCOM 2015, pp. 210-221 (2015)

  • M. Goerigk, Y. Sabharwal, A. Schöbel, S. Sen
    Approximation Algorithms for the Weight-Reducible Knapsack Problem
    Proceedings of TAMC (2014)

  • E. Carrizosa, J. Harbering, A. Schöbel
    The Stop Location Problem with Realistic Traveling Time
    13th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (33), pp. 80-93 (2013)

  • P. Bouman, M. Schmidt, L. Kroon, A. Schöbel
    Passenger Route Choice in Case of Disruptions
    Proceedings of the 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEEE-ITSC) (2013)

  • M. Goerigk, S. Heße, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Recoverable robust timetable information
    ATMOS-13th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems-2013, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (33), pp. 1-14 (2013)

  • M. Goerigk, M. Knoth, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    The Price of Robustness in Timetable Information
    11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (20), pp. 76-87 (2011)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    Engineering the Modulo Network Simplex Heuristic for the Periodic Timetabling Problem
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (6630), pp. 181-192 (2011)

  • T. Dollevoet, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Delay Management including Capacities of Stations
    11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (20), pp. 88-99 (2011)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    A Scenario-Based Approach for Robust Linear Optimization
    Proceedings of the 1st International ICST Conference on Practice and Theory of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems (TAPAS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 139-150 (2011)

  • H. Flier, M. Mihalák, A. Schöbel, P. Widmayer, A. Zych
    Vertex Disjoint Paths for Dispatching in Railways
    Proceedings of ATMOS10, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (14), pp. 61-73 (2010)

  • M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    The Complexity of Integrating Routing Decisions in Public Transportation Models
    Proceedings of ATMOS10, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (14), pp. 156-169 (2010)

  • M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel
    An Empirical Analysis of Robustness Concepts for Timetabling
    Proceedings of ATMOS10, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (14), pp. 100-113 (2010)

  • M.-C. Körner, J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel
    General circle location
    Proceedings of the 21st Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG2009), pp. 111-114 (2009)

  • T. Dollevoet, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel
    Delay Management with Re-Routing of Passengers
    ATMOS 2009, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings (2009)

  • M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel
    IP-based Techniques for Delay Management with Priority Decisions
    ATMOS 2008 - 8th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems, Dagstuhl Seminar proceedings (2008)

  • S. Cicerone, G. D. Stefano, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel
    Dynamic Algorithms for Recoverable Robustness Problems
    ATMOS 2008 - 8th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems, Dagstuhl Seminar proceedings (2008)

  • C. Conte, A. Schöbel
    Identifying dependencies among delays
    proceedings of IAROR 2007 (2007)

  • S. Mecke, A. Schöbel, D. Wagner
    Stop location - complexity and approximation issues
    5th workshop on algorithmic methods and models for optimization of railways, Dagstuhl Seminar proceedings 06901 (2006)

  • A. Schöbel, S. Scholl
    Line Planning with Minimal Travel Time
    5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06901 (2006)

  • A. Schöbel, S. Schwarze
    Dominance and equilibria in the path player game
    Proceedings of OR 2005, Bremen, pp. 489-494 (2006)

  • A. Schöbel, S. Schwarze
    A game-theoretic approach to Line Planning
    6th workshop on algorithmic methods and models for optimization of railways, Dagstuhl Seminar proceedings 06002 (2006)

  • M. Gatto, R. Jacob, L. Peeters, A. Schöbel
    The Computational Complexity of Delay Management
    Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 31st International Workshop (WG 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3787) (2005)

  • R. Velasquez, M. Ehrgott, D. Ryan, A. Schöbel
    A set-packing aproach to routing trains through railway stations
    40th Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of New Zealand, pp. 305-314 (2005)

  • A. Schöbel, M. Schröder
    Covering population areas by railway stops
    Proceedings of OR 2002, Klagenfurt, pp. 187-192 (2003)

  • M. Schröder, A. Schöbel
    AnSiM --- GIS-gestützte Optimierung von Anschlusssicherungsmaßnahmen
    Angewandte geographische Informationsverarbeitung XV, pp. 465-473 (2003)

  • H.W. Hamacher, A. Schöbel
    On fair zone design in public transportation
    Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 430, pp. 8-22 (1995)

  • A. Schöbel
    Fair Zone Design in Public Transportation Networks
    Operations Research Proceedings 1994, pp. 191-196 (1994)