O. Bachtler, T. Bergner, S. O. Krumke Almost disjoint paths and separating by forbidden pairs Theoretical Computer Science 982, pp. 1-20 (2024)
N. Hausbrandt, O. Bachtler, S. Ruzika, L. E. Schäfer Parametric Matroid Interdiction Discrete Optimization 51, pp. 1-11 (2024)
S. Jäger, G. Sagnol, D. Schmidt genannt Waldschmidt, P. Warode Competitive Kill-and-Restart and Preemptive Strategies for Non-clairvoyant Scheduling
S. Helfrich, K. Prinz, S. Ruzika The Weighted p-Norm Weight Set Decomposition for Multiobjective Discrete Optimization Problems Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 202, pp. 1187-1216 (2024)
P. Schiewe, M. Stinzendörfer Optimizing combined tours: The truck-and-cargo-bike case OR Spectrum (2024)
C. Krüger, A. Schöbel, L. Fritzen, M. Wiecek The point-based robustness gap for uncertain multiobjective optimization Optimization 73, pp. 1897-1931 (2024)
R. Hoogervorst, E. van der Hurk, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, R. Urban The bus rapid transit investment problem Computer and Operations Reserach 167 (2024)
Z. Drezner, J. Brimberg, A. Schöbel Dispersed starting solutions in facility location: The case of the planar p-median problem Computer and Operations Reserach 169 (2024)
S. Jäger, P. Warode Simple Approximation Algorithms for Minimizing the Total Weighted Completion Time of Precedence-Constrained Jobs Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms, pp. 82-96 (2024)
O. Bachtler, I. Heinrich Automated Testing and Interactive Construction of Unavoidable Sets for Graph Classes of Small Path-Width Journal of Graph Theory 104, pp. 289-319 (2023)
O. Bachtler, I. Heinrich Reductions for the 3-Decomposition Conjecture Procedia Computer Science 223, pp. 96-103 (2023)
S. Helfrich, T. Perini, P. Halffmann, N. Boland, S. Ruzika Analysis of the weighted Tchebycheff weight set decomposition for multiobjective discrete optimization problems
S. Helfrich, A. Herzel, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen Using scalarizations for the approximation of multiobjective optimization problems: towards a general theory Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (2023)
D. Leib, T. Seidel, S. Jäger, R. Heese, C. Jones, A. Awasthi, A. Niederle, M. Bortz An optimization case study for solving a transport robot scheduling problem on quantum-hybrid and quantum-inspired hardware
S. Jäger An improved greedy algorithm for stochastic online scheduling on unrelated machines
R. Müller, A. Schöbel, D. Schuhmacher Location problems with cutoff Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 (2023)
Z. Drezner, J. Brimberg, A. Schöbel A trajectory based heuristic for the planar p-median problem Computer and Operations Reserach 158 (2023)
A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, L. Sieber Line Planning for Different Demand Periods Operations Research Forum 4, pp. 92 (2023)
E. Ramentol, S. Grimm, M. Stinzendörfer, A. Wagner Short-Term Air Pollution Forecasting Using Embeddings in Neural Networks Atmosphere 14, pp. 298 (2023)
A. Herzel, S. Helfrich, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen Approximating biobjective minimization problems using general ordering cones Journal of Global Optimization (2023)
A. Schöbel, R. Urban The cheapest ticket problem in public transport Transportation Science 56, pp. 1432-1451 (2023)
V. Grafe, A. Schöbel Recoverable Robust Periodic Timetabling 23rd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2023), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (115), pp. 9:1-9:16 (2023)
L. Knippertz, A. Münz, S. Ruzika Automated Detection of Geometric Structures in Gaze Data Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ETRA '23 (2023)
S. Jäger, G. Sagnol, D. Schmidt genannt Waldschmidt, P. Warode Competitive Kill-and-Restart and Preemptive Strategies for Non-Clairvoyant Scheduling Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS (13904) 13904, pp. 246-260 (2023)
N. Leithäuser, D. Adelhütte, K. Braun, C. Büsing, M. Comis, T. Gersing, S. Johann, A. M. C. A. Koster, S. O. Krumke, F. Liers, E. Schmidt, J. Schneider, M. Streicher, S. Tschuppik, S. Wrede Decision-support systems for ambulatory care, including pandemic requirements: using mathematically optimized solutions BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 22 (2022)
P. Halffmann, L. E. Schäfer, K. Dächert, K. Klamroth, S. Ruzika Exact algorithms for multiobjective linear optimization problems with integer variables: A state of the art survey Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 29, pp. 341-363 (2022)
K. Küfer, K. Miettinen, S. Ruzika, S. Sayin Multi-criteria optimization in industry OR Spectrum 44, pp. 303-305 (2022)
M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel Estimating the robustness of public transport schedules using machine learning Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 137, pp. 103566 (2022)
P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel Integrated Optimization of Sequential Processes: General Analysis and Application to Public Transport EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 11, pp. 100073 (2022)
C. Bazgan, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen, D. Vanderpooten The power of the weighted sum scalarization for approximating multiobjective optimization problems Theory of Computing Systems 66, pp. 395-415 (2022)
N. Fröhlich, S. Ruzika Interdicting facilities in tree networks Top 30, pp. 95-118 (2022)
A. Schöbel, R. Urban The Cheapest Ticket Problem in Public Transport Transportation Science 56, pp. 1432-1451 (2022)
S. Helfrich, A. Herzel, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen An Approximation Algorithm for a General Class of Multi-Parametric Optimization Problems Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 44, pp. 1459-1494 (2022)
O. Bachtler, S. O. Krumke Towards Obtaining a 3-Decomposition from a Perfect Matching The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2022)
J. Andersen, M. Baum, C. Dictus, A. Greubel, L. Knippertz, J. Krüger, I. Neumann, B. Priemer, S. Ruzika, J. Schulz, others Critical Thinking--Gelegenheit für MINT-Lernen in der Zukunft? Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens--Band 1: Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung, Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 43-57 (2022)
S. Becker, L. Knippertz, J. Kuhn, L. Kuntz, S. Ruzika Blickdatenanalyse bei der Interpretation linearer Graphen im mathematischen und physikalischen Kontext Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens--Band 1: Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung, Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 181-192 (2022)
K. Kennel, S. Becker, P. Klein, S. Küchemann, J. Kuhn, S. Ruzika Blickbewegungen beim grafischen Ableiten--Lassen sich Fehler durch Eye-Tracking-Daten vorhersagen und elaborieren? Eye-Tracking in der Mathematik-und Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Forschung und Praxis, Springer, pp. 125-143 (2022)
S. Küchemann, N. Cullmann, S. Kovac, S. Becker, P. Klein, K. Kennel, S. Ruzika, J. Kuhn Blickverhalten beim Lernen und Problemlösen mit Graphen--Ein Literaturüberblick bis 2020 Eye-Tracking in der Mathematik-und Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik, Springer, pp. 177-192 (2022)
A. Schöbel, H. Stephani, M. Burger Potenziale im Bereich der Mobilität durch mathematische Methoden der KI Arbeitswelt und KI 2030. Herausforderungen nd Strategien für die Arbeit von morgen, Springer Nature, pp. 253-262 (2022)
V. Grafe, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel Delay Management with Integrated Decisions on the Vehicle Circulations 22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (106), pp. 7:1-7:18 (2022)
L. Knippertz, S. Becker, J. Kuhn, S. Ruzika Gaze pattern analysis to reveal student difficulties in interpreting kinematic graphs Twelfth Congress of the European Society of Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (2022)
A. Greubel, H. Siller, S. Ruzika, L. Knippertz Teaching Mathematical Modeling with Computing Technology: Presentation of a Course based on Evacuations Proceedings of the 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, pp. 1-6 (2022)
L. Albert, N. Fröhlich, N. Hausbrand, S. Henninger, T. Maurer, S. Ruzika Human-biometeorologisch angepasste Routenführungen durch mathematische Optimierung Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development. Proceedings of REAL CORP 2022, 27th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society, pp. 427-435 (2022)
M. Stiewing, T. Weber, K. Mangels, S. Ruzika, N. Fröhlich, N. Hausbrandt „Black Box Babyboomer”--Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development. Proceedings of REAL CORP 2022, 27th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society, pp. 131-141 (2022)
R. Hoogervorst, E. van der Hurk, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, R. Urban The Edge Investment Problem: Upgrading Transit Line Segments with Multiple Investing Parties 22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (106), pp. 9:1-9:19 (2022)
O. Bachtler, T. Bergner, S. O. Krumke Local Certification of Reachability Proceedings of the 10th International Network Optimization Conference, pp. 40-44 (2022)
A. Abels, L. Ladewig, K. Schewior, M. Stinzendörfer Knapsack Secretary Through Boosting International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, pp. 61-81 (2022)
P. Schiewe, M. Stinzendörfer Integrated Line Planning and Vehicle Scheduling for Public Transport. INOC, pp. 1-6 (2022)
L. Schneider, R. B. Ferri, S. Ruzika How knowledge about ideal-typical modelling processes affects phase transitions in individual modelling routes Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (2022)
V. Priesemann, M. Meyer-Hermann, I. Pigeot, A. Schöbel Der Beitrag von epidemiologischen Modellen zur Beschreibung des Ausbruchsgeschehens der COVID-19-Pandemie Bundesgesundheitsblatt 64, pp. 1058-1066 (2021)
J. Fiedler, C.P. Moritz, S. Feth, M. Speckert, K. Dreßler, A. Schöbel Ein mathematisches Modell zur Schätzung der Dunkelziffer von SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen in der Frühphase der Pandemie am Beispiel Deutschland und Italien Bundesgesundheitsblatt 64, pp. 1067-1075 (2021)
M. Bracke, S. Ruzika Wie gut ist mein Timing? Modellieren mit realen, selbst erzeugten Daten MATHEMATIK 5-10 2021, pp. 38-41 (2021)
A. Herzel, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen Approximation methods for multiobjective optimization problems: A survey INFORMS Journal on Computing 33, pp. 1284-1299 (2021)
L. Schneider, R. B. Ferri, S. Ruzika On the influence of knowledge about the ideal-typical modelling processes on individuals’ modelling routes Quadrante 30, pp. 220-241 (2021)
A. Herzel, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen Approximation Methods for Multiobjective Optimization Problems: A Survey INFORMS Journal on Computing (2021)
N. Fröhlich, S. Ruzika Interdicting facilities in tree networks TOP, pp. 1-24 (2021)
C. Büsing, M. Comis, E. Schmidt, M. Streicher Robust strategic planning for mobile medical units with steerable and unsteerable demands European Journal of Operational Research 295, pp. 34-50 (2021)
N. Leithaeuser, J. Schneider, S. Johann, S. Krumke, M. Streicher, E. Schmidt, S. Scholz Quantifying Covid19-Vaccine Location Strategies For Germany BMC Health Services Research 21 (2021)
C. Büsing, M. Comis, E. Schmidt, M. Streicher Robust strategic planning for mobile medical units with steerable and unsteerable demands European Journal of Operational Research 295, pp. 34-50 (2021)
N. Fröhlich, S. Ruzika On the hardness of covering-interdiction problems Theoretical Computer Science 871, pp. 1-15 (2021)
A. Schöbel, Y. Zhou-Kangas The price of multiobjective robustness: Analyzing solution sets to uncertain multiobjective problems EJOR 291, pp. 782-793 (2021)
J. Brimberg, A. Maier, A. Schöbel When closest ist not always the best: The distributed p-median problem JORS 72, pp. 200-216 (2021)
M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel Towards Improved Robustness of Public Transport by a Machine-Learned Oracle 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 3:1-3:20 (2021)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, F. Spühler A Phase I Simplex Method for Finding Feasible Periodic Timetables 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 6:1-6:13 (2021)
N. Lindner, P. Maristany de las Casas, P. Schiewe Optimal Forks: Preprocessing Single-Source Shortest Path Instances with Interval Data 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 7:1-7:15 (2021)
V. Grafe, A. Schöbel Solving the Periodic Scheduling Problem: An Assignment Approach in Non-Periodic Networks 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 9:1-9:16 (2021)
M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel Towards Improved Robustness of Public Transport by a Machine-Learned Oracle 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 3:1-3:20 (2021)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, F. Spühler A Phase I Simplex Method for Finding Feasible Periodic Timetables 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021), Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (96), pp. 6:1-6:13 (2021)
F. Gensheimer, T. Dietz, K. Kraft, S. Ruzika, N. Wehn, A Reduced-Complexity Projection Algorithm for ADMM-based LP Decoding IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2020)
L. E. Schäfer, T. Dietz, M. Barbati, J. Figueira, S. Greco, S. Ruzika, The binary knapsack problem with qualitative levels European Journal of Operational Research (2020)
C. Bazgan, A. Herzel, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen, D. Vanderpooten, An approximation algorithm for a general class of parametric optimization problems Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, pp. 1-31 (2020)
A. Herzel, C. Bazgan, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen, D. Vanderpooten, One-exact approximate Pareto sets Journal of Global Optimization, pp. 1-29 (2020)
B. Schulze, M. Stiglmayr, L. Paquete, C. M. Fonseca, D. Willems, S. Ruzika, On the rectangular knapsack problem: approximation of a specific quadratic knapsack problem Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, pp. 1-26 (2020)
S. Behrends, A. Schöbel, Generating Valid Inequalities for Nonlinear Programs via Sums of Squares Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 186, pp. 911-935 (2020)
P. Halffmann, T. Dietz, A. Przybylski, S. Ruzika, An inner approximation method to compute the weight set decomposition of a triobjective mixed-integer problem Journal of Global Optimization (2020)
S. Jäger, A. Schöbel, The blockwise coordinate descent method for integer programs Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 91, pp. 357-381 (2020)
L. Russo, T. Dietz, J. Figueira, A. P. Francisco, S. Ruzika, Sparsifying parity-check matrices Applied Soft Computing 96, pp. 106601 (2020)
N. Fröhlich, A. Maier, H. W. Hamacher, Covering edges in networks Networks (2020)
S. O. Krumke, H. Le Minh, Robust absolute single machine makespan scheduling-location problem on trees Operations Research Letters 48, pp. 29-32 (2020)
S. O. Krumke, H. Le Minh, O. Bachtler, Robust single machine makespan scheduling with release date uncertainty Operations Research Letters 48, pp. 816 - 819 (2020)
M. Linden, J. Dehning, S B. Mohr, J. Mohring, M. Meyer-Hermann, I. Pigeot, A. Schöbel, V. Priesemann, The foreshadow of a second wave: Surpassing the contact tracing capacity risks the mitigation of COVID-19 Deutsches Ärzteblatt 117, pp. 790-791 (2020)
J. Pätzold, A. Schöbel, Approximate Cutting Plane Approaches for Exact Solutions to Robust Optimization Problems European Journal of Operational Research 284, pp. 20-30 (2020)
P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Periodic timetabling with integrated routing: Towards applicable approaches Transportation Science, pp. 1714-1731 (2020)
H. Heer, L. Streib, R. B. Schäfer, S. Ruzika, Maximising the clustering coefficient of networks and the effects on habitat network robustness Plos one 15, pp. e0240940 (2020)
L. E. Schäfer, T. Dietz, N. Fröhlich, S. Ruzika, J. R. Figueira, Shortest paths with ordinal weights European Journal of Operational Research 280, pp. 1160-1170 (2020)
T. Ullmert, S. Ruzika, A. Schöbel, On the p-hub interdiction problem Computers & Operations Research 124, pp. 105056 (2020)
L. Streib, M. Kattwinkel, H. Heer, S. Ruzika, R. B. Schäfer, How does habitat connectivity influence the colonization success of a hemimetabolous aquatic insect? - A modeling approach Ecological Modelling 416, pp. 108909 (2020)
T. Dietz, K. Klamroth, K. Kraus, S. Ruzika, L. E. Schäfer, B. Schulze, M. Stiglmayr, M. M. Wiecek, Introducing multiobjective complex systems European Journal of Operational Research 280, pp. 581-596 (2020)
P. Schiewe, Integrated Optimization in Public Transport Planning Springer, 160 (2020)
A. Schöbel, Locating Dimensional Facilities in a Continuous Space Location Science, Springer, pp. 143-184 (2020)
I. Heinrich, T. Heller, E. Schmidt, M. Streicher, 2.5-Connectivity: Unique Components, Critical Graphs, and Applications Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer (2020)
P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, S. Ruzika, Kosten oder Reisezeit? Bikriterielle Optimierung der integrierten Fahr- und Umlaufplanung Preprint Heureka'21 (2020)
L. E. Schäfer, T. Dietz, M. V. Natale, S. Ruzika, S. O. Krumke, C. M. Fonseca, The Bicriterion Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem in s-t-Planar Graphs Operations Research Proceedings 2019, pp. 133-139 (2020)
A. Schöbel, R. Urban, Cheapest Paths in Public Transport: Properties and Algorithms 20th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2020), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (85), pp. 13:1-13:16 (2020)
P. Bouman, A. Schiewe, P. Schiewe, A New Sequential Approach to Periodic Vehicle Scheduling and Timetabling 20th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2020), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (85), pp. 6:1-6:16 (2020)
M. Botte, A. Schöbel, Dominance for Multi-Objective Robust Optimization Concepts European Journal of Operational Research 273, pp. 430-440 (2019)
M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, L. Thom, Min-ordering and max-ordering scalarization methods for multi-objective robust optimization European Journal of Operational Research 275, pp. 446-459 (2019)
M. Bracke, C. Gomez-Tutor, J. Kuhn, S. Ruzika, Unified Education: Medienbildung entlang der Lehrerbildungskette-Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung der TU Kaiserslautern Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik 45, pp. 33-38 (2019)
I. Heinrich, M. Streicher, Cycle Decompositions and Constructive Characterizations Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 7, pp. 411-428 (2019)
H. Heer, L. Streib, M. Kattwinkel, R. B. Schäfer, S. Ruzika, Optimisation Model of Dispersal Simulations on a Dendritic Habitat Network Scientific Reports 9, pp. 1-11 (2019)
A. Maier, T. Ullmert, H. W. Hamacher, Planar multifacility location problems with tree structure and finite dominating sets Discrete Optimization 33, pp. 19-42 (2019)
A. Schiewe, P. Schiewe, M. Schmidt, The line planning routing game European Journal of Operational Research 274, pp. 560-573 (2019)
K. Küfer, S. Ruzika, P. Halffmann, Multikriterielle Optimierung und Entscheidungsunterstützung: Tagungsband GOR Entscheidungstheorie und-praxis 2018 Springer-Verlag, (2019)
A. Schöbel, Integer Location problems Contributions to Location Analysis, pp. 125-145 (2019)
N. Fröhlich, Shortest Coverage Sequences for Covering Moving Targets in Networks Multikriterielle Optimierung und Entscheidungsunterstützung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 31-43 (2019)
L. E. Schäfer, S. Ruzika, On Variants of the Single-criterion and Multiobjective Near-Shortest Paths Problem Multikriterielle Optimierung und Entscheidungsunterstützung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 17-30 (2019)
T. Ullmert, N. Fröhlich, A Heuristic Approach for the Drone Placement Problem Multikriterielle Optimierung und Entscheidungsunterstützung, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 45-59 (2019)
C. Bazgan, A. Herzel, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen, D. Vanderpooten, An FPTAS for a General Class of Parametric Optimization Problems International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, pp. 25-37 (2019)
S. Ruzika, L. Schneider, On the role of multicriteria decision support in mathematical modelling Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 24 (2019)
A. Schöbel, J. Pätzold, J P. Müller, The Trickle-In Effect: Modeling Passenger Behavior in Delay Management 19th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2019), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (75), pp. 6:1-6:15 (2019)
I. Heinrich, P. Tittmann, Neighborhood and Domination Polynomials of Graphs Graphs and Combinatorics (2018)
D. Baatar, M. Ehrgott, H. W. Hamacher, I. M. Raschendorfer, Minimizing the number of apertures in multileaf collimator sequencing with field splitting Discrete Applied Mathematics (2018)
S. Krumke, C. Thielen, P. Weinschenk, S. Westphal, Full Implementation of Social Choice Functions in Dominant Strategies International Journal of Game Theory, pp. 1-26 (2018)
C. Thielen, Duty Rostering for Physicians at a Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery Operations Research for Health Care 19, pp. 80-91 (2018)
T. Drezner, Z. Drezner, A. Schöbel, The Weber obnoxious facility location model: A Big Arc Small Arc approach Computers and Operations Research 98, pp. 240-250 (2018)
N. Halman, M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, An FPTAS for the knapsack problem with parametric weights Operations Research Letters 46, pp. 487-491 (2018)
A. Herzel, M. Hopf, C. Thielen, Multistage Interval Scheduling Games Journal of Scheduling (online first), pp. 1-19 (2018)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, A Generalized Approximation Framework for Fractional Network Flow and Packing Problems Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 87, pp. 19-50 (2018)
C. Krüger, F. Castellani, J. Geldermann, A. Schöbel, Peat and Pots: An application of robust multiobjective optimization to a mixing problem in agriculture Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 154, pp. 265-275 (2018)
S. O. Krumke, E. Schmidt, M. Streicher, Robust Multicovers with Budgeted Uncertainty European Journal of Operations Research (2018)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, A. Kasperski, P. Zieliński, On recoverable and two-stage robust selection problems with budgeted uncertainty European Journal of Operational Research 265, pp. 423-436 (2018)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, On scenario aggregation to approximate robust combinatorial optimization problems Optimization Letters 12, pp. 1523-1533 (2018)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, Variable-sized uncertainty and inverse problems in robust optimization European Journal of Operational Research 264, pp. 17-28 (2018)
M. Gentner, I. Heinrich, S. Jäger, D. Rautenbach, Large values of the clustering coefficient Discrete Mathematics 341, pp. 119-125 (2018)
M. Goerigk, H. W. Hamacher, A. Kinscherff, Ranking robustness and its application to evacuation planning European Journal of Operational Research 264, pp. 837-846 (2018)
A. Raith, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, L. Thom, Multi-objective minmax robust combinatorial optimization with cardinality-constrained uncertainty European Journal of Operational Research 267, pp. 628-642 (2018)
A. Raith, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, L. Thom, Extensions of Labeling Algorithms for Multi-objective Uncertain Shortest Path Problems Networks 72, pp. 84-127 (2018)
S. Behrends, R. Hübner, A. Schöbel, Norm Bounds and Underestimators for Unconstrained Polynomial Integer Minimization Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 87, pp. 73-107 (2018)
M. Goerigk, H. W. Hamacher, S. Schmitt, Decision Support Systems for Urban Evacuation Logistics in Practice The Palgrave Handbook of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Springer, pp. 523-546 (2018)
S. Ruzika, V. Klöckner, S. Gecks, Wie man einen Testsieger kürt Digitale Werkzeuge, Simulationen und mathematisches Modellieren, Springer, pp. 229-252 (2018)
D. Willems, O. Zehner, S. Ruzika, On a Technique for Finding Running Tracks of Specific Length in a Road Network Operations Research Proceedings 2017, Springer, pp. 333-338 (2018)
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Delay propagation and delay management in transportation networks Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry, Springer (2018)
S. Albert, P. Kraus, J P. Müller, A. Schöbel, Passenger-induced delay propagation: Agent-based simulation of passengers in rail networks Simulation Science 889, Springer, pp. 3-23 (2018)
M. Friedrich, M. Hartl, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, System Headways in Line Planning Proceedings of CASPT 2018 (2018)
M E. Lübbecke, C. Puchert, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Integrating line planning, timetabling and vehicle scheduling - Integer programming formulation and analysis Proceedings of CASPT 2018 (2018)
F. Gensheimer, T. Dietz, S. Ruzika, K. Kraft, N. Wehn, A Low-Complexity Projection Algorithm for ADMM-Based LP Decoding 2018 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), pp. 1-5 (2018)
F. D. Schwahn, C. Thielen, The Complexity of Escaping Labyrinths and Enchanted Forests Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN), LIPIcs (100), pp. 30:1-13 (2018)
H. Corsten, M. Hopf, B. Kasper, C. Thielen, Regionalized Assortment Planning for Multiple Chain Stores Operations Research Proceedings 2016 - Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), pp. 451-457 (2018)
M. Friedrich, M . Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Robustness as a Third Dimension for Evaluating Public Transport Plans 18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2018), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (65), pp. 4:1-4:17 (2018)
F. Gensheimer, T. Dietz, S. Ruzika, K. Kraft, N. Wehn, Improved Maximum-Likelihood Decoding Using Sparse Parity-Check Matrices 2018 25th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), pp. 236-240 (2018)
J. Pätzold, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Cost-Minimal Public Transport Planning 18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2018), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (65), pp. 8:1-8:22 (2018)
M. Bender, C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Online Interval Scheduling with a Bounded Number of Failures Journal of Scheduling 20, pp. 443-457 (2017)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, On the Complexity and Approximability of Budget-Constrained Minimum Cost Flows Information Processing Letters 126, pp. 24-29 (2017)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, An FPTAS for the parametric knapsack problem Information Processing Letter 126, pp. 43-47 (2017)
H. Corsten, M. Hopf, B. Kasper, C. Thielen, Assortment Planning for Multiple Chain Stores OR Spectrum (online first), pp. 1-38 (2017)
A. Giudici, P. Halffmann, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen, Approximation Schemes For the Parametric Knapsack Problem Information Processing Letters 120, pp. 11-15 (2017)
P. Halffmann, S. Ruzika, C. Thielen, D. Willems, A General Approximation Method for Bicriteria Minimization Problems Theoretical Computer Science 695, pp. 1-15 (2017)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, A Network Simplex Method for the Budget-Constrained Minimum Cost Flow Problem European Journal of Operational Research 259, pp. 864-872 (2017)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, Maximum Flows in Generalized Processing Networks Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 33, pp. 1226-1256 (2017)
M. Hopf, C. Thielen, O. Wendt, Competitive Algorithms for Multistage Online Scheduling European Journal of Operational Research 260, pp. 468-481 (2017)
E. Carrizosa, M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, A biobjective approach to recovery robustness based on location planning European Journal of Operational Research 261, pp. 421-435 (2017)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, Minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems with ellipsoidal uncertainty sets European Journal of Operational Research 258, pp. 58-69 (2017)
M. Goerigk, M. Schmidt, Line planning with user-optimal route choice European Journal of Operational Research 259, pp. 424-436 (2017)
K. Klamroth, E. Köbis, A. Schöbel, C. Tammer, A unified approach to uncertain optimization European Journal of Operational Research 260, pp. 403-420 (2017)
K. Klamroth, S. Mostaghim, B. Naujoks, S. Poles, R. Purshouse, G. Rudolph, S. Ruzika, S. Sayin, M. M. Wiecek, X. Yao, Multiobjective optimization for interwoven systems Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 24, pp. 71-81 (2017)
T. Kuhn, S. Ruzika, A coverage-based Box-Algorithm to compute a representation for optimization problems with three objective functions Journal of Global Optimization 67, pp. 581-600 (2017)
J. Manitz, J. Harbering, M. Schmidt, T. Kneib, A. Schöbel, Source Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks with an Application to Delays in Public Transportation Systems Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 66, pp. 521-536 (2017)
M C. López-de-los-Mozos, J A. Mesa, A. Schöbel, A general approach for the location of transfer points on a network with a trip covering criterion and mixed distances European Journal of Operational Research 260, pp. 108-121 (2017)
G. Eichfelder, C. Krüger, A. Schöbel, Decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization Journal of Global Optimization 69, pp. 485-510 (2017)
A. Schöbel, An Eigenmodel for Iterative Line Planning, Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling in Public Transportation Transportation Research C 74, pp. 348-365 (2017)
C. Torchiani, J. Ohst, D. Willems, S. Ruzika, Shortest Paths with Shortest Detours Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 174, pp. 858-874 (2017)
M. Schmidt, L. Kroon, A. Schöbel, P. Bouman, The Traveler's Route Choice Problem under Uncertainty: Dominance Relations between Strategies Operations Research 65, pp. 184-199 (2017)
P. Gattermann, J. Harbering, A. Schöbel, Line Pool Generation Public Transport 9, pp. 7-32 (2017)
J. Figueira, C. M. Fonseca, P. Halffmann, K. Klamroth, L. Paquete, S. Ruzika, B. Schulze, M. Stiglmayr, D. Willems, Easy to say they are Hard, but Hard to see they are Easy - Towards a Categorization of Tractable Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 24, pp. 82-98 (2017)
S. Ruzika, H. Siller, M. Bracke, Evakuierungsszenarien in Modellierungswochen - ein interessantes und spannendes Thema für den Mathematikunterricht Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 3, Springer, pp. 181-190 (2017)
M. Friedrich, M. Hartl, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Angebotsplanung im öffentlichen Verkehr - planerische und algorithmische Lösungen Heureka'17 (2017)
M. Friedrich, M. Hartl, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Integrating Passengers' Assignment in Cost-Optimal Line Planning 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (59), pp. 1-16 (2017)
M. Friedrich, M. Müller-Hannemann, R. Rückert, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Robustness Tests for Public Transport Planning 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (59), pp. 1-16 (2017)
J. Pätzold, A. Schiewe, P. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, Look-Ahead Approaches for Integrated Planning in Public Transportation 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (59), pp. 1-16 (2017)
D. H. Biedermann, C. Torchiani, P. M. Kielar, D. Willems, O. Handel, S. Ruzika, A. Borrmann, A hybrid and multiscale approach to model and simulate mobility in the context of public events Transportation Research Procedia 19, pp. 350-363 (2016)
A. Chassein, S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, Capacitated Network Design Games with Weighted Players Networks 68, pp. 141-158 (2016)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, A bicriteria approach to robust optimization Computers & Operations Research 66, pp. 181-189 (2016)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, Budget-Constrained Minimum Cost Flows Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 31, pp. 1720-1745 (2016)
C. Thielen, M. Tiedemann, S. Westphal, The Online Knapsack Problem with Incremental Capacity Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 83, pp. 207-242 (2016)
E. Carrizosa, J. Harbering, A. Schöbel, Minimizing the passengers' traveling time in the stop location problem Journal of the Operational Research Society 67, pp. 1325-1337 (2016)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, On the recoverable robust traveling salesman problem Optimization Letters 10, pp. 1479-1492 (2016)
M. Goerigk, S. Knust, X. Le, Robust storage loading problems with stacking and payload constraints European Journal of Operational Research 253, pp. 51-67 (2016)
M. Goerigk, S. Westphal, A combined local search and integer programming approach to the traveling tournament problem Annals of Operations Research 239, pp. 343-354 (2016)
M. Goerigk, I. Ndiaye, Robust flows with losses and improvability in evacuation planning EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 4, pp. 241-270 (2016)
S. Göttlich, S. Kühn, J. Ohst, S. Ruzika, Evacuation modeling: a case study on linear and nonlinear network flow models EURO journal on computational optimization 4, pp. 219-239 (2016)
J. Ide, A. Schöbel, Robustness for uncertain multi-objective optimization: A survey and analysis of different concepts OR Spectrum 38, pp. 235-271 (2016)
T. Kuhn, C. M. Fonseca, L. Paquete, S. Ruzika, M. M. Duarte, J. Figueira, Hypervolume subset selection in two dimensions: Formulations and algorithms Evolutionary Computation 24, pp. 411-425 (2016)
P. Heßler, H. W. Hamacher, Sink location to find optimal shelters in evacuation planning EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 4, pp. 325-347 (2016)
K. Kuhn, A. Raith, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Bi-objective robust optimisation European Journal of Operational Research 252, pp. 418-431 (2016)
U. Pyakurel, M. Goerigk, T. Dhamala, H. W. Hamacher, Transit dependent evacuation planning for Kathmandu Valley: a case study International Journal of Operational Research/Nepal 5, pp. 49-73 (2016)
M. Goerigk, H. W. Hamacher, SI: disaster risk management EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 4, pp. 215-217 (2016)
J. Geldermann, L. Kolbe, A. Schöbel, M. Schumann, Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmensnetzwerken – Methoden zur betrieblichen und überbetrieblichen Planung für die Nutzung erneuerbarer Rohstoffe Nachhaltiges Entscheiden, Springer (2016)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization Algorithm Engineering: Selected Results and Surveys 9220, pp. 245-279 (2016)
P. Gattermann, A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, An Iterative Approach for Integrated Planning in Public Transportation 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (2016)
K. Kölker, C. Mannweiler, C. Thielen, K. Lütjens, Time Relaxed Itinerary-Based Route Development for Airline Networks Proceedings of the 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), pp. 1-4 (2016)
M. Jung, D. M. Mathew, C. Weis, W. Norbert, I. Heinrich, M. V. Natale, S. O. Krumke, ConGen: An Application Specific DRAM Memory Controller Generator Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Memory Systems, pp. 257-267 (2016)
A. Raith, C. Thielen, J. Tidswell, Modelling and Optimising Fuel Consumption in Traffic Assignment Problems Proceedings of the 38th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), pp. 1-13 (2016)
A. Schiewe, A. Schöbel, A Matching Approach for Line Planning 9th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (2016)
F. Gensheimer, S. Ruzika, S. Scholl, N. Wehn, ADMM versus simplex algorithm for LP decoding 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 2016, pp. 211-215 (2016)
D. H. Biedermann, C. Torchiani, P. M. Kielar, D. Willems, O. Handel, S. Ruzika, A. Borrmann, A hybrid and multiscale approach to model and simulate mobility in the context of public events Transportation Research Procedia (19), pp. 350-363 (2016)
P. Gattermann, P. Großmann, K. Nachtigall, A. Schöbel, Integrating Passengers' Routes in Periodic Timetabling: A SAT approach 16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (54), pp. 1-15 (2016)
J. Pätzold, A. Schöbel, A Matching Approach for Periodic Timetabling 16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016), OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (54), pp. 1-15 (2016)
C. Torchiani, M. J. Seitz, D. Willems, S. Ruzika, G. Köster, Fahrgastwechselzeiten von Shuttlebussen H. TUM-I1517. TU München: Universität Koblenz-Landau 2015 (2015)
S. Büttner, S. O. Krumke, The Canadian Tour Operator Problem on Paths - Tight Bounds and Resource Augmentation Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2015)
S. Büttner, S. O. Krumke, Robust Optimization for Routing Problems on Trees TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (2015)
M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, Convex Generalized Flows Discrete Applied Mathematics 190-191, pp. 86-99 (2015)
M. Bender, C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Packing Items Into Several Bins Facilitates Approximating the Separable Assignment Problem Information Processing Letters 115, pp. 570-575 (2015)
T. Dhamala, A survey on models and algorithms for discrete evacuation planning network problems Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization 11, pp. 265-289 (2015)
M. Goerigk, K. Deghdak, V. T'Kindt, A two-stage robustness approach to evacuation planning with buses Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 78, pp. 66-82 (2015)
M. Goerigk, M. Gupta, J. Ide, A. Schöbel, S. Sen, The robust knapsack problem with queries Computers & Operations Research 55, pp. 12-22 (2015)
L. Turner, D P. Gross, H. W. Hamacher, S. O. Krumke, Static and dynamic source locations in undirected networks TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research 23 (2015)
L. Turner, M. Ehrgott, H. W. Hamacher, On the generality of the greedy algorithm for solving matroid base problems Discrete Applied Mathematics 195, pp. 114-128 (2015)
T. L. Werth, S. Büttner, S. O. Krumke, Robust Bottleneck Routing Games Networks 66, pp. 57-66 (2015)
M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Timetabling with Passenger Routing OR Spectrum 37, pp. 75-97 (2015)
C. Buchheim, R. Hübner, A. Schöbel, Ellipsoid bounds for convex quadratic integer programming SIAM journal on optimization 25, pp. 741-769 (2015)
A. B. Chassein, M. Goerigk, A new bound for the midpoint solution in minmax regret optimization with an application to the robust shortest path problem European Journal of Operational Research 244, pp. 739-747 (2015)
A. Chassein, M. Goerigk, Alternative formulations for the ordered weighted averaging objective Information Processing Letters 115, pp. 604-608 (2015)
H. Flier, M. Mihalak, P. Widmayer, A. Zych, Y. Kobayashi, A. Schöbel, Selecting vertex disjoint paths in plane graphs Networks 66, pp. 136-144 (2015)
M. Goerigk, M. Gupta, J. Ide, A. Schöbel, S. Sen, The Robust Knapsack Problem with Queries Computers and Operations Research 55, pp. 12-22 (2015)
M. Goerigk, Exact and heuristic approaches to the robust periodic event scheduling problem Public Transport 7, pp. 101-119 (2015)
K. T. Nguyen, A. Chassein, Inverse eccentric vertex problem on networks Central European Journal of Operations Research 23, pp. 687-698 (2015)
K. Nguyen, A. Chassein, The inverse convex ordered 1-median problem on trees under Chebyshev norm and Hamming distance European Journal of Operational Research 247, pp. 774-781 (2015)
S. Ruzika, C. Torchiani, Comments on: Static and dynamic source locations in undirected networks TOP 23, pp. 655-659 (2015)
M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, The complexity of integrating routing decisions in public transportation models Networks 65, pp. 228-243 (2015)
M. Goerigk, H. W. Hamacher, Optimisation models to enhance resilience in evacuation planning Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 32, pp. 90-99 (2015)
L. Turner, D. Groß, H. W. Hamacher, S. O. Krumke, Rejoinder on: Static and dynamic source locations in undirected networks TOP 23, pp. 665-668 (2015)
J. Brimberg, H. Juel, M -C. Körner, A. Schöbel, On Models for Continuous Facility Location with Partial Coverage Journal of the Operational Research Society 66, pp. 33-43 (2015)
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, L. Kroon, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Delay Management including capacities of stations Transportation Science 49, pp. 185-203 (2015)
J. Brimberg, R. Schieweck, A. Schöbel, Locating a median line with partial coverage distance Journal of Global Optimization 62, pp. 371-389 (2015)
P. Halffmann, S. O. Krumke, A. Quilliot, A. K. Wagler, J. Wegener, On the Online Min-Wait Relocation Problem Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 50, pp. 281 - 286 (2015)
A. Schöbel, Location of Dimensional Facilities in a Continuous Space Location Science, Springer, pp. 63-103 (2015)
I. Hamling, M. O'Sullivan, C. Thielen, C. Walker, Improving Resource Efficiency in Internet Cafés by Virtualization and Optimal User Allocation Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), pp. 1-9 (2015)
A. Schöbel, Integration of line planning and timetabling CASPT 2015 (2015)
A. Groß, H. W. Hamacher, A. Maier, Library of Location and Layout Algorithms (LoLoLA) and Urban Event Planning EUROPEAN WORKING GROUP ON LOCATION ANALYSIS MEETING 2015, pp. 59 (2015)
P. Heßler, H. W. Hamacher, Extended Sink Location Problems EUROPEAN WORKING GROUP ON LOCATION ANALYSIS MEETING 2015, pp. 63 (2015)
P. Halffmann, S. O. Krumke, A. Quilliot, A. Wagler, J. Wegener, On the Online Min-Wait Relocation Problem Proceedings of the VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2015)
P. Halffmann, S. O. Krumke, A. Quilliot, A. K. Wagler, J. Wegener, On the online max-accept relocation problem Procedings of 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2015) (2015)
W. Bock, M. Bracke, J. Kreckler, Taxonomy of modelling tasks CERME 9-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 821-826 (2015)
M. Bracke, P. Capraro, J. Kreckler, A. Roth, The Fraunhofer MINT-EC Math Talents Programme CERME 9-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 959-960 (2015)
M. Tiedemann, J. Ide, A. Schöbel, Competitive Analysis for Multi-Objective Online Algorithms Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation WALCOM 2015, pp. 210-221 (2015)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, Recovery-to-Optimality: A new two-stage approach to robustness with an application to aperiodic timetabling Computers and Operations Research 52, pp. 1-15 (2014)
M. Goerigk, K. Deghdak, P. Heßler, A comprehensive evacuation planning model and genetic solution algorithm Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 71, pp. 82-97 (2014)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, Recovery-to-optimality: A new two-stage approach to robustness with an application to aperiodic timetabling Computers & Operations Research 52, pp. 1-15 (2014)
F. Bruns, M. Goerigk, S. Knust, A. Schöbel, Robust load planning of trains in intermodal transportation OR Spectrum 36, pp. 631-668 (2014)
U. Pyakurel, H. W. Hamacher, T. Dhamala, Generalized maximum dynamic contraflow on lossy network International Journal of Operations Research Nepal 3, pp. 27-44 (2014)
T. L. Werth, H. Sperber, S. O. Krumke, Computation of equilibria and the price of anarchy in bottleneck congestion games Central European Jurnal of Operations Research 22, pp. 687-712 (2014)
T. L. Werth, M. Holzhauser, S. O. Krumke, Atomic routing in a deterministic queuing model Operations Research Perspectives 1, pp. 18-41 (2014)
M. Goerigk, M. Knoth, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, The Price of Strict and Light Robustness in Timetable Information Transportation Science 48, pp. 225-242 (2014)
J. Brimberg, H. Juel, M -C. Körner, A. Schöbel, Locating an axis-parallel rectangle on a Manhattan plane TOP 22, pp. 185-207 (2014)
F. Bruns, M. Goerigk, S. Knust, A. Schöbel, Robust load planning of trains in intermodal transportation OR spectrum 36, pp. 631-668 (2014)
M. Ehrgott, J. Ide, A. Schöbel, Minmax Robustness for Multi-objective Optimization Problems European Journal of Operational Research 239, pp. 17-31 (2014)
M. Goerigk, A note on upper bounds to the robust knapsack problem with discrete scenarios Annals of Operations Research 223, pp. 461-469 (2014)
R. Hübner, A. Schöbel, When is rounding allowed in integer nonlinear optimization? European Journal of Operational Research 237, pp. 404-410 (2014)
A. Schöbel, D. Scholz, A solution algorithm for non-convex mixed integer optimization problems with only few continuous variables European Journal of Operational Research 232, pp. 266-275 (2014)
M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Location of speed-up networks Annals of Operations Research 223, pp. 379-401 (2014)
A. Schöbel, Generalized light robustness and the trade-off between robustness and nominal quality MMOR 80, pp. 161-191 (2014)
R. Bauer, A. Schöbel, Rules of Thumb - Practical online strategies for delay management Public Transport 6, pp. 85-105 (2014)
J. Ide, E. Köbis, D. Kuroiwa, A. Schöbel, C. Tammer, The relationship between multi-objective robustness concepts and set valued optimization Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2014 (2014)
M -C. Körner, J A. Mesa, F. Perea, A. Schöbel, D. Scholz, A Maximum Trip Covering Location Problem with an Alternative Mode of Transportation on Tree Networks and Segments TOP 22, pp. 227-253 (2014)
M. Goerigk, ROPI-a robust optimization programming interface for C++ Optimization Methods and Software 29, pp. 1261-1280 (2014)
M. Goerigk, B. Grün, A robust bus evacuation model with delayed scenario information OR spectrum 36, pp. 923-948 (2014)
S. Göttlich, S. Kühn, J. Ohst, S. Ruzika, Influence of Spreading Hazardous Material in Macroscopic Evacuation Dynamics: A Proof of Concept Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012, Springer, pp. 275-282 (2014)
H. W. Hamacher, B. Grün, Von Straßenkarten bis zur Evakuierung von Städten! Zukunftsperspektiven des Operations Research, Springer, pp. 203-226 (2014)
T. G. Schmitt, S. Worreschk, I. Alves, F. Herold, C. Thielen, An Optimization and Decision Support Tool for Long-Term Strategies in the Transformation of Urban Water Infrastructure Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC), pp. 1-8 (2014)
S. Worreschk, I. Alves, T. G. Schmitt, C. Thielen, Optimization of Transformation Processes of Drainage Systems in Rural Areas Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD), pp. 1-8 (2014)
M. Goerigk, Y. Sabharwal, A. Schöbel, S. Sen, Approximation Algorithms for the Weight-Reducible Knapsack Problem Proceedings of TAMC (2014)
F. Gensheimer, S. Ruzika, S. Scholl, N. Wehn, A simplex algorithm for LP decoding hardware Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC), 2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on, pp. 790-794 (2014)
M. Helmling, E. Rosnes, S. Ruzika, S. Scholl, Efficient maximum-likelihood decoding of linear block codes on binary memoryless channels Information Theory (ISIT), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 2589-2593 (2014)
S. O. Krumke, F. D. Schwahn, C. Thielen, Being Negative Makes Life NP-hard (for Product Sellers) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN), LNCS (8496), pp. 277-288 (2014)
M. Goerigk, R. Hoshino, K. Kawarabayashi, S. Westphal, Solving the Traveling Tournament Problem by Packing Three-Vertex Paths. AAAI, pp. 2271-2277 (2014)
J. Kreckler, KOMMS: Teacher training courses fostering modelling in schools Educating the educators: international approaches to scaling-up professional development in mathematics and science education. Proceedings of the conference hosted jointly by project mascil (mathematics and science for life) and the German Centre for Mathematics Education (DZLM), 15-16 December 2014 in Essen, Germany, pp. 111 (2014)
S. O. Krumke, A. Quilliot, A. Wagler, J. Wegener, Relocation in Carsharing Systems using Flows in Time-Expanded Networks Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Software Engineering & Applications, LNCS (8504), pp. 87-98 (2014)
M. Goerigk, Y. Sabharwal, A. Schöbel, S. Sen, Approximation algorithms for the weight-reducible knapsack problem International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, pp. 203-215 (2014)
M. Goerigk, B. Grün, P. Heßler, Combining bus evacuation with location decisions: A branch-and-price approach Transportation Research Procedia (2), pp. 783-791 (2014)
I. Ndiaye, E. Neron, A. Linot, N. Monmarche, M. Goerigk, A new model for macroscopic pedestrian evacuation planning with safety and duration criteria Transportation Research Procedia (2), pp. 486-494 (2014)
M. Bender, S. Büttner, S. O. Krumke, Online delay management on a single train line: beyond competitive analysis Public Transport 5, pp. 243-266 (2013)
S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, The Generalized Assignment Problem with Minimum Quantities European Journal of Operational Research 228, pp. 46-55 (2013)
S. O. Krumke, C. Zeck, Generalized Max Flow in Series-Parallel Graphs Discrete Optimization 10, pp. 155-162 (2013)
M. Goerigk, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel, Evaluating Line Concepts using Travel Times and Robustness: Simulations with the Lintim toolbox Public Transport 5 (2013)
C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Complexity and Approximability of the Maximum Flow Problem with Minimum Quantities Networks 62, pp. 125-131 (2013)
V. Blomer, A. Schöbel, Twins of powerful numbers Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici 49, pp. 349-356 (2013)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, Improving the Modulo Simplex Algorithm for Large-Scale Periodic Timetabling Computers and Operations Research 40, pp. 1363-1370 (2013)
M. Goerigk, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, M. Knoth, M. Müller-Hannemann, The price of strict and light robustness in timetable information Transportation Science 48, pp. 225-242 (2013)
H. W. Hamacher, S. Heller, B. Rupp, Flow location (FlowLoc) problems: dynamic network flows and location models for evacuation planning Annals of Operations Research 207, pp. 161-180 (2013)
K. Klamroth, E. Köbis, A. Schöbel, C. Tammer, A unified approach for different concepts of robustness and stochastic programming via nonlinear scalarizing functionals Optimization 62, pp. 649-671 (2013)
T. Vincent, F. Seipp, S. Ruzika, A. Przybylski, X. Gandibleux, Multiple objective branch and bound for mixed 0-1 linear programming: Corrections and improvements for the biobjective case Computers & Operations Research 40, pp. 498-509 (2013)
A. Schöbel, S. Schwarze, Finding Delay-Resistant Line Concepts using a Game-Theoretic Approach Netnomics 14, pp. 95-117 (2013)
M. Goerigk, B. Grün, P. Heßler, Branch and bound algorithms for the bus evacuation problem Computers & Operations Research 40, pp. 3010-3020 (2013)
M. Goerigk, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel, Evaluating line concepts using travel times and robustness Public Transport 5, pp. 267-284 (2013)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, Improving the modulo simplex algorithm for large-scale periodic timetabling Computers & Operations Research 40, pp. 1363-1370 (2013)
S. O. Krumke, C. Zeck, Generalized max flow in series-parallel graphs Discrete Optimization 10, pp. 155-162 (2013)
M. Siebert, M. Goerigk, An experimental comparison of periodic timetabling models Computers & Operations Research 40, pp. 2251-2259 (2013)
J. Kreußler, H. W. Hamacher, Wie Geometrie zu einem anwendungsbezogenen und alltagsrelevanten Mathematikunterricht beitragen kann Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund, (2013)
H. W. Hamacher, J. Kreußler, Merging educational and applied mathematics: the example of locating bus stops Accepted and presented paper at CERME8 (Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education), Antalya, Turkey (2013)
L. Turner, M. Ehrgott, H. W. Hamacher, On the generality of the greedy algorithm for solving matroid problems. CTW, pp. 217-220 (2013)
P. Bouman, M. Schmidt, L. Kroon, A. Schöbel, Passenger Route Choice in Case of Disruptions Proceedings of the 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEEE-ITSC) (2013)
M. Helmling, S. Ruzika, Towards combinatorial LP turbo decoding 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), pp. 1491-1495 (2013)
S. Scholl, F. Kienle, M. Helmling, S. Ruzika, Integer programming as a tool for analysis of channel codes Systems, Communication and Coding (SCC), Proceedings of 2013 9th International ITG Conference on, pp. 1-6 (2013)
M. Bender, C. Thielen, S. Westphal, A Constant Factor Approximation for the Generalized Assignment Problem with Minimum Quantities and Unit Size Items Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), LNCS (8087), pp. 135-145 (2013)
S. O. Krumke, A. Quilliot, A. Wagler, J. Wegener, Models and Algorithms for Carsharing Systems and Related Problems Proceedings of the VII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (44), pp. 201-206 (2013)
M. Goerigk, S. Heße, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Recoverable robust timetable information ATMOS-13th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems-2013 (33), pp. 1-14 (2013)
E. Carrizosa, J. Harbering, A. Schöbel, The Stop Location Problem with Realistic Traveling Time 13th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (33), pp. 80-93 (2013)
M. Goerigk, S. Heße, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Recoverable Robust Timetable Information 13th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (33), pp. 1-14 (2013)
S. O. Krumke, J. Rambau, Stability with Uniform Bounds for On-Line Dial-a-Ride Problems under Reasonable Load Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 417, pp. 387-412 (2012)
C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Approximation Algorithms for TTP(2) Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 76, pp. 1-20 (2012)
A. Borrmann, A. Kneidl, G. Köster, S. Ruzika, M. Thiemann, Bidirectional coupling of macroscopic and microscopic pedestrian evacuation models Safety science 50, pp. 1695-1703 (2012)
S. Cicerone, D. G. Stefano, M. Schachtebeck, A. Schöbel, Multi-Stage Recovery Robustness for Optimization Problems: A new Concept for Planning under Disturbances Information Sciences 190, pp. 107-126 (2012)
T. Dollevoet, D. Huisman, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Delay Management with Rerouting of Passengers Transportation Science 46, pp. 74-89 (2012)
J. Gorski, K. Klamroth, S. Ruzika, Generalized multiple objective bottleneck problems Operations Research Letters 40, pp. 276-281 (2012)
M. Helmling, S. Ruzika, A. Tanatmis, Mathematical programming decoding of binary linear codes: Theory and algorithms IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58, pp. 4753-4769 (2012)
M -C. Körner, H. Martini, A. Schöbel, Minisum Hyperspheres in Normed Spaces Discrete Applied Mathematics 16, pp. 2221-2233 (2012)
C. Klamler, U. Pferschy, S. Ruzika, Committee selection under weight constraints Mathematical Social Sciences 64, pp. 48-56 (2012)
S. Ruzika, M. Thiemann, Min-Max quickest path problems Networks 60, pp. 253-258 (2012)
A. Schöbel, Line planning in public transportation: models and methods OR Spectrum 34, pp. 491-510 (2012)
L. Turner, Variants of shortest path problems Algorithmic Operations Research 6, pp. 91-104 (2012)
J. Kreußler, F. Bunke, H. W. Hamacher, Motivationssteigerung im Geometrieunterricht anhand von Modellierung kompetitiver Standortplanung Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund, (2012)
M. Akgül, H. W. Hamacher, S. Tüfekci, Combinatorial optimization: new frontiers in theory and practice Springer Science & Business Media, 82 (2012)
S O. Krumke, H. Noltemeier, Graphentheorische Konzepte und Algorithmen B.G. Teubner, (2012)
N. Leithäuser, I. Schüle, S. O. Krumke, Optimierte Abstimmung der Umsteigebeziehungen im ungetakteten ÖPNV unter Berücksichtigung der Umlaufplanung Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2012 (2012)
S. Scholl, F. Kienle, M. Helmling, S. Ruzika, ML vs. BP decoding of binary and non-binary LDPC codes Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 2012 7th International Symposium on, pp. 71-75 (2012)
K. Küfer, H. W. Hamacher, T. Bortfeld, A multicriteria optimization approach for inverse radiotherapy planning The Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy: XIIIth International Conference Heidelberg, Germany May 22-25, 2000, pp. 26 (2012)
N. Leithäuser, S. O. Krumke, M. Merkert, Approximating Infeasible 2VPI-Systems Proceedings of the 38th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, LNCS (7551), pp. 225-236 (2012)
L. Epstein, S. O. Krumke, A. Levin, H. Sperber, Selfish Bincoloring Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 22, pp. 531-548 (2011)
R. Blanquero, E. Carrizosa, A. Schöbel, D. Scholz, Location of a line in the three-dimensional space EJOR 215, pp. 14-20 (2011)
S. L. M. Ehrgott, A. Schöbel, An Approximation Algorithm for Convex Multi-objective Programming Problems Journal of Global Optimization, pp. 397-516 (2011)
S. Göttlich, S. Kühn, J. Ohst, S. Ruzika, M. Thiemann, Evacuation dynamics influenced by spreading hazardous material Networks & Heterogeneous Media 6, pp. 443-464 (2011)
S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, C. Zeck, Extensions to Online Delay Management on a Single Train Line: New Bounds for Delay Minimization and Profit Maximization Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 74, pp. 53-75 (2011)
S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Interval Scheduling on Related Machines Computers and Operations Research 38, pp. 1836-1844 (2011)
S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, Minimum Cost Flows with Minimum Quantities Information Processing Letters 111, pp. 533-537 (2011)
S. O. Krumke, S. Westphal, A. Taudes, Online Scheduling of Weighted Equal-Length Jobs with Hard Deadlines on Parallel Machines Computers and Operations Research 38, pp. 1103-1108 (2011)
C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Complexity of the Traveling Tournament Problem Theoretical Computer Science 412, pp. 345-351 (2011)
C. Thielen, S. O. Krumke, Truthful Mechanisms for Selfish Routing and Two-Parameter Agents Theory of Computing Systems 49, pp. 196-223 (2011)
J. Brimberg, H. Juel, M -C. Körner, A. Schöbel, Locating a general minisum circle on the plane 4OR 9, pp. 351-370 (2011)
D. Elvikis, H. W. Hamacher, V. T'kindt, Scheduling two agents on uniform parallel machines with makespan and cost functions Journal of Scheduling 14, pp. 471-481 (2011)
J. Geldermann, A. Schöbel, On the similarities of some Multi-Ciriteria Decision Analysis Methods Multi-criteria decision analysis 18, pp. 219-230 (2011)
J. Gorski, K. Klamroth, S. Ruzika, Connectedness of efficient solutions in multiple objective combinatorial optimization Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 150, pp. 475-497 (2011)
M -C. Körner, J. Brimberg, H. Juel, A. Schöbel, Geometric fit of a point set by generalized circles Journal of Global Optimization 51, pp. 115-132 (2011)
S. Ruzika, H. Sperber, M. Steiner, Earliest arrival flows on series-parallel graphs Networks 57, pp. 169-173 (2011)
L. Turner, A. P. Punnen, Y. P. Aneja, H. W. Hamacher, On generalized balanced optimization problems Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 73, pp. 19-27 (2011)
H. W. Hamacher, S. Heller, W. Klein, G. Köster, S. Ruzika, A sandwich approach for evacuation time bounds Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Springer, pp. 503-513 (2011)
H. W. Hamacher, K. Leiner, S. Ruzika, Quickest cluster flow problems Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Springer, pp. 327-336 (2011)
A. Kneidl, M. Thiemann, A. Borrmann, S. Ruzika, H. W. Hamacher, G. Köster, E. Rank, Bidirectional coupling of macroscopic and microscopic approaches for pedestrian behavior prediction Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Springer, pp. 459-470 (2011)
K. Leiner, S. Ruzika, Quickest cluster flow problems on tree networks Network Optimization, Springer, pp. 243-255 (2011)
S. Ruzika, M. Thiemann, Reliable and restricted quickest path problems Network Optimization, Springer, pp. 309-314 (2011)
L. Turner, H. W. Hamacher, On universal shortest paths Operations Research Proceedings 2010, Springer, pp. 313-318 (2011)
S. Heller, H. W. Hamacher, The multi terminal q-FlowLoc problem: A heuristic Network Optimization, Springer, pp. 523-528 (2011)
S. O. Krumke, C. Thielen, S. Westphal, Interval Scheduling on Related Machines: Complexity and Online Algorithms Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), pp. 236-238 (2011)
J. Frasch, S. O. Krumke, S. Westphal, MIP formulations for Flowshop Scheduling with Limited Buffers Proceedings of the 1st International ICST Conference on Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems, LNCS (6595), pp. 127-138 (2011)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, A Scenario-Based Approach for Robust Linear Optimization Proceedings of the 1st International ICST Conference on Practice and Theory of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems (TAPAS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 139-150 (2011)
M. Goerigk, A. Schöbel, Engineering the Modulo Network Simplex Heuristic for the Periodic Timetabling Problem Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (6630), pp. 181-192 (2011)
M. Goerigk, M. Knoth, M. Müller-Hannemann, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, The Price of Robustness in Timetable Information 11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (20), pp. 76-87 (2011)
T. Dollevoet, M. Schmidt, A. Schöbel, Delay Management including Capacities of Stations 11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) (20), pp. 88-99 (2011)