AG Optimierung


Here we give an overview of the scheduled talks and the accompanying program. Please note that this is a provisional overview and the actual schedule might change.

12:30-13:30"Arrival", Welcome and Kick-Off
13:30–14:10Laura Voggesberger
Lusztig’s Nilpotente Pieces
14:10–14:50Naveed Hussain
Derivation Lie Algebras of Isolated Singularities
15:05–15:45Oliver Bachtler
Decomposing Star-Like Cubic Graphs
15:45–16:25Marius Roland
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization for District Heating Network Expansion
16:25–17:05Marie Lejeune
A Brief Overview of Complexity Functions in Combinatorics on Words
starting 17:05Discussion
08:30–09:00Welcome and a Look At Day 1
09:00–09:40Aslam Ali
Solving the Norm Equations in the Local Field Extensions
09:40–10:20Eriola Hoxhaj
10:35–11:15Lukas Müller
Optimal Portfolios under Stress Scenarios
11:15–11:55Ricarda Rosemann
Regulation of Emission Trading Systems: A Stochastic Control Model
11:55–13:30Lunch Break
13:30–14:10Fatlinda Avdullai
Artificial Neural Network and Time Series Approaches to Forecast the Triggering Factor for Private Health Insurance Tariffs
14:10–14:50Sophie Klenkenberg
Comparison of statistical approaches for measuring completion and/or duration of the PhD track
starting 14:50Discussion and Leave-Taking
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