Akad. Rätin Dr. Florentine Kämmerer
Summer term 2024
- Vorkurs Mathematik für Studierende der Mathematik und Informatik
- Introduction to Didactics of Mathematics (for Students of Teacher Training Programs)
- Geometry (for Students of Teacher Training Programs)
- Proseminar Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Perspective (for Students of Teacher Training Programs)
Examination dates
Oral exams for "Algebraische Strukturen + Geometrie für Lehramtsstudierendes" will take place on
- Wednesday, September 25th, (with Dr. Kämmerer and Prof. Dr. Fieker)
To register, please come to the Dean's Office (registration starts on June 26th) and bring your student ID with you.
The exam "Höhere Mathematik für Bauingenieure 1" will take place on Tuesday, August 27th. Details can be found in the OLAT course.