Prof. Dr. Tobias Damm

T. Damm, Rational Matrix Equations in Stochastic Control, (Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol 297, 2004, Zentralblatt Nr 1034.93001)
Journal Papers
- S. Reiter, T. Damm, S. Gugercin, M. Embree: On the balanced truncation error bound and sign parameters from arrowhead realizations, Adv. Comput. Math. 50, No. 1, Paper No. 10, 23 p. (2024).
- J. Göbel, P. R. Da Costa Mendes, A. Wirsen, T. Damm: Distributed model predictive control based on the alternating directions method of multipliers applied to voltage and frequency control in power systems, Optimal Control Applications and Methods 45(3), 993-1006, 2024
- T. Damm, M. Redmann: Complexity reduction of large-scale stochastic systems using linear quadratic Gaussian balancing, J. Franklin Inst. 360(18), 14534-14552 (2023)
- T. Damm, N. Dietrich: Hadmard Powers and Kernel Perceptrons, Linear Algebra Appl. 672, 97-107 (2023)
- C. Grussler, T. Damm and R. Sepulchre: Balanced truncation of k-positive systems, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 67, No. 1, 526-531 (2022)
- M. Rein, J. Mohring, T. Damm and A. Klar: Model order reduction of hyperbolic systems focusing on district heating networks, J. Franklin Inst. 358, No. 15, 7674-7697 (2021)
- T. Damm, B. Jacob, On Coercivity and the Frequency Domain Condition in Indefinite LQ-Control, Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl., Vol. 12, No. 1-2, 553-563 (2020)
- M. Rein, J. Mohring, T. Damm and A. Klar: Optimal control of district heating networks using a reduced order model, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 41(4), 1352-1370 (2020)
- T. Damm, H. Fassbender: Simultaneous hollowisation, joint numerical range, and stabilization by noise, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 41, No. 2, 637-656 (2020) arXiv
- K. Sato, H. Sato and T. Damm: Riemannian optimal identification method for linear continuous time symmetric systems, IEEE TAC VOL. 65, NO. 11, November 2020, DOI 10.1109/TAC.2019.2957350
- T. Damm, K. Sato, and A. Vierling: Numerical solution of Lyapunov equations related to Markov jump linear systems, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 25(6), (2018), arXiv
- T. Damm, P. Benner, J. Hauth: Computing the Stochastic \(H^\infty\)-Norm by a Newton iteration, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 1(1), 92-97, (2017) arXiv
- H. Mena, T. Damm, T. Stillfjord: Numerical Solution of the Finite Horizon Stochastic Linear Quadratic Control Problem, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., (2017) DOI:10.1002/nla.2091
- P. Benner, T. Damm, Y. Rodriguez Cruz: Dual pairs of generalized Lyapunov inequalities and balanced truncation of stochastic linear systems, IEEE TAC, 62, 782-791, (2017), arXiv
- P. Benner, T. Damm, M. Redmann, Y. Rodriguez Cruz: Positive operators and stable truncation, Preprint, Linear Algebra Appl. 498, 74-87, (2016)
- T. Damm, L. Grüne, M. Stieler, K. Worthmann: An exponential turnpike theorem for dissipative optimal control problems (.pdf), SIAM J. Control Optim. 52(3):1935-1957, 2014
- T. Damm and L. Muhirwa, Zero crossings, overshoot and initial undershoot in the step and impulse responses of linear systems (.pdf), IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, 2014, 10.1109/TAC.2013.2294616
- E. Jarlebring, T. Damm and W. Michiels, Model reduction of time-delay systems using position balancing and delay Lyapunov equations (.pdf), Math. Control Signals Syst. 25(2): 147-166, 2013
- T. Damm and D. Stahl, Linear least squares problems with additional constraints and an application to scattered data approximation, (.pdf), Linear Algebra Appl. 439(4), 933-943, 2013
- P. Benner, T. Breiten and T. Damm, Generalized Tangential Interpolation for Model Reduction of Discrete-Time MIMO Bilinear Systems (.pdf), Int. J. Control 84(8), 1398-1407, 2011.
- P. Benner and T. Damm, Lyapunov equations, energy functionals, and model order reduction of bilinear and stochastic systems (.pdf), SIAM J. Control Optim. 49(2):686-711, 2011
- T. Breiten and T. Damm, Krylov subspace methods for model order reduction of bilinear control systems (.pdf), Syst. Control Lett. 59(8):443-450, 2010
- T. Damm and H. Wimmer, A cancellation property of the Moore-Penrose inverse of triple products, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 86(1):33-44, 2009
- T. Damm, Direct methods and ADI preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for generalized Lyapunov equations, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 15(9):853-871, 2008
- E. Jarlebring, T. Damm, The Lambert W function and the spectrum of some multidimensional time-delay systems, Automatica 43, 2124-2128, 2007
- T. Damm, On detectability of stochastic systems, Automatica 43, 928-933, 2007
- H. Crauel, T. Damm, A.Ilchmann: Stabilization of linear systems by rotation, Journal of Differential equations, 234:412-438, 2007
- V. Dragan, T. Damm, and G. Freiling: Lyapunov iterations for coupled Riccati differential equations arising in connection with Nash differential games, Mathematical Reports, 9(59), 1: 35-46, 2007
- V. Dragan, T. Damm, G. Freiling, and T. Morozan: Differential equations with positive evolutions and some applications, Results in Mathematics, 48: 206-235, 2005
- T. Damm: Positive Groups on \(\mathcal{H}^n\) are completely positive, Linear Algebra Appl.,393:127-137, 2004
- T. Damm, D. Hinrichsen: Newton's method for concave operators with resolvent positive derivatives in ordered Banach spaces, Linear Algebra Appl.,363:43-64, 2003
- T. Damm: Minimal representations of inverted Sylvester and Lyapunov operators, Linear Algebra Appl.,363:35-41, 2003
- T. Damm: State-feedback H∞-type control of linear systems with time-varying parameter uncertainty, Linear Algebra Appl.,351-352:185-210, 2002
- T. Damm, D. Hinrichsen: Newton's method for a rational matrix equation occuring in stochastic control, Linear Algebra Appl.,332-334:81-109, 2001
Book Chapters and Proceedings
- M. Rein, J. Mohring, T. Damm, and A. Klar: Reduction of a district heating model using network decomposition, PAMM2019, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201900038
- M. Rein, J. Mohring, T. Damm, and A. Klar: Stability preserving model order reduction for district heating networks, ECMI2018_Proceedings
- T. Damm and P. Benner, Balanced Truncation for Stochastic Linear Systems with Guaranteed Error Bound (.pdf), MTNS 2014
- T. Damm and L. Muhirwa, On Euclidean Norm Balancing (.pdf), PAMM 13(1):487-488, 2013
- C. Grußler and T. Damm, A Symmetry Approach for Balanced Truncation of Positive Linear Systems (.pdf), CDC 2012
- T. Damm, Euclidean Norm Optimal Realization Revisited, in Mathematical System Theory - Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, K. Hüper and J. Trumpf (eds.), 2012
- D. Stahl and T. Damm, Approximation of scattered data using the lifting scheme (.pdf) PAMM 12(1):739-740, 2012
- T. Damm and L. Muhirwa, Zero crossings in the step response of linear time-delay systems (.pdf) PAMM 12(1):701-702, 2012
- C. Grußler and T. Damm, Symmetric Positivity Preserving Balanced Truncation (.pdf) PAMM 12(1):717-718, 2012
- T. Damm and J. Homeyer, On indefinite damping and gyroscopic stabilization (.pdf), in: Proc. 18th IFAC World Congr., (2011).
- T. Damm and J. Homeyer, Gyroscopic Stabilization of 2nd-Order-Systems with Indefinite Damping (.pdf) PAMM 11(1):805-806, 2011
- A State-Space Implementation of Anti-Causal Iterative Learning Control (with Urs Becker) (.pdf)
- Krylov Subspace Methods for Model Order Reduction of Bilinear Discrete-Time Control Systems (with Peter Benner and Tobias Breiten) (.pdf)
- Detectability, Observability, and Asymptotic Reconstructability of Positive Systems (with C. Ethington, in Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol 389, 2009)
- Reconstruction of shape using gradient measuring optical systems, (with J. Seewig, J. Frasch, D. Kauven, S. Rau, and J. Schnebele. Proceedings of FRINGE '09, 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, 2009)
- Stabilization of linear systems by dynamic high-gain rotation, (with H. Crauel and A.Ilchmann; Proceedings IFAC World Congress 2005, Praha)
- On double Newton steps, (Proceedings MTNS 2004, Leuven)
- Stability of linear systems and positive semigroups of symmetric matrices, .pdf (in "Positive Systems" Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol 294)
- A car-steering problem with random adhesion coefficient, .pdf (PAMM, Proceedings Appl. Math. Mech., 2:83-84, 2003)
- State-feedback \(H^\infty\)control of stochastic linear systems
(Proceedings of the 3rd NICONET Workshop 2001, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) - Generalized Riccati equations and stabilization of stochastic systems, (Proceedings CAO 2000, St. Petersburg)
- On the parameter dependence of a class of rational matrix equations occuring in stochastic optimal control, .pdf (with D. Hinrichsen; Proceedings MTNS 2000, Perpignan)
- On a rational matrix equation occuring in stochastic control, .pdf (with D. Hinrichsen; Proceedings ECC 1999, Karlsruhe)
- Matrix (in)equalities for linear stochastic systems, .pdf (with D. Hinrichsen; Proceedings MTNS 1998, Padua)
Currently under review for publication
Preprints, Reports (not published or submitted elsewhere)
- Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Hausdorffdimension und Zhukowskijstabilität, (Preprint Nr. 221, Math. Inst., Univ. Würzburg, 1997)
- Der Frequenzsatz von Kalman-Jakubovich mit einer Anwendung zur Abschätzung singulärer Werte, (Preprint Nr. 220, Math. Inst., Univ. Würzburg, 1997)
- Rational Matrix Equations in Stochastic Control, Doktorarbeit (Bremen 2002), extended version appeared in LNCIS
- Frequenzmethoden und Abschätzung der Hausdorffdimension zur Stabilitätsuntersuchung, Diplomarbeit (Würzburg 1996)
- V.I. Arnold: Vorlesungen über partielle Differentialgleichungen (Übersetzung aus dem Russischen)(seit März 2004 bei Springer, Zentralblatt Nr 1076.35001)
- V.I. Arnold: Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen (Übersetzung aus dem Russischen)(seit März 2001 bei Springer, Zentralblatt Nr 1049.34001)