PD Dr. Raul Borsche

- Sommer 2023 Höhere Mathematik für Bauingenieure II
- Sommer 2022 Höhere Mathematik für Bauingenieure II
- Winter 2020/21 Introduction to PDEs
- Sommer 2019 Vektoranalysis
- Winter 2018/19 Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDEs
- Sommer 2018 Numerik 1 (JGU Mainz)
- Sommer 2017 Höhere Mathematik: Numerik (für Ingenieure)
- Winter 2016/17 Numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws
- Sommer 2016 Numerik hyperbolischer Differentialgleichungen (Universität Paderborn)
- Sommer 2015 Mathematische Modellierung
- Winter 2014/15 Höhere Mathematik III: Differentialgleichungen
- Sommer 2014 Theory of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
- Sommer 2013 Höhere Mathematik 4: Numerik
- Winter 2012/13 Numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws
- Sommer 2012 Computational Fluid Dynamics
- R.B., W. Barsukow 'Implicit Active Flux methods for linear advection' submitted (2023)
- R.B. M. Garavello, B. Gunarso 'Temple System on Networks' submitted (2023)
- I. Akramov, R.B., N. Eckhard, A. Klar 'Interface Layers and Coupling Conditions on Networks for Linearized Kinetic BGK Equation' submitted (2023)
- R.B., M. Garavello, D. Kocoglu 'Switched Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Differential Algebraic Equations' accepted (2023)
Journal Papers
- R. B., M. Eimer, M. Garavello, E. Rossi 'Analysis of District Heating Networks' Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 87, 38 (2023)
- R.B., Matthias Eimer, Norbert Siedow Implicit finite volume method with a posteriori limiting for transport networks Advances inComputational Mathematics 48 (2022) 21 preprint
- R.B., Axel Klar, Mattia Zanella Kinetic-controlled hydrodynamics for multilane traffic models Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2022), 587, 126486 preprint
- R.B., Matthias Eimer, Norbert Siedow An implicit high order finite volume scheme with a posteriori limiting for advection networks Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics Volume 20, 1 (2021)
- R.B., Stephan Trenn, Damla Kocoglu 'A distributional solution framework for linear hyperbolic PDEs coupled to switched DAEs' Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 32 (2020), 455-487 preprint
- R. B., Matthias Eimer, Norbert Siedow 'A local time stepping method for thermal energy transport in district heating networks' Applied Mathematics and Computation Volume 353, 15 (2019), 215-229 preprint
- R.B., A.Klar 'Kinetic layers and coupling conditions for nonlinear scalar equations on networks' Nonlinearity 31, 7 (2018) 3512–3541 preprint
- R.B., A.Klar 'A nonlinear discrete-velocity relaxation model for traffic flow' SIAM J.Applied Mathematics, 78 5 (2018) 2891-2917 preprint
- R.B., A.Klar 'Kinetic layers and coupling conditions for macroscopic equations on networks I: the wave equation' SIAM Scientific Computing 40(3) (2018) A1784–A1808 'preprint'
- R.B., A.Meurer, 'Microscopic and macroscopic models for coupled car traffic and pedestrian flow' J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 348 (2019) 356-382.
- R.B., A.Klar, H.T.N.Pham 'Nonlinear flux-limited models for chemotaxis on networks' Networks and Heterogeneous Media 12 3 (2017) 381 - 401
- R.B., A.Klar, C. Nessler, A. Roth, O. Tse 'A Retarded Mean-Field Approach for Interacting Fiber Structures' SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. 15 3 (2017) 1130–1154 'preprint'
- R.B. J. Kall 'High order numerical methods for networks of hyperbolic conservation laws coupled with ODEs and lumped parameter models' Journal of Computational Physics 327 (2016) 678-699 'preprint' .
- R.B., A.Klar, A.Meurer, O.Tse, 'Mean field models for interacting ellipsoidal particles' 'preprint Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 3 (2016) 704 - 719.
- C. Contarino, E.F. Toro, G.I. Montecinos, R. B., J. Kall, 'Junction-Generalized Riemann Problem for Stiff Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Networks: an Implicit Solver and ADER Schemes' J. of Comp. Phys. 315 (2016) 409 - 433.
- R.B., J.Kall, A.Klar, H.T.N.Pham, 'Kinetic and related macroscopic models for chemotaxis on networks' preprint Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 26, 6 (2016) 1219-1242.
- R.B. 'Numerical schemes for networks of hyperbolic conservation laws' preprint Applied Numerical Mathematics 108(2016) 157 - 170.
- R.B. 'A well-balanced solver for the Saint Venant Equations with variable cross-section'. preprint J. of Numerical Mathematics 23, 2 (2015) 99–115.
- R.B., R.M. Colombo, M. Garavello, A. Meurer 'Differential Equations Modeling Crowd Interactions' J. of Nonlinear Science 25, 4 (2015) 827-859.
- R.B., A. Klar 'Flooding in urban drainage systems: Coupling hyperbolic conservation laws for sewer systems and surface flow' Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids 76,11 (2014) 789–810.
- R.B., J. Kall 'ADER schemes and high order coupling on networks of hyperbolic conservation laws' J. of Comp. Phys. 273 (2014) 658 - 670. Video-file
- R. B., A. Klar, S. Kühn, A. Meurer 'Coupling traffic flow networks to pedestrian motion' Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 24, 221 (2014)
- R. B., S. Göttlich, A. Klar, P. Schillen 'The scalar Keller-Segel model on networks' Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 24, 221 (2014)
- R. B., A. Meurer. 'Interaction of road networks and pedestrian motion at crosswalks'. Proceedings TRAM2,Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, 7(3), S. 363–377, (2014).
- R. B., R. M. Colombo, M. Garavello. ’On the Interactions between a Solid Body and a Compressible Inviscid Fluid’. Interfaces and Free Boundaries. 14 (2013) 381-403.
- R. B., M. Kimathi, A. Klar ’Kinetic derivation of a Hamilton-Jacobi traffic flow model’. Commun. Math. Sci 11.3 (2013). S. 739-756.
- R. B., Jochen Kall. ’ADER-schemes on networks of scalar conservation laws’. Proceedings HYP 2012.Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications
- R. B., Rinaldo M. Colombo, Mauro Garavello. ’Mixed Systems with boundaries’. Proceedings HYP 2012. Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications
- R. B., M. Kimathi, A. Klar. ’A class of multi-phase traffic theories for microscopic, kinetic and continuum traffic models’. Comput. Math. Appl. 64.9 (2012), S. 2939-2953.
- R. B., R. M. Colombo, M. Garavello ’Mixed systems: ODEs - balance laws’. J. Differential Equations 252.3 (2012), S. 2311-2338.
- R. B. ’Modeling and Simulation of Sewer Networks and coupled Surface Flow’. Dr.Hut (2011)
- R. B., Rinaldo M. Colombo, Mauro Garavello ’On the coupling of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws with ordinary differential equations’. Nonlinearity 23.11 (2010), S. 2749-2770.
- R.B., Axel Klar 'A kinetic traffic network model and its macroscopic limit: diverging lanes' 2020
- R.B., Axel Klar 'A kinetic traffic network model and its macroscopic limit: merging lanes' 2020
- N. Aguillon, R.B., 'Numerical Approximation of Hyperbolic Systems Containing an Interface' 2016