General information
Examination dates Prof. Redenbach:
20th 02.2025
07th 03.2025
24th 03.2025
07th 04.2025
10th 04.2025
Examination dates Dr. Stockis:
13th 02.2025
7th 03.2025
Please register yourself in person with Huixia Lin-Jablonski (Building 48, 535). Please bring your student ID with you.
Below are the lectures offered by our group in the winter semester.
If you would like to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in Statistics, please contact Prof. Redenbach.
Lectures in the winter term 2024/25
- Asymptotic analysis of M-estimators, especially of Maximum-Likelihood-estimators
- Bayes and Minimax-estimators
- Likelihood-ratio-tests: asymptotic analysis and examples (t-test, chi²-goodness-of-fit-test)
- Glivenko-Cantelli-theorem, Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test
- Differentiable statistic functionals and examples of applications (derivation of asymptotic results, robustness)
- Resampling methods on the basis of Bootstrap.
Contact time:
4 SWS / 60 h Lecture
2 SWS / 30 h Tutorials
Prerequisites (Contents):
The lecture "Stochastic Methods" from the Bachelor degree program in mathematics.
Frequency of occurence:
The lecture is given once per year, in the winter term.
- Basic theory of spatial point processes (marked point processes, intensity measure,...)
- Poisson process, Poisson cluster processes
- Basic theory of random closed sets
- Germ-grain models, in particular Boolean models
- Random tessellations
Contact time:
2 SWS / 30 h Lecture
1 SWS / 15 h Tutorials
Prerequisites (Contents):
Modul „Probability Theory“.
Frequnecy of occurence:
The lecture is irregularly given.