Jeremias Arf: Mixed Isogeometric Methods for Hodge–Laplace Problems induced by Second-Order Hilbert Complexes
Urs Baumgart: Synthesis of Model-Based and Data-Driven Approaches for Optimal Traffic Control.
Diana Manvelyan: Structure-Preserving Physics-Based Model Order Reduction Schemes for Dynamic Contact.
Benjamin Bauer: Modelling, Analysis and Computational Methods for a One-Dimensional Formulation of Developable Elastic Ribbons.
Jonathan Jahnke: Efficient Numerical Simulation of Soil-Tool Interaction.
Felix Dietrich: Periodic homogenization and FFT-based methods for resolving microstructures of linear magneto-elastic problems.
Alexander Shamanskiy: Mesh Deformation in the Context of Isogeometric Analysis.
Simon Gottschalk: A Differential Equation Based Framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Clarissa Arioli: Isogeometric Analysis for Scaled Boundary Parametrizations.
Alexander Leichner: Computational Contact Mechanics based on Implicit Boundary Representations for Voxel-based Meshes.
Dennis Merkert: Numerical Homogenization for Linear Elasticity in Translation Invariant Spaces.
Man Harutyunyan: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Magnetoelastic Coupling.
Fabio Schneider: A differential-algebraic coupling approach for force-displacement co-simulation of flexible multibody systems with kinematic coupling.
Daniela Fußeder: Isogeometric Finite Element Methods for Shape Optimization.
Jan Kleinert: An Interior Point Method for Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics in Granular Material.
Oliver Weeger: Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Vibrations.
Anmol Goyal: Isogeometric Shells in Flexible Multibody Dynamics.
Julia Vuong: Finite Element Method - Flux Corrected Transport Stabilization for Advection-Diffusion Problems in a Partial Differential-Algebraic Framework.
Urs Becker: Efficient Time Integration and Nonlinear Model Reduction for Incompressible Hyperelastic Materials.
Evgeniy Zharovsky: Fast Numerical Algorithms for Advection-Diffusion Equations and Applications in Particle Dynamics.
Christoph Heinrich: A Finite Volume Method on NURBS Geometries and its Application in Fluid Flow and Fluid-Structure Interaction.
Michael Burger: Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems: Calculating Input Data for Multibody System Simulation.
Yi-Chin Wang: Finite Elements for Solving the Equations of Poroelasticity with Application to Meniscus Tissue Simulation.
Nachiket Vasudevan: Subspace Recycling Using Krylov Subspace Methods.
Henry Jäger: Parameter Identication for Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Chuhe Lin: Computing the Stiffness Tensor of Composite Materials by Interpolation Procedures
Dominik Becker: Computational Methods for the Shape Optimization of the Stokes Flow
Mohammad A. Samad: Solving Reaction-Diffusion Equations by the Finite Element Method
Sarah Wernet: Numerical Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Isogeometric Analysis
Robabeh Izadshenas: Numerical Analysis of Free Surface Flow and the Application to Ship Design
Ramazan Caliskan: Learning for the Control of Mechanical Multibody Systems
Jeremias Nathanael Arf: Numerical Analysis for the Partial-Differential-Algebraic Equations of Poro-Elasticity
Rozan Irsyadulfawaz Rosandi: Isogeometric Shape Optimization in Linear Elasticity
Judith Nagel: Strukturerhaltende numerische Zeitintegration für Problemstellungen der Mechanik.
Filippo Palascino: Iterativ lernende Regelung für den Rennsportbereich
Kai Ollenschläger: Modelling and Analysis of Kinematic Constraints for Cosserat Rod Models and the Application to Cable Simulation