Die AG bietet verschiedene Vorlesungen mit Fokus auf die Numerische Mathematik an. Details zu Vorlesungen die im aktuellen und vorherigen Semestern angeboten werden bzw. wurden finden Sie unten auf der Seite.
Wenn Sie an einem Seminar oder Reading Course teilnehmen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail bei der jeweiligen Betreuerin bzw. dem jeweiligen Betreuer. Termine werden dann in Absprache mit den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern festgelegt.
Wenn Sie Interesse an einer Abschlussarbeit im Bereich Numerik und angwander Mathematik können Sie sich ans Sekretariat oder an den AG-Leiter Prof. Simeon direkt melden
Generell können Sie bei Fragen und Interesse gerne Mitglieder der AG Kontaktieren oder direkt im Felix-Klein-Zentrum für Mathematik vorbeischauen.
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/25
Unsere Arbeitsgruppe bietet im Wintersemester 2024/25 folgende Lehrveranstaltungen an:
- Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
- Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
- Differential-Algebraic Equations
Many problems in science, technology, and engineering can be modeled by a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). In general, these equations are too complex to be solved analytically. This course provides the necessary tools and methods to treat initial value problems (IVPs) numerically.
The following topics will be covered:
- explicit and implicit one-step methods (Runge-Kutta methods)
- error estimation and step size control
- multistep methods (Adams and BDF methods)
- consistency, stability, and convergence
- methods for stiff problems
Contact time
2 SWS Lecture
1 SWS Tutorial
- "Fundamentals of Mathematics"
- "Introduction to Numerical Methods"
- "Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations"
- None
This course is offered every winter term and takes place in the first half of the term.
Links & Contact
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernd Simeon
KIS entries:
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (Lecture)
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (Tutorial)
Course in OLAT:
RPTU Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations WS 2024/25
This course introduces the classical theory of partial differential equations (PDEs). In particular, the following topics will be covered:
- classification of PDEs and well-posed problems
- first-order quasi-linear PDEs and Cauchy problems
- second-order linear PDEs: Poisson's equation, heat equation, and wave equation
- separation of variables, fundamental solution, Green's function, maximum principle, and Fourier transform
Contact time
2 SWS Lecture
1 SWS Tutorial
- "Fundamentals of Mathematics"
- "Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations"
- None
This course is offered every winter term and takes place in the second half of the term.
Links & Contact
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernd Simeon
KIS entries:
Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction (Lecture)
Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction (Tutorial)
Course in OLAT:
RPTU Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction WS 2024/25
The theory and numerical analysis of differential-algebraic equations are discussed, in particular:
- fields of application (electrical circuits and multibody mechanical systems)
- relation to singularly perturbed problems
- solution theory and index concepts
- normal form for linear DAEs
- numerical aspects
Contact time
2 SWS Lecture
1 SWS Tutorial
- "Fundamentals of Mathematics"
- "Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations"
- None
This course is offered irregularly in winter term.
Links & Contact
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernd Simeon
KIS entries:
Differential-Algebraic Equations (Lecture)
Differential-Algebraic Equations (Tutorial)
Course in OLAT:
RPTU Differential-Algebraic Equations WS 2024/25