Organizers Prof. Dr. Ulrich Thiel, M.Sc. Fabian Mäurer
This is the regular meeting of the Working Group Thiel. The seminar takes place every two weeks on Thursdays at 14:00 in room 48-436 and presentations will be announced the Monday before. Guests – as listeners or speaker – are always welcome. Here we list only the meetings with formal presentations. For notifications please subscribe to the following mailing list:
Next Talk: 13. February: Cedric Brendel: Condensed Mathematics & the Liquid Tensor Experiment
Abstract: With their theory, Clausen and Scholze try to rework the foundations of
topology to unify algebra, geometry and analysis. I will give a short
introduction on why that might be, and why one might care. We will see that
much of their effort stands and falls with the claim that "certain spaces of
p-measures have no extensions by q-Banach spaces, for q>p". Formalizing this
proof was part of what Clausen and Scholze termed the "Liquid Tensor
Experiment" -- this formalization was recently completed in Lean, putting
the foundations of their work on *solid* ground.
- 27. February: Ulrich Thiel: Elliptische Integrale
- 30. January: Torben Bürger: Das Shephard-Todd-Chevalley-Serre Theorem
- 16. January: Tobias Metzlaff: Additive and Multiplicative Coinvariant Spaces of Weyl Groups (Based on
- 19. December: Tam Linke: Ocneanu Rigidity II
- 28. November Tam Linke: Ocneanu Rigidity
- 18. Juli: Chiara Fend: Persistent Homology for Stochastic Geometry and Spatial Statistics
- 16. Juli: Tobias Metzlaff: Painting the Euclidean space: spectral bounds for set avoiding graphs
- 04. Juli: Fabian Mäurer: On Fusion Categories, Their Centers and Module Categories
- 11. April: Cailan Li (Columbia University) The Two-Color Ext Soergel Calculus
- 29. February: Marion Boucrot (Université Grenoble Alpes): The relation between A-infinity morphisms and pre-Calabi-Yau morphisms
- 25. January: Jonathan Gruber (University of York): Centers and centralizers in (double) affine Hecke algebras
- 18. January: Sebastian Debus (TU Chemnitz): Specht Ideals
- 07. December: T. Metzlaff: Chromatic numbers of set avoiding graphs
- 09. November 2023: L. Rogel: Khovanov Homologie
- 07. September 2023: T. Metzlaff: Real Quadratic Fields
- 20. Juli 2023: U. Thiel: Split and non-split Representations
- 22. Juni 2023: Johannes Schmitt: Basiswissen: Gröbner, SAGBI, Khovanskii
- 25. May 2023: T. Metzlaff: Symmetry in Trigonometric Optimization
- 13. April 2023: T. Metzlaff: Polynomielle Optimierung
- 16. March 2023: U. Thiel: Hecke Algebras
- 16. February 2023: F. Mäurer: Von Planaren Algebren und dem Haagerup Subfactor
- 26. January 2023: T. Metzlaff: Diagonale Invariantentheorie
- 12. January 2023: T.Metzlaff: Multiplikative Invariantentheorie
- 08. December 2022: F. Mäurer: ZFC, ETCS und Typentheorie
- 24. November 2022: J. Schmitt: Kaplanskys Vermutungen sind NP-schwer
- 10.November 2022: E. Thorn: Comodules, Coalgebras and Reconstruction
- 13.October 2022: L. Rogel: Monoide und ihre Darstellungen
- 15. September 2022: F. Mäurer: Lean 4
- 7. July 2022: D. Mathiä: Kristallbasen und zelluläre Charaktere
- 23. June 2022: E. Thorn: Perfecting Group Schemes
- 9. June 2022: M. Hauck: Der Satz von Kronecker–Weber und explizite Klassenkörpertheorie
- 19. May 2022: F. Mäurer: Tensorkategorien in Julia II
- 12. May 2022: F. Mäurer: Tensorkategorien in Julia
- 28. April 2022: E. Thorn: Einführung in Ext-Gruppen
- 17. March 2022: J. Schmitt: Köchervarietäten
- 17. February 2022: M. Albert: Implementierung von Iwahori-Hecke Algebren in Julia
- 3. February 2022: M. Walch: Grothendiecks Homotopie-Hypothese
- 20. January 2022: M. Neumann-Brosig: Ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Frattini Untergruppe polyzyklischer Gruppen
- 2. December 2021: Q. L. Duc: The algebra of distributions on an affine group scheme
- 18. November 2021: L. Rogel: Die Temperley-Lieb-Kategorie und ihre Geheimnisse
- 4. November 2021: D. Mathiä: Nikolauskonferenz 2021 Probevortrag
- 21. October 2021: E. Thorn: Was ist eine zelluläre Algebra
- 7. October 2021: D. Mathiä: Erzeugende Funktionen
- 23. September 2021: F. Mäurer: Modulare Tensorkategorien
- 12. August 2021: J. Schmitt: Invariantentheorie
- 15. July 2021: L. Rogel: Der J-Ring und seine Kategorifizierung
- 1. July 2021: T. Schmit: Computations in Coxeter Groups
- 17. June 2021: M. Walch: Autoencoders, Time Series, and Visualizations
- 6. May 2021: U. Thiel: Zelluläre Algebren
- 22. April 2021: D. Mathiä: Mastermind
- 8. April 2021: U. Thiel: Schneℓℓkurs in ℓ-adischer Kohomologie
- 1. April 2021: Q. L. Duc: Introduction to Group Schemes
- 25. March 2021: J. Schmitt: Cox Ringe
- 11. March 2021: E. Thorn: Einführung in die Komplexitätstheorie
- 25. February 2021: D. Mathiä: Das plaktische Monoid
- 11. February 2021: C. Brendel und J. Scheinert: Implementierung einer Chess-Engine
- 17. December 2020: L. Rogel: Die Zentrumskategorie
- 26. November 2020: J. Schmitt: McKay-Korrespondenzen
- 12. November 2020: E. Thorn: Einführung in Soergel Bimoduln
- 29. October 2020: M. Walch: Mord und Totschlag
- 22. October 2020: D. Mathiä: Archetypen und das kollektive Unbewusste
- 29. September 2020: U. Thiel: Triangulierte Kategorien
- 8. September 2020: J. Schmitt: Quotientenvarietäten
- 24. August 2020: L. Rogel: Die Kategorie G-äquivarianter Garben auf einer endlichen Menge
- 11. August 2020: D. Mathiä: Schur-Weyl-Dualität
- 29. July 2020: M. Walch: (Deep) Persistent Homology
- 7. July 2020: L. Rogel: Was ist eine Fusionskategorie
- 23. June 2020: J. Schmitt: Die Divisorenklassengruppe
- 9. June 2020: D. Mathiä: Einführung in Matroide