Media feedback on "small data" learning tools
- HPC Wire (02-2020): New Algorithm Allows PCs to Challenge HPC in Weather Forecasting
- IDW-Online (02-2020): Wettervorhersage am PC: Neuer Algorithmus stellt Leistung von Großrechenanlagen in den Schatten
- EurekAlert! (02-2020): Computer-based weather forecast: New algorithm outperforms mainframe computer systems
- Technology Networks (02-2020): Weather Algorithm Could Let Forecasters Swap Supercomputer for Laptop
- innovations report (02-2020): Wettervorhersage am PC: Neuer Algorithmus stellt Leistung von Großrechenanlagen in den Schatten
- medicalXpress (02-2022): Mathematics helps AI in biomedicine
- Kudos (02-2022): Mathematics helps AI to learn in a presence of data outliers